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Post by deepfsh » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:25 am

daniel wrote:I do not know, as I was in the computer area, not Swerdlow's mind control group.
Do you know what this "mind control" group was doing? Was it related to your job - time travel (equipment)? BTW, yesterday, I watched the first episode of The Time Tunnel. I forgot what the "tunnel" looked like in Montauk - did it look more like the portal in the Stargate series or the one in Time Tunnel? The part when they saw the picture of the Titanic inside the "tunnel" reminded me on the tapes which you saw at Montauk. How did they make those tapes? What did they film? Did a picture project inside the "tunnel/portal" and they filmed it with a camera standing in front of it?
daniel wrote:The Annunaki had these things called "ME," translated as "Tablets of Destiny," that they were always trying to steal from one another, because physical possession of the ME gave them special powers.
You mentioned it before on CH, while LoneBear on AQ, if I'm not wrong. I find it very interesting.
daniel wrote:when I person received immortality from the gods, it was usually via food and drink, and it CHANGED the person into a god.
Do you think that gold (gold particles) could be one of the things added to the food/drink - apart from maybe special herbs etc.? Also for the purpose of gaining immortality, for example.
daniel wrote:If the Annunaki were able to alter DNA from some kind of retrovirus in food/drink, then they could literally take on any appearance they wished...
Could this be the shape-shifting phenomenon from the movies, cartoons etc., and even related to D. Icke's material with regard to some elitists as shape-shifting Reptilians? When a commenter wrote about this on David's web page, the moderator answered him that the elite cannot shape-shift, but that if you're psychic, you can "see" the Reptilian form which is present in certain members of the elite
daniel wrote:From what I could tell, they were running projects at Montauk... they were very intelligent.
I suppose so, but how could a "velociraptor" communicate with humans? You think they use telepathy - maybe they communicated through some of the psychics who were there (maybe that was a part of their job). But if I remember correctly, you said once that only the LMs developed telepathy. And also, how could they handle objects with those "tiny" hands, what did they eat when they were at Montauk, and how did they get there in the first place?!
BTW, I remember Bill Schnoebelen saying in an interview that he heard that the cleaning stuff or the janitors working at the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City saw reptilian-type creatures running in the basement. He then added that he wouldn't be surprised if unordinary beings would show up in such ("worshipful") places.
daniel wrote:If you ever get to interact with a troop of LMs, you will probably be more interested in things they find important, like the ultimate answer to life, the Universe and everything...
I thought so, I understand you. How could you describe an everyday life of an LM that you encountered? What kind of dwellings they have, what do they wear, do they often go on the surface? Did you talk to them outside, in the woods, or did they invite you to visit their home underground? You communicated telepathically, right? You said one of them didn't accept you well, if I'm right, and you thought you wouldn't come back alive - I hope he understands that not all humans have a warrior-type mentality. How many different species of LMs were there? Did you exchange any gifts, anything? Did you ask them anything on how to improve one's health - some special herbs etc.? I think you already said something about this, but how do they perceive the dream time - they do sleep, don't they? If I want to see a picture or a description of an LM, can I get it on the internet, in an encyclopedia (of fairies etc., which you mentioned in a post long ago)?
daniel wrote:Though I do find it interesting that Hollywood likes to portray the reptilians as the bad guys, with government always coming to the rescue. It is like they know that the SMs will eventually betray them and go straight to the people
What did you imply here - that they would finish us straight away, or that they would try to gain our trust by accusing our elite of being the bad guys instead, so we could then go after them and not their masters?
daniel wrote:Probably just have to "wait and see,"
I agree.
daniel wrote:I'm not understanding the "comety" reference.
The "comedy - comet(y) show" that is being run in the media lately about the sudden danger of big comets falling down on Earth (the Russian event a few months ago, ISON etc.). It's interesting that this comet thing is happening right now, during the Obama administration (played by Morgan Freeman in the movie), and that in the movie, "to ensure the continuation of our way of life, we've been preparing a network of events' caves, and we can put a million people underground for two years. [...] A computer will randomly select 800k Americans to join 200k scientists, teachers, soldiers and artists who have already been chosen. In addition, the USA and Russia have been building the largest spaceship ever constructed to stop the comets". Here it were the Russians, while in the movie 2012, the Chinese built the arks. What a (war) theater, ah? If I remember it correctly, von Braun supposedly said before he died that in order to justify the weaponization of space, after the terrorists there would be the comets/meteors, and after them there would be the aliens. I think this fits nicely with your second to last paper and your post about the 'return of the Gods'.
"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket

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Post by deepfsh » Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:41 am

Aaron wrote:Nearly EVERYTHING we see and interact with today (especially media) is "social engineering" based in the context of "Spatial Rivalry".
Yes, I think we can't deny this anymore. I'm just curious who decides to put the "Illuminati"/esoteric symbols in them - the producers? And what about the script writers? I think they should be aware of what they are writing about. I doubt they perceive their topics as something purely fictitious.
J. Maxwell explained the druidic (magic) origins of Hollywood very well. It's hard to accept the deception/intentional programming/social engineering that is going on. And it's also interesting to note that the guy who invented the TV or sth. similar to that was dealing with spiritism (communication with the dead or people from other worlds), if I'm correct, that's why we supposedly use the terms 'media' and 'channel' (mediumship/channeling). "Fascinating stuff," Maxwell would say.
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Post by soldierhugsmember » Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:09 pm

Perhaps I'm meandering off the topic here but you might be interested in this snippet from Clif High's latest report which came out today.

He's predicting that the bad guys will be losing so much control over us that they will be putting out some very powerful mind control program over the airwaves (TV advertising?). This causes seizures that last for days and even weeks. Some people (mainly children) will suffer permanent damage. People get suspicious and this will lead to rampaging mobs who rip down GWEN and cell phone towers across the USA and the EU. He sees a lot of work for people with ropes and big ass trucks.

The latest report is a real doozy. $27.50 at

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Post by Lozion » Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:30 pm

soldierhugsmember wrote:Perhaps I'm meandering off the topic here but you might be interested in this snippet from Clif High's latest report which came out today.

He's predicting that the bad guys will be losing so much control over us that they will be putting out some very powerful mind control program over the airwaves (TV advertising?). This causes seizures that last for days and even weeks. Some people (mainly children) will suffer permanent damage. People get suspicious and this will lead to rampaging mobs who rip down GWEN and cell phone towers across the USA and the EU. He sees a lot of work for people with ropes and big ass trucks.

The latest report is a real doozy. $27.50 at

I for one am not spending money for fear porn...
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Post by daniel » Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:49 pm

deepfsh wrote:Do you know what this "mind control" group was doing?
Not directly, only rumors about abducting homeless people from New York and Boston to experiment on, since nobody would miss them. What I heard was that were looking for easy ways to manipulate the subconscious in people, through drugs and electronics. (Not that people are addicted to those things, these days!)
deepfsh wrote:Was it related to your job - time travel (equipment)?
Not that I know of.
deepfsh wrote:BTW, yesterday, I watched the first episode of The Time Tunnel. I forgot what the "tunnel" looked like in Montauk - did it look more like the portal in the Stargate series or the one in Time Tunnel?
The vortex just formed in the chair room where the psychic was (usually); there was no actual equipment to focus it. It was referred to as a "tunnel" by the workers, since it looked like this wiggly tunnel when active.

Unless you're referring to the "jumpgate" research, which was another project. Hey, want to know what the Earth's MAC address is? 07-05-03-54-46-18-025E
deepfsh wrote:The part when they saw the picture of the Titanic inside the "tunnel" reminded me on the tapes which you saw at Montauk. How did they make those tapes? What did they film? Did a picture project inside the "tunnel/portal" and they filmed it with a camera standing in front of it?
The audio-visual data was a direct feed from the chair room. It was an interesting problem to program, because the data rates would far exceed the computers of the day. What we ended up doing is using hardware digitizers to convert to a 16-bit digital frame (yeah, poor with today's computers, but hot stuff back then) then octree-encode the video data, run it through a perspective transformation matrix and reduce it to quadtree that could be displayed on a raster monitor, which was then videotaped on 1" reel-to-reel. I assume that the imagery came from the end of the vortex, like a camera.
deepfsh wrote:Do you think that gold (gold particles) could be one of the things added to the food/drink - apart from maybe special herbs etc.? Also for the purpose of gaining immortality, for example.
Don't know about that. But the "gods" were expert herbologists and I doubt that humans were the only life they modified to better suit their needs. Maybe they ARE still here--just the Board of Directors at Monsanto!
deepfsh wrote:Could this be the shape-shifting phenomenon from the movies, cartoons etc., and even related to D. Icke's material with regard to some elitists as shape-shifting Reptilians? When a commenter wrote about this on David's web page, the moderator answered him that the elite cannot shape-shift, but that if you're psychic, you can "see" the Reptilian form which is present in certain members of the elite
I know they have many forms of camouflage, which I documented in my ETs&EDs paper. I would think that genetic changes tend to be "sticky," so its not like you need a booster shot to keep your human form (as in Species 8472). But I do know that if you can get one of them "pissed off," that camo does slip and the reptilian characteristics become visible to "normal" people.
deepfsh wrote:I suppose so, but how could a "velociraptor" communicate with humans? You think they use telepathy - maybe they communicated through some of the psychics who were there (maybe that was a part of their job).
I only saw a "dinosaur"... what I recall was tall, 7-8 feet in height, thick tail, bipedal, and had regular arms with hands--not the little hands you see on the movies. Had that reptile face structure, not human. Didn't get a chance to chat, so I don't know how they communicate. Mythologically, the Annunaki had to use teraphim to communicate (their version of walkie-talkies), which they would not need if they were telepathic.
deepfsh wrote:what did they eat when they were at Montauk, and how did they get there in the first place?!
Never saw them in the mess; so I don't know what (or who) they ate.
deepfsh wrote:BTW, I remember Bill Schnoebelen saying in an interview that he heard that the cleaning staff or the janitors working at the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City saw reptilian-type creatures running in the basement. He then added that he wouldn't be surprised if unordinary beings would show up in such ("worshipful") places.
I wouldn't be surprised, either, particularly at the Temple in SLC. Going to be there next week, so maybe I'll take a look around.
deepfsh wrote:How could you describe an everyday life of an LM that you encountered? What kind of dwellings they have, what do they wear, do they often go on the surface?
I wasn't given a tour... their general population does not like humans, so it was just a one-on-one. They look just like the little people that our faery tales describe. Different sizes; the Nokk are about a meter tall, whereas the Nimerigar are about half that size. I understand Elves are the tallest of the LMs, about 4 feet tall and can usually pass as a child in our civilization. I suspect that all the tales about the LMs are accurate--read your legends, or better yet, take a hike and meet up with them, and find out for yourself!
deepfsh wrote:Did you talk to them outside, in the woods, or did they invite you to visit their home underground?
I met them in the woods, and we went into their cave system to talk.
deepfsh wrote:You communicated telepathically, right?
The Nimerigar aren't very good with xenotelepathy, but being basically humanoid, do talk with an odd dialect that sounds a bit like Gaelic.
deepfsh wrote:You said one of them didn't accept you well, if I'm right, and you thought you wouldn't come back alive - I hope he understands that not all humans have a warrior-type mentality.
There are a lot of "bad vibes" between LMs and humans, and you cannot help but feel that.
deepfsh wrote:How many different species of LMs were there?
I don't know... perhaps pick up a book on faeries and count? From what I'm aware of, they tend to be elemental, which is 4 basic species and a good number of subspecies.
deepfsh wrote:Did you exchange any gifts, anything?
No. I know how incompatible our "stuff" is, with their vibratory tech--and vice versa.
deepfsh wrote:Did you ask them anything on how to improve one's health - some special herbs etc.?
No, though they do appear to have a lot of knowledge about plants.
deepfsh wrote:I think you already said something about this, but how do they perceive the dream time - they do sleep, don't they?
Well, they didn't fall asleep while we were talking, so I guess I wasn't very boring.

Actually, I'd like to find out how they dream, in light of LoneBear's dream research. Got to wonder if a telepathic species shares the dreamscape?
deepfsh wrote:If I want to see a picture or a description of an LM, can I get it on the internet, in an encyclopedia (of fairies etc., which you mentioned in a post long ago)?
Sure can. But don't look to all this "modernization" of LMs; go back to 19th century literature, or earlier, and look at the drawings.

I do have a picture of a stone carving of a Nokk:
Nokk.jpg (39.56KiB)Viewed 21475 times
deepfsh wrote:What did you imply here - that they would finish us straight away, or that they would try to gain our trust by accusing our elite of being the bad guys instead, so we could then go after them and not their masters?
IF Enki does return instead of Enlil, IF Enki still likes humans and wants to see us evolve, IF... then the arrival of these SMs may actually be beneficial to humanity--if we were to work with them, which, of course, we won't do because of all the pre-programmed response to amphibious aliens.
deepfsh wrote:If I remember it correctly, von Braun supposedly said before he died that in order to justify the weaponization of space, after the terrorists there would be the comets/meteors, and after them there would be the aliens. I think this fits nicely with your second to last paper and your post about the 'return of the Gods'.
OK, I've seen those films and yeah, they are going a bit fanatical over comets hitting the Earth these days. Maybe it's race memory of the Great Bombardment...!
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
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Post by Djchrismac » Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:58 pm

daniel wrote:Hey, want to know what the Earth's MAC address is? 07-05-03-54-46-18-025E
Cool, i'm going to memorize this, you never know when it could come in handy!! ;)
daniel wrote:Don't know about that. But the "gods" were expert herbologists and I doubt that humans were the only life they modified to better suit their needs. Maybe they ARE still here--just the Board of Directors at Monsanto!
The scary thing is that's probably right on the money...
daniel wrote:
deepfsh wrote:How could you describe an everyday life of an LM that you encountered? What kind of dwellings they have, what do they wear, do they often go on the surface?
I wasn't given a tour... their general population does not like humans, so it was just a one-on-one. They look just like the little people that our faery tales describe. Different sizes; the Nokk are about a meter tall, whereas the Nimerigar are about half that size. I understand Elves are the tallest of the LMs, about 4 feet tall and can usually pass as a child in our civilization. I suspect that all the tales about the LMs are accurate--read your legends, or better yet, take a hike and meet up with them, and find out for yourself!
Ilkka and myself have been planning such a trip independantly, unfortunately for me the Geoengineered winter has begun early so it's not quite the season to go investigating LM's in the Fairy Glen!!
daniel wrote:I met them in the woods, and we went into their cave system to talk.
There are some very good stories online about LM encounters in caves (search for little people, seems to bring out more results), here's one about the Nimerigar -

The blog is another good source of stories by people worldwide.
daniel wrote:The Nimerigar aren't very good with xenotelepathy, but being basically humanoid, do talk with an odd dialect that sounds a bit like Gaelic.
I have a few friends from the Western Isles that speak Gaelic, could this hint at a time in history when LM's and the Celts (or earlier humans) were in contact and the Gaelic language has some origins with them? Another angle for me to investigate... and learn some basics other than 'slainte'!
daniel wrote:There are a lot of "bad vibes" between LMs and humans, and you cannot help but feel that.
Well i'm all for helping to repair these bad vibes, we need as much the help as we can get on this rock at the moment... although I am aware that by offering my assistance they could well have me jumping through hoops for them!
daniel wrote:I don't know... perhaps pick up a book on faeries and count? From what I'm aware of, they tend to be elemental, which is 4 basic species and a good number of subspecies.
daniel wrote:Sure can. But don't look to all this "modernization" of LMs; go back to 19th century literature, or earlier, and look at the drawings.
I've downloaded a lot of Fairy & Folklore books recently Deepfsh so if you want me to send any on just drop me a PM. I could use some help reading them all!
daniel wrote:IF Enki does return instead of Enlil, IF Enki still likes humans and wants to see us evolve, IF... then the arrival of these SMs may actually be beneficial to humanity--if we were to work with them, which, of course, we won't do because of all the pre-programmed response to amphibious aliens.
That is a big IF... as long as we don't get caught in the middle of another great bombardment, whatever happens!
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
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Post by Djchrismac » Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:58 pm

Oh yeah I meant to say that the posts on LM's here and on Antiquatis are also worth checking out. Happy discovering!! :D
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Post by JohnConner » Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:02 pm

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Post by Lars-star. » Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:44 pm

Reading this thread reminds me of how much is commonly shared across different cultures and geographics.

The Nokk is called "Nøkken" here in Denmark and Nøkk or Grimm in other Scandinavian countries.

Communicating with these creatures, for anyone who wants to experiment, is not that complicated (this is my version..many others choose for yourself.. no right or wrong..only experience)

-Go to the woods and find a clearing surrounded by tall human activity in sight.
-Light a camp fire (fire is a generator of Ether, a very important conductor for communication..of all kinds ..notice how places of worship, meditation and the occult use flames in some form?)
-wait till the moment when the day and night unite in dusk.
-Ask a question, this should reflect your ultimate search in this beating around the bush.. (no pun intended)
-Let the fire die out.
-Remain in darkness...completely open to whatever comes..disengage your analytical intuitive....just sit there..all senses alert
-Remain in darkness...fight your fear or give in to it..just remain..

an answer will come...maybe not like anything you expected, nature itself will reveal it's deepest truths to open!!

walk in darkness towards your home or car or whatever....on your journey there, things might reveal themselves..directly or indirectly...again..let your intuition guide you.

-Mind your steps..nature is helpful, but also merciless upon mistakes :)

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Post by PHIon » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:31 am

Since TV can be such a manipulative tool, I am very selective what I watch. Lately I have been watching the backgrounds of scenes rather than the parts we are herded to focus on. I have seen chemtrails in shampoo ads and, of course, the colors used in commercials tell all. I want to spend more time researching this subject.

For example, a male dysfunction ad is not using red and orange backgrounds by accident. Since red and orange are lower frequencies, we are directed to focus solely on the material sector. You can think along chakra lines as well -- red for survival and orange for reproduction. The character wearing red in a movie is the one most likely to experience physical danger or gets to be toast. Woe to the actor wearing red shirt who is on the crew of NCC-1701.

Regarding ISON, in the latest Toyota commercials, we see something about how the sale "IS ON" in not only capital letters but also in a different shade than the rest of the text. Sounds like we are subconsciously being encouraged to be talking about ISON. Why? Another distraction? I say yes. Anything to keep us from examining the effects hierarchical order has on us.

Recently I found this quote by Buckminster Fuller that perked me up:

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete"
"just down the road a little way, turn left, cross the drawbridge, and you will be my guest tonight."
-- directions to the grail castle

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