Objects Disappearing

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Re: Objects Disappearing

Post by animus » Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:12 am

daniel wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2013 9:17 pm
Two situations cause things to disappear like that. First is your own unconscious using your psi abilities to teleport or transtate (make invisible) the objects because it wants to get your attention. If this is the case, you will have to find the symbolic meaning behind the missing objects and do some introspection in a meditation, to find out what it is that your unconscious half (the anima) is trying to tell you. Then, those missing objects may just go "clunk" on the floor in front of you.
In the last three years, I have often experienced this inaudible "clunk" with objects that appear completely out of nowhere right next to you, leaving you wondering if they have been there this whole time or if they were actually teleported just a second ago. As if your mind either doesn't pay attention to the object or filters it out of existence when you go to the exact location, but then, the second you have a specific thought, "clunk" there it is. For example, during one of my natural scavenger hunt games, while I was standing next to a street and was musing about stopping to play because it got too frightening*, then suddenly "clunk," a tennis ball appeared on the ground right next to my feet.
* In this particular scavenger hunt I mused three times about not playing, and with each time these decisions of not willing to engage in the game any further came with some consequences in the real world, the latter consequences being more severe than the former. I forgot the first, but upon my second thought of quitting the game, I saw a guy who seemed to be in pain because he just experienced an accident. (Mirroring the accident in my psyche when two complexes crash on each other while fighting out who is the strongest.) The guy sat on the curb leaning against a wall and had a bicycle helmet on. I also saw some blood on his arm. My thoughts: "Damn... Was that because of me? If I continue to play, more bad stuff happens?" I played along for a little bit despite really not being in the mood. And about an hour or so later, I wanted to quit again and I was already intentionally walking home. This was the third time. While continuing to go home, minutes later, there were two cars in the middle of the street who just had a slight crash. No one was hurt. The police hadn't even arrived yet. But I was standing there, baffled. Was that MY unconscious doing because of my own chaotic psyche or is some entity playing tricks with me here, giving me real-life warning signs, so as to threaten me into playing? That's when I suddenly saw a tennis ball lying next to my feet, completely misplaced in this scenery. Almost as if "somebody" was symbolically telling me to "PLAY!!" There was no dog around and it didn't come from the crashed cars either. (The cyclist and car drivers' mind must have been somehow manipulated/distracted at a crucial moment in order to create these perfectly-timed and almost movie-like scenes right at the moment, when I was walking by. Makes you feel like being in the Truman show.)

Anyway, the above scenario deals with an object that I had never lost in the first place. But I think I may now also have a personal example of an object that I did actually lose. It vanished two or three weeks ago. I'm not sure yet if this is a real example since the object has not yet returned, which is to say, I haven't found it yet... Some background information: I once made this black curtain for the lower part of my shelves in order to conceal to any visitor's prying eyes what's hidden behind it. Just so you know, there is nothing embarrassing hidden behind it, as it is merely flour, sugar, spices and other long-living grocery stuff. The reason for putting up the black curtain in the first place was that it gives the eye a more overall neat look of the room and puts more emphasis on the shelves above where I usually keep my fruits and vegetables.
pin missing.jpg
pin missing.jpg (39.52KiB)Viewed 169632 times
Now what's missing is a pin that got loose. It fell out of its hole and simply vanished into who-knows-where. I still keep the curtain up but now I have to hold one end of it while sliding, otherwise it falls down entirely. (That metal line that you see on the black curtain is not the pin but just a staple. When I made the curtain, I thought that stapling it would make the subsequent sewing easier. But I never ended up sewing it and just left the staples in.) Anyway, I have looked everywhere in the immediate area and there is simply no pin to be found. That same night, I dreamed about the pin lying on my apartment's floor. I picked it up, only to roll it across the room to a different spot on the ground. After remembering my dream, I looked at these spots but nothing there. It's still gone.

The message here with the black curtain is probably, "Don't conceal yourself." But even knowing that, my pin still hasn't returned. :) Or am I perhaps missing a pin code of some kind? At least not that I know.

I wasn't sure if I should post this or not, but today I stumbled upon the following which prompted me into writing it up:

Psychokinesis is the ability to influence a physical process using your mind. In general this is not movie style “telekinesis” though from time to time the effects will overlap. For instance it is often possible to cause large complex structures to suddenly stop functioning with very little work, or even catch fire. This isn’t a flaming fire ball in the air, but the effect can be dramatic. (And costly, do be careful around your computer while working with these techniques!)

What can you do with psychokinesis? Pretty much everything!

You can influence and control the weather, bend metal and glass objects, create healing in yourself or others, cause objects to move, cause objects to burn or catch on fire, teleport objects from point a to point b and so much, much more. All of these kinds of actions require the same basic steps to preform well and they all require practice if you want to become good at them. The better you become at each step of the process the stronger your results will be. This simply a part of successful living, you have to put energy into any thing you want to be good at, regardless of natural talent.

There are also a few rules that, if you use them in your practices, will increase the effectiveness of your efforts by several times. (Or more!)

The Basics:
Rules: (For best effect follow these rules, but try other things too! What works for you and what you discover may be great and helpful to many others later, so don’t let these “rules” stifle you!) It is easier to influence highly energetic processes than it is to influence low energy ones. It is easier to influence the weather, which moves, has random energy fluctuations and changes readily, than to alter a rock, which has a low level of energy movement mainly on the quantum level. You must be in resonance with the object you are influencing. If you lack good, specific resonance, you will tend to influence everything in a given area (which will vary in distance from you based on what you are doing and how strong a field you are generating.) that is similar to the object you are trying to influence or that is connected to you OR the object in some way. Focus and be sensitive to feedback from the specific object to increase targeting fidelity. The deeper the mental state, the stronger the effect and the faster the field of information changes in and around the object of focus. At very, very deep levels it becomes harder to maintain focus in a way our conscious minds can relate too, but the power levels increase enough to make it worth doing anyway. This can create an odd situation, where you consciously are not aware of what you are doing, but still get very high level effects. It can be disconcerting at first, but is worth learning how to do.

[Full text to be found here.]

Joined:Sun Dec 23, 2012 3:16 pm

Re: Objects Disappearing

Post by Ilkka » Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:24 pm

animus wrote:
Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:12 am
In the last three years, I have often experienced this inaudible "clunk" with objects that appear completely out of nowhere right next to you, leaving you wondering if they have been there this whole time or if they were actually teleported just a second ago. As if your mind either doesn't pay attention to the object or filters it out of existence when you go to the exact location, but then, the second you have a specific thought, "clunk" there it is. For example, during one of my natural scavenger hunt games, while I was standing next to a street and was musing about stopping to play because it got too frightening*, then suddenly "clunk," a tennis ball appeared on the ground right next to my feet.
Sounds like your subconscious/consciousness/spirit (or intuition maybe, but since spirit is the highest one thats the one IMO) succesfully warned you of incoming danger which you averted, maybe that was just to remind you of the things that you gotta keep up doing (or try new things and keep doin those things more, who knows maybe those skills will lead you to similar mind set having people that you need or have been thinking about to socialise with, consider the odds of that), that is a good thing since our memory is quite bad and need to be reminded of things quite frequently.
animus wrote:
Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:12 am
Now what's missing is a pin that got loose. It fell out of its hole and simply vanished into who-knows-where. I still keep the curtain up but now I have to hold one end of it while sliding, otherwise it falls down entirely. (That metal line that you see on the black curtain is not the pin but just a staple. When I made the curtain, I thought that stapling it would make the subsequent sewing easier. But I never ended up sewing it and just left the staples in.) Anyway, I have looked everywhere in the immediate area and there is simply no pin to be found. That same night, I dreamed about the pin lying on my apartment's floor. I picked it up, only to roll it across the room to a different spot on the ground. After remembering my dream, I looked at these spots but nothing there. It's still gone.

The message here with the black curtain is probably, "Don't conceal yourself." But even knowing that, my pin still hasn't returned. :) Or am I perhaps missing a pin code of some kind? At least not that I know.
Have you checked your vacuum cleaner? :D
Maybe it was sent back in time since few years ago I mysteriously stepped on a pin that was inside this rug I have in my kitchen, didnt get my skin pierced luckly though.
Jokes aside, but there are between floor and wall these skirting boards or baseboards perhaps it has gone under such piece or if you have floorboards, any kind of "nook and cranny" or crack perhaps under that cabinet you have there.
I bought this fishing magnet last year and found all sorts of stuff from the places I knew had some metal, although the darn thing is so small in diameter that cant make any good sweeps with it on ground, but in water which it is meant to be used I havent yet gotten into, maybe this year if I have the time and interest.
So magnet sweeps on your rugs might be worth to try out if you got one big enough magnet. I gather if you got that magnet that mounts on wall where you place all your kitchen knives that long magnet would be ideal for fishing pins from floors ;)

Joined:Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:00 pm

Re: Objects Disappearing

Post by animus » Sun Mar 06, 2022 7:49 am

Ilkka wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:24 pm
Sounds like your subconscious/consciousness/spirit (or intuition maybe, but since spirit is the highest one thats the one IMO) succesfully warned you of incoming danger which you averted
As far as I can make sense of it, the danger was not incoming but rather inherent in the game play itself.
daniel's advice may apply here: "The only way to win, is to not play the game."
Ilkka wrote:
Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:24 pm
Have you checked your vacuum cleaner? :D
No need to check since I haven't use one. I checked the whole floor and also checked all the shelves and any adjacent gaps. As I said, the pin is just gone. What I forgot to say in my last post was that I didn't really care much for the pin when I lost it. I looked for no more than one minute and thought "Well, it's going to turn up at some point." And despite not really caring about the matter, I dreamed about it in the following night. Only then I started to look everywhere.

When experiencing something "new" it often starts out small. Small enough to cast doubt on the matter. This way, you have the choice of ignoring it (classic cognitive dissonance) or inquiring the matter further with the thought of "WHAT IF... there is more to it?" For example, my first experience with telekinesis was spinning a small psi-wheel without using my hands, not lifting a 1-ton spaceship à la Yoda. But that small-scaled experience, which I had a couple of days after reading the daniel papers, was enough for me to take the stuff about psi skills more serious. Two weeks prior to it I would have probably laughed at the mere thought of it. But a lot can happen to your mind in two weeks.

With everything that I have experienced so far, teleportation of objects would merely be the next item on the list... I am open-minded enough to accept the possibility of it. The question would then be, "Was it my own doing or someone else's?" akin to a demon-contracted magician scenario.

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Re: Objects Disappearing

Post by Djchrismac » Thu Mar 17, 2022 6:54 pm

Poor wee Brownie, it's just having some fun with you. :D
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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