Exo-space: The Ancient Prison

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Exo-space: The Ancient Prison

Post by daniel » Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:11 pm

From my post on Facebook:
Medieval Painting
TheAncientPrison.jpg (78.35KiB)Viewed 52847 times
There exists another "spectrum" that is the negative of the conventional, Newtonian spectrum (RGB). A great deal of effort was put in my the Royal Societies of Britain to keep this spectrum hidden from science and the public and known only to the practitioners of dark magick. This "occulted spectrum" is based on BLACK PHOTONS--not shadows, but a form of light that is actually BLACK. (Ever wonder why all those evil sorcerer's mirrors are made of black obsidian, rather than white silver??)

While researching this occulted spectrum, which runs from infra-yellow to ultra-cyan, a hidden domain was revealed--the realm of Exo-space (E-space, from Dr. Who) that coexists with our conventional space but remains completely invisible to normal observation. Exo-space is not a "linear" space as our conventional understanding is, but is based on angular velocity (turns and shifts)--in essence, it FOLDS BACK upon itself, making a type of "pocket universe."

When the ANNUNA lost the war against the L-Ms,some 800 years ago, a power void was left between mankind and the ancient gods, being filled by the Archons (Greek daemons). A decision was made that these creatures should not be allowed to run free with man, as they had been doing for centuries before, so this dark realm of exo-space had a new use: a natural prison for these demons... called the "darksome atmosphere" in ancient, magical texts.

St Thomas of Aquinas documents what happened, way back in the 13th century: "The darksome atmosphere is as a prison to the demons until the judgment day. They carry fire of hell with them wherever they go. The devils besought the Lord not to cast them into the abyss; for they asked for this, deeming it to be a punishment for them to be cast out of a place where they could injure men. Hence it is stated, They besought Him that He would not expel them out of the country."

They have been reaching out from the darksome atmosphere for 500 years now, cutting deals with sorcerers to access and influence our realm. They want OUT... and they found a way, by manipulating one important sorcerer in the past, John Dee. A deal was cut--the Royalty of the world would be given the secrets of the gods, if they, in turn, directed human society to find a way to release them from their exo-space prison. It would take mankind centuries to develop... but now it is here. We call it, "5G" and the "Internet of things." This isn't going to unite the world, it's going to open that cell door and let loose the dogs of war.

This is the tip of the iceberg I found, that is now costing me my life.
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Re: Exo-space: The Ancient Prison

Post by DSKlausler » Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:21 am

Fantastic info... thanks.
Anything is possible with the proper training.

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Re: Exo-space: The Ancient Prison

Post by Djchrismac » Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:35 pm

daniel wrote:
Sat Apr 06, 2019 8:11 pm
St Thomas of Aquinas documents what happened, way back in the 13th century: "The darksome atmosphere is as a prison to the demons until the judgment day. They carry fire of hell with them wherever they go. The devils besought the Lord not to cast them into the abyss; for they asked for this, deeming it to be a punishment for them to be cast out of a place where they could injure men. Hence it is stated, They besought Him that He would not expel them out of the country."

They have been reaching out from the darksome atmosphere for 500 years now, cutting deals with sorcerers to access and influence our realm. They want OUT... and they found a way, by manipulating one important sorcerer in the past, John Dee. A deal was cut--the Royalty of the world would be given the secrets of the gods, if they, in turn, directed human society to find a way to release them from their exo-space prison. It would take mankind centuries to develop... but now it is here. We call it, "5G" and the "Internet of things." This isn't going to unite the world, it's going to open that cell door and let loose the dogs of war.
5G Availability Around the World
Most countries will have access to 5G networks by 2020

5G is the newest wireless networking technology that phones, smartwatches, cars, and other mobile devices will use in the coming years, but it won't be available in every country at the same time.

Some estimates, like this one from Ericsson, forecast that by 2024, 5G subscriptions will reach 1.5 billion, and that coverage will blanket over 40 percent of the world's population.

Why Catholic Exorcists Are Seeing an Uptick In Requests

Catholic exorcists and experts have said that there has been a revival in requests for the practice in recent years, gaining a nod even from Pope Francis earlier this week when he thanked priests who perform the ritual.

The Pope sent a message to members of the International Association of Exorcists, a Catholic organization that held a conference in Rome October 25 and 26, thanking them for showing "love to those possessed," IAC spokesman Valter Cascioli told Vatican Radio after the conference, according to the Religion News Service. Cascioli told the radio station that there had been a "steady increase" in requests for exorcism.
https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/7xj ... n-requests

Irish priest says demonic activity and requests for exorcisms “has risen exponentially”

Catholic priest calls on Ireland’s bishops to train more exorcists and address “the malicious activity of the evil one.”

An Irish Catholic priest and exorcist has requested support from Ireland’s bishops as the number of exorcism requests has skyrocketed as he’s noticed an increase in demonic activity around the country.

In an open letter Father Pat Collins urged Ireland’s bishops to train more priests to deal with the demand for exorcisms. In an interview with The Irish Catholic he said “(I)t’s only in recent years that the demand has risen exponentially.”

The priest said he is “baffled” that Ireland’s bishops have not trained more exorcists. He added that anyone who doesn’t see the need for more exorcists is “out of touch with reality”.
https://www.irishcentral.com/news/irish ... onentially

I was also going to post this:

International Catholic Association Of Exorcists - ICAOE

I had viewed the website before starting this post but now it is offline, strange. We'll see if it returns at some point...

David Biery is one of the main Priests in the ICAOE:

Exorcists Needed: Filling the Gap
Exorcists Needed: Filling the Gap

According to the Catholic Church, nearly 500,000 cases of demonic possession are reported every year in Italy. It is easy to extrapolate that there are more people in need. There is a growing need for professionally trained exorcists, denominational and non-denominational included.

A few years ago, the Catholic Church’s Exorcist Benigno Palilla spoke on the Vatican Radio discussing the Church’s push to train more exorcists. These ordained male priests would train for a minimum of one week. Palilla warned of self-taught exorcists. Therefore, the Church authorized the formation of The International Association of Exorcists (IAE) in 2014. The organization has over 200 members working on 6 continents. Unfortunately, the Catholic Church only assists Catholics.

The International Catholic Association of Exorcists (ICAOE) supports ordained Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox people who are firm in their beliefs and want to combat Satan. The organization formed in 2010. It, too, has over 200 members practicing on 6 continents. Founded by The Most Reverend David Biery, Th.D., the organization has helped over 38,000 people. They live by the motto: “all Catholics are NOT Roman, but all Romans are Catholics.”

Other non-Catholic denominations perform exorcisms. However, this is troublesome, as some feel that anyone can conduct an exorcism without any training. The two aforementioned organizations stress training. The Catholic Church is the One True Church of Jesus Christ. The Rite of Exorcism is uniquely Catholic. Other religions may perform exorcisms; however, they are not conducting the exorcism in the name of Jesus. Be cautious of any non-Catholic religion/church claiming to perform exorcisms in the name of Jesus but discount the role of the Catholic Church. They do not speak in the name of Jesus. They may cause more harm than good.

Exorcists do not need to be ordained in a religion. Satan works his evil on non-Catholics. Quite a few religions have their form of exorcisms. In fact, an exorcist may not be attached to any church. R.H. Stavis is a female non-denominational exorcist. Read the review of her book at https://thehauntedlibrarian.com/2018/02 ... -exorcist/. Stavis is an example of a Spiritual person who has been called to God’s work.

Exorcists seem to be everywhere in the media. The hit show Supernatural may encourage someone to take up arms. But they should not. Religious affiliation is not mandatory. Experience is.


I think it is safe to say it has started already, never mind 2040 and the singularity.

Only now do I finally understand why my earliest memory is sitting on Mum's bed with headphones on when I was a few years old, listening to this record while enjoying the artwork:


Unbelievably I was about to post this then Frankie Boyle started the following speech on his New World Order show that's on, you couldn't make this up:
"So, in conclusion, there is no point worrying about technology, especially when we're actually going to be wiped out by the Lare Hadron Collider.

The Illuminati have created the CERN accelerator to tear a hole in reality for God to fuck.

The building of the large Hadron Collider is a signal that our universe has become sexually mature.

Any day now, we will see God's phallus pushing into our reality, dominating the skues above Switzerland.

We will desperately try to shut the Hadron Collider down but will only succeed in making the whole tighter.

And who knows what God will ejaculate into our dimension?

It will probably take the form of ideas or perhaps one overriding idea, perhaps the idea that we should build a smaller hadron collider in Australia for God to use on his birthday.

But there's a twist.

The Hadron Collider is actually a cock snare designed to trap God by the cock.

And it won't be the Judeo-Christian God either, so there's no point writing in to complain about this bit.

The Hadron Collider will trap Chronos, youngest of the Titans.

His magnificent penis will span the sky as a time rainbow in all the 19 colours of time.

And it is then, in our moment of triumph, that we will realise we have overreached.

We won't have trapped Chronos, he will simply have chosen to wear our universe as a sort of Prince Albert.

A cock ring with which he will pleasure the infinite folds of the multi-verse.

Your only consolation as your reality shakes and creaks on the end of time's throbbing shaft will be that at least you weren't born in the butt plug universe.

That doesn't happen until you die in this one."

Frankie Boyle's New World Order Series 3 Episode 2

:lol: well you can always rely on Frankie to tell it how it is!
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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The Structure of Exo-space

Post by daniel » Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:07 pm

I have been using the RS2 model to analyze the physical properties of exo-space, so I can verify the "natural consequences" that come with it. (Note that you cannot use Larson's work, as he concentrated solely on linear space--he did not consider the yin or angular component to things).

Our normal reality is based on a yang/linear location (coordinates of where something is in space and the lines that draw an object), coupled to a yin/angular structure (the atomic system, composed of electric and magnetic rotations that determine the properties of the atom). Exo-space is the reverse of this structure, where location is determined by angular relationships (called "shifts" and "turns" in projective geometry). Structure is determined by linear relationships, which means that all exo-space structure is nonlocal -- the properties of an object in exo-space are analogous to field effects, so when we view an object in exo-space, like an Archon, they appear misty and ghost-like, with no hard form.

Note this is different than cosmic manifestation, which still keeps the location-yang, structure-yin relationship, but with the aspects of space and time flipped. Exo-space is the negative of space, not its reciprocal, but still shares some of the properties of its reciprocal.

This throws some limitations on those trapped inside an exo-space prison, also noted by St. Thomas... bad guys, like the Archons manifest as demons, being nonlocal to our space cannot have direct influence over anything physical. As St. Thomas discusses, they can only perpetrate TWO of the sins recognize by the church: pride and envy. So those little whispers in the ears from darklighers and the like will always push towards these sins, which manifest as materialism. You can see the widespread influence of these sins on global society, primarily due to marketing... they want to make you envious of what your neighbors had, and take excessive pride in yourself for having the best smartphone in the area.

The angular nature of the exo-space realm is what keeps the Archons from emerging into our linear realm, as the structure here simply has no way to represent a circle with an infinite angle--all the circles here loop around at 360 degrees, which means the archon would be twisted in a knot if he show up. This may explain some of the deformities shown in demons in medieval artwork--if they tried to press through, they would look like a Picasso painting.

But there is one common factor to both linear and angular speeds: vibration. A vibratory system of sufficient magnitude and structure will cross both realms and allow inversion to take place. In terms of Doctor Who (Tom Baker, "Full Circle") it creates a "charged vacuum emboitment." Structures that pass through this CVE are restructured into the negative form--and this is the danger. It opens a door between the realms where things can pass without being distorted. And remember--this door goes both ways, what is now in can come out, and what is now out can be thrown into that prison.

Global implementation of 5G wifi seems to have all the characteristics of a system to form a CVE. This is not good.
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Re: Exo-space: The Ancient Prison

Post by ManilAbnormie » Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:20 pm

daniel wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:07 pm
[....] But there is one common factor to both linear and angular speeds: vibration. A vibratory system of sufficient magnitude and structure will cross both realms and allow inversion to take place. In terms of Doctor Who (Tom Baker, "Full Circle") it creates a "charged vacuum emboitment." Structures that pass through this CVE are restructured into the negative form--and this is the danger. It opens a door between the realms where things can pass without being distorted. And remember--this door goes both ways, what is now in can come out, and what is now out can be thrown into that prison.

Global implementation of 5G wifi seems to have all the characteristics of a system to form a CVE. This is not good.
Made me remember this article, and i'm surprised nobody archived this before. Yet another case against 5G madness.
>5G Danger: 13 Reasons New Millimeter Wave Tech Will Be a Catastrophe for Humanity
<Hijacking Your Sweat Duct Antennae
<5G Amplifies EMF Damage via VGCCs (Voltage-gated calcium channels)
<Pulsed Wave Far More Damaging than Continuous Wave Radiation
<5G Promotes Deep EMF Penetration
<5G is a Weapons System Disguised as a Consumer Convenience
<Los Angeles Firefighters Develop Ailments After Being Too Close to Towers
<Same Frequencies as used for Crowd Dispersal
<Mutagenic (Causing DNA Damage) and Carcinogenic (Causing Cancer)?
<Phased Array Densification
<Killing All the Insects?
<Space-Based 5G
<Re-Radiation Inside the Body
<Insurance Companies Refuse to Underwrite Big Wireless. What Do They Know?

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Re: The Structure of Exo-space

Post by PHIon » Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:36 am

daniel wrote:
Mon Jun 17, 2019 12:07 pm

Structure is determined by linear relationships, which means that all exo-space structure is nonlocal -- the properties of an object in exo-space are analogous to field effects, so when we view an object in exo-space, like an Archon, they appear misty and ghost-like, with no hard form.

Note this is different than cosmic manifestation, which still keeps the location-yang, structure-yin relationship, but with the aspects of space and time flipped. Exo-space is the negative of space, not its reciprocal, but still shares some of the properties of its reciprocal.

One of the best analogies for me you have ever used is the idea of 3D space being the solid of time (atomic and molecular structures) existing in the hole (vacuum) of space. And the reciprocal being, in 3D time, holes (bubbles) existing in the solid of time - space to time or time to space is motion. As Doctor Who would say, "Brilliant!" This is the analogy that drove the concept of motion home for me. So thanks for that. With the introduction of negative exo-space being the reverse of space, I'm finding myself wanting to see exo-space also as bubbles in a solid environment, but that sounds like the description of 3D time to me. So I'm asking for some clarification on this. If one were in exo-space would the environment seem the same as 3D spatial reality appears to us spatial beings, but from a spatial perspective, we would observe exo-space as bubbles existing in a solid environment? I'm asking for some clarification on the difference between the ideas of reciprocal and reverse.
"just down the road a little way, turn left, cross the drawbridge, and you will be my guest tonight."
-- directions to the grail castle

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Re: The Structure of Exo-space

Post by daniel » Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:13 pm

PHIon wrote:
Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:36 am
With the introduction of negative exo-space being the reverse of space, I'm finding myself wanting to see exo-space also as bubbles in a solid environment, but that sounds like the description of 3D time to me. So I'm asking for some clarification on this. If one were in exo-space would the environment seem the same as 3D spatial reality appears to us spatial beings, but from a spatial perspective, we would observe exo-space as bubbles existing in a solid environment? I'm asking for some clarification on the difference between the ideas of reciprocal and reverse.
Negative space (exo-space) has the same properties of normal space, except the coordinates and distances appear negative because they are measured by turn and shift, rather than angle and distance (see counterspace). Structure is -s3/t.

The reciprocal of space is the space region, where cosmic atoms exist; space is: s3/t, its reciprocal being t/s3.

The conjugate of the material is the cosmic, with dimensions of t3/s.

The time region is the inverse-conjugate (equivalent space) with dimensions of s/t3.
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Re: Exo-space: The Ancient Prison

Post by Djchrismac » Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:54 am

Demons and devils -- top US shrink says he has treated some possessed by the devil

https://www.irishcentral.com/news/demon ... -the-devil

A leading Irish American psychiatrist has written how he believes the devil does possess certain people and that there is such a thing as demonic possession. He is currently writing a book on the topic and has written about individual cases he believes were demonic possesions in the Washington Post.

Doctor Richard Gallagher, Yale and Columbia University trained, who has worked closely with Catholic priests who are exorcists, instances a small number of cases where the person’s symptoms give him no other option but to diagnose possession.
And so it begins, or to be more accurate, so it continues... much more visible than before!
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Re: Exo-space: The Ancient Prison

Post by daniel » Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:24 pm

Djchrismac wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:54 am
And so it begins, or to be more accurate, so it continues... much more visible than before!
Visibility will continue to increase as Wi-Fi dominates our lives.

I've been researching the Archons from 16th century texts and I've noticed that their modern behavior is not the same as it was then. It is almost like the demons have gone mad in their imprisonment and have become desperate for release. I don't think the NWO is aware of this; all they see is the sparkle of promise of godhood.
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Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: Exo-space: The Ancient Prison

Post by Ilkka » Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:09 pm

daniel wrote:
Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:24 pm
I don't think the NWO is aware of this; all they see is the sparkle of promise of godhood.
If they are then it would be another way for "thinning the herd". Also they would have a back up plan to pull the plug for all that.

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