Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

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Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by daniel » Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:38 am

All brought into focus with a Blue Beam.

David, David, David... what ARE you doing???
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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by Lozion » Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:55 pm

What lots of blue err, green back can do..
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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by Djchrismac » Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:33 pm

Wow I see what you mean... ... disclosure

Blue screens as well in the first image, then when you check up on Corey "Goode" and the Blue Sphere gang:
The "Orb Beings" have been visiting “Many Tens of Thousands” of people in the form of “Blue/Indigo Balls of Light” while others have been visited by the “Blue Avians” and given a “Greeting Phrase” to know one another by.
And note the very prominant donate button looking for cash.

A favourite quote from Tim in the UK TV series Spaced springs to mind...
Mike: Wanna go back into your party?
Tim: But they were playing ‘The Time Warp’! I hate 'The Time Warp’!
Mike: Daisy likes it.
Tim: I don’t care! I hate it! It’s boil-in-the-bag perversion for sexually repressed accountants and first-year drama students with too many posters of Betty Blue, The Blues Brothers, Big Blue and Blue Velvet on their blue bloody walls!
There is a big clue in David's post that he himself is using hypnotic language and repetitive sentences to "modify public opinion towards a desired outcome", such is the overuse of words like; disclosure, hope, secret, insider, truth and so on and so on "ad infinitum" until it has been drilled into your subconscious. Unless of course you are aware of such propaganda:

This next poster was from the Manhattan Project facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Insiders such as Pete Peterson have said that hypnosis works best when you use very simple sentences with very simple words that make direct commands.

It works even better when the sentences are repetitive. If you can make the commands rhyme as well, that is the best of all.

This is why both chanting and musical songs can be so effective at modifying public opinion towards a desired outcome.
I also note that he's tying the "blue avians" into the Law of One to try and grab as many fans of that work over to his (and Gaiam TV's) side:
There is every reason to believe that the "Blue Avians" now helping the SSP Alliance are the visible manifestations of the source that wrote the Law of One series.
As for Gaiam, in 2012 they were absorbed into UMG, only the "largest music corporation in the world"....

David then mentions Lt. Col. Don Ware being a supporter of his and unsurprisingly I cannot find any official info on him in the USAF other than his ties to working with many UFO websites so you can bet he is an intelligence plant of the kind Miles Mathis loves exposing. The website linked below is a mish-mash of all sorts of theories and exopolitics, some reputable (like Lloyd Pye) and many others not so at all like the Urantia book, Planet X etc..

What stands out for me are the gaps in his CV when he was probably deeply involved with intelligence before suddenly becoming a regional director of MUFON!
Donald M. Ware

LTC USAF (Ret); Fighter pilot, Teacher
Truthseeker since 1952
BS in Mechanical Engineering, 1957, Duke University
MS in Nuclear Engineering, 1972, AF Institute of Tech.
Eastern Regional Director, MUFON, 1989-1993
Director, International UFO Congress, 1993 to 2010,
Participant, Sep. 2000 State of the World Forum
Advisor, Exopolitics Instirute
World citizen, Stone Mountain, GA

Papers for Sharing

1. Is My World Different Than Yours?
2. Overview of the Current Transformation
3. My Alien Doctor
4. Celestial Assistance
5. Eleven Government Cover-ups and Probable Reasons
6. UFOs and the Spiritual Hierarchy
7. The Local Universe of Nebadon
8. Report on the 16th Annual IUFOC Convention
9. Long-term Government Covert Education
10. Telepathic Communications and UFO Phenomena
11. Paths to World Government
12. Transformation: Spiritual, Physical, and Political
13. The Rest of the A-10 Story, The Easy Way to Brooksville
14. Planet X: A Philosophical View
And as you can see from his "papers for sharing" he's covering as many bases as possible, classic psyop stuff to muddy the waters and present accurate information in amongst the nonsense so that nobody knows what to believe, so you had just better get on board with them, why bother thinking or researching for yourself?! They can do all the work for you, just trust them....

It boggles the mind how so many people can just lap up such misinformation but i'm pretty sure David knows exactly what he is doing... following orders from above to help implement their plans! His readers only need to spend a little time looking into all of the people, connections and companies involved in David's blog posts but instead the many comments are all of the usual:
"Thank you David! (and Corey!) Victory to the Light! Namaste"

"YEAH!!!!! We have been waiting so long! I am so excited!"

"Amazing story, can't wait to see Episode 5"

I'm willing to bet that a large number of these comments are also manufactured to get the "positive spin" ball rolling and we already know the moderators censor any comments that question anything David says, as shown by Ken and others on the fora here.

David sums it up best when he says:

Conferences definitely generate more funds in a short time than a show like this could, unless it becomes extremely popular.

We have no conferences on the schedule for a reason. The greater effort for disclosure that is now at hand is more important than generating funds.

I have taken this time off to ensure that my goals are reached, so you can see more and more of this information at higher and higher levels of quality.

If you are already a subscriber -- and many of you are -- then I thank you so much.

If you are not, I am coming over there. Right now. And all I will ask you is "Why the heck not?"

LOL. Have fun and enjoy the show. This is all building up to an epic Cosmic Disclosure that will be known to everyone soon enough.
"Lol" indeed... i'm pretty sure that funding is the last of their worries.

It's no wonder I've been getting out in nature a lot more recently as I can no longer stand any of this "new age/blue beam" nonsense and already feel the urge to live in the mountains and let the rest of humanity sleepwalk into a transhumanist, blue beam future....

Well i've finally found a link to Donald Ware and the CIA in the guestbook of his website above:
Don Ware
9:45 PM on June 7, 2015
Hello Jack, I do remember you. I hope you have been staying busy having fun as I have since I retired at the end of 1982 (age 47) to do volunteer work. Email me. Get The Man With the Golden Sword at . The author is the most highly decorated soldier of any war ever. He was the one the CIA chose for the official disclosure that will be available soon. at that site. - Don Ware ... sword.html ... gods-.html
Bingo! Thanks Miles, the CIA do indeed have their grubby paws in everything these days... "volunteer work"... ha!
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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by deepfsh » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:03 pm

daniel wrote:David, David, David... what ARE you doing???
... and I hoped you wouldn't notice this another "ruiner" blog. I'm not sure what this guy's game is anymore.
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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by deepfsh » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:29 pm

P.S.: You can read this if you need some productive entertainment.
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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by tymeflyz » Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:02 am

As another seeker that arrived here at hugs & AQ- via davids books , I have to ask you Daniel - so what is your take on "what happened" with or to david?? Just another mind captured & controlled source - lured to $ and self importance meme ? -
as yota said "Luke, the Force runs strong in your family". the new blue " blew bayou" hahaha

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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by daniel » Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:42 am

Let's look at some of the basic symbolism involved, starting with David's insider, Luke, aka "Corey Goode ET." Luke is from Star Wars, Luke Skywalker, on the quest for the Holy Grail to save Earth from the evil Cabal Empire. His actual name is probably false, as the subconscious will read it as "Core of Good" ("y" is a common Spanish conjunction, usually meaning "and"). So naturally, someone with a core of good must have your best interest in mind. Well, at least on paper.

Now let's hop over to The Alliance, a term often used for rebels fighting the "goode cause" against oppressors, such as the US-Britain alliance during the World War. The first thing I noticed is this image:


Which, being an old fart, was very similar to a popular image from 1973...
Intro to the Tomorrow People
TP-Hand.png (155.1KiB)Viewed 52844 times
From the introduction to The Tomorrow People, the image representing the opening of the mind to the larger picture of homo sapiens ethicus. Most of the wanderers are around my age, with this image stuck in the back of their mind from High School years. Except now it has been externalized to "saviors," rather than a personal advancement towards psionic abilities. (The remake of The Tomorrow People failed miserably, where they tried to convert the kids into criminals by completely removing the ethical component to the evolution of consciousness.)

When you look at the subliminals on this Sphere Alliance site, it becomes rather obvious that this is a setup by some agency to redirect the wanderer contingent to be supporters of Project Blue Beam--and not a very good one, BTW. I would suspect that it was done by an intern of one of these agencies, the CIA being a goode choice.

The ultimate goal here appears to be pre-creating a general acceptance of the New World Order's new power base in China, while setting fire to the scapegoats left behind in the US and Europe under the pretense of "justice" against the evil banking cabal. It's the same thing they've been doing for centuries with the battle between religious and political domination, but now the New Age has replaced religion, so same old thing with new names.

Given David has been on this "green light" and "sit back and enjoy the fireworks" theme since 2010, TPTB have had plenty of time to position themselves and their flammable dummies for the big show. I mean, really, if you want to catch people "in the act," you don't give them 5+ years of warning!
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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by pgolde » Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:08 pm

Is David being fed disinfo via microwaves or just plain and simple bullshit fed by flunky CIA recruits? He claims to have at least 40 "insiders". It is obvious that he is in deep, on Fulford's blog comment section breaking big insider news about the Blue Avians. He seems like he has lost his mind completely. Has his massive ego made him such an easy mark? I believe that he believes what he is peddling. Perhaps the tinge of doubt is what is causing him to act out with absurdity. Any case, in my humble opinion "they" have him feeding the very stuff he started out fighting against. The whole 180 degrees from the truth scheme seems very effective. They have him bamboozled, or did he do that to himself?

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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by deepfsh » Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:34 am

daniel wrote:Which, being an old fart, was very similar to a popular image from 1973...
I see this picture partly as an allusion to the movie E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
  • Image
  • Image
This would also explain the "insider's" name:
Daniel wrote:starting with David's insider, Luke, aka "Corey Goode ET."
The "good ET", like the one in the movie. If you would have to name a movie with a "good ET" in it, I'm sure most people would recall the one above.
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Re: Blue Sphere Alliance, Blue Avians, Blue Books

Post by joeyv23 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:09 am

daniel wrote:The first thing I noticed is this image:


Which, being an old fart, was very similar to a popular image from 1973...


From the introduction to The Tomorrow People, the image representing the opening of the mind to the larger picture of homo sapiens ethicus.
I just watched the first episode of The Tomorrow People , and it's clear to me that you're spot in with this. The symbolism for a fisted mind opening up is now to be encapsulated by a plasma/techno ball..

In reality it should be 'Tech-No!' but that's not the path humanity appears to be on so hey, if you can't beat 'em, let them enslave your mind so long as there are plenty of shiny, glowy, techy toys to play with, right? :?

deepfsh, I find your correlation to E.T. The Extra Terrestrial to be an interesting one which correlates to daniel's mentioning the Jedi warriors of Star Wars thusly:


As they say... "That's Holly-wood, baby!".

Speaking of.. I wonder how Monty Python would have handled David's narrative.. Oh wait!
[i]Monty Python and The Holy Grail[/i] wrote:God: What are you doing now?
King Arthur: Averting our eyes, oh Lord.
God: Well, don't. It's just like those miserable psalms, they're so depressing. Now knock it off!
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