Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

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Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by daniel » Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:49 pm

A rather interesting discussion has been going on behind the scenes with the RS2 folks, which seems to be indicating that it may not be physically possible for man to "boldly go where no man has gone before," and is basically trapped within the Earth-moon system. This came out of a consequence of aether research, cross-referencing aether theories (particularly Steiner) with RS cosmic sector (3D time) concepts.

The argument is interesting... life is basically a stable matter-antimatter reaction, where the body is the "matter" half and the soul (mind or anima) is the cosmic "antimatter" half. I've described this construct in detail in my papers. Astronauts can launch their bodies into space--but what of that "silver cord" connecting link to the soul? Does it travel along with the astronaut, or remained attached to the temporal core of the planet, stretching only so far, before it breaks--and life comes to an abrupt end.

Most life here has a "group soul," which is a nonlocal connection like a magnetic field, whereas one, archetypal soul (magnet) plays host to a large number of individual bodies (iron filings in the field). Think of a school of fish or flock of birds--each has a body, but they think and move as one mind. The "sheeple" fall into this category; large groups of humans have independent bodies, but share a group soul. Of course, the New Age dogma speaks of "soul groups," but curiously leaves out this rather obvious connection, preferring to treat it as "traveling buddies."

This opens up some interesting thoughts regarding space travel. All food plants and animals work by soul groups, so if they were removed from Earth to stock a hydroponics bay on an "Earthship Ark," they could not survive past the length of their silver cord connecting them back to the planet. Go to far and you get a "mass extinction" event in your hydroponics bay.

Most humans fall into the same category, being bound by group souls, but there are the few nonconformists that just don't fit in to socially-acceptable society that have individuated souls--far fewer now than in the past.

In the old days, it was much harder to live and if you were not a good slave being a peasant for a King, you had to learn to survive on your own--and that triggers the process of individuation with the natural consequence of an independent soul/mind. This may also explain why your "outcasts" tend to have strong spirits--they have an individuated body AND MIND, providing the foundation for the spirit/animus complex to grow on. If you are part of the collective, then it is like trying to stand upright with one foot on land, and the other on the surface of water. In the astronaut situation, that would definitely result in a splashdown.

The LMs, however, do not seem to have this issue, because they have outgrown the group mind and evolved the social memory complex. Think of the group mind as a "many to one" correspondence, many bodies, one mind that is the slavemaster. In the SMC, the relation is "many to many" that choose to work together in rapport--the "one" is the choice, not the structure. The LMs can leave the planet because they take their personal souls with them.

As to the limits of the silver cord, both the RS2 research and ancient philosophy seem to point to the orbit of the moon--that's the end of mankind's chain. He can bark his brains out at the other, nearby worlds from here, but it's all bark and no bite. And man will not be a threat to the peaceful explorers until he learns to "cut his chains," but that must be done by conscious evolution--the opposite direction that TPTB are heading with the species. It is no wonder they enforce all these artificial boundaries of countries, nations, states, counties, districts... fences for the minions, so the "one" of the many-to-one relationship can make all the decisions, because without they slaves, they would have no soul and could not continue existing.

As in LoneBear's discussions on Antiquatis, there may come a time that, for True Seekers, may feel that they "lose their soul," but in reality, they are just cutting their chains--getting ready as the Tomorrow People to move out and join the peaceful explorers of the Universe.
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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by pgolde » Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:16 am

I have been thinking about this lately. What is the actual "anchor" to the planet? Is it simply a connection to the group which resides on the planet? If the soul itself requires a planetary connection what would the difference be between one or a herd?

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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by Lozion » Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:49 pm

Can the silver cord really break? I remember reading reports from Robert Monroe long ago in which he said he could travel to other planets (even Galaxies) while out of the body..
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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by Aaron » Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:41 am

daniel wrote:
The LMs, however, do not seem to have this issue, because they have outgrown the group mind and evolved the social memory complex. Think of the group mind as a "many to one" correspondence, many bodies, one mind that is the slavemaster. In the SMC, the relation is "many to many" that choose to work together in rapport--the "one" is the choice, not the structure. The LMs can leave the planet because they take their personal souls with them.
pgolde wrote:
What is the actual "anchor" to the planet? Is it simply a connection to the group which resides on the planet? If the soul itself requires a planetary connection what would the difference be between one or a herd?
Indeed this is interesting, and I 2nd pgolde´s questions with regards to understanding if this is a matter of individual evolution to "break the chains", or if this is tied to the collective whereas a minimum threshold of souls must move or evolve together to mobilize the silver cord?

The LMs have obviously overcome this, but they also built huge arks that themselves may function much like a small planet with a temporal core. daniel, you think there is any possibility that the LM arks are a factor in this? (in addition to their chosen individuality of the collective structure)

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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by daniel » Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:54 pm

pgolde wrote:What is the actual "anchor" to the planet? Is it simply a connection to the group which resides on the planet?
The soul exists in 3D time. The core of the planet is in 3D time, forming the landscape for the soul (but since it is reciprocal to space, the soul sees the landscape as inside-out from the body, meaning that our 3D space is in the core of the planet, from the soul's perspective).

The anchor is the concept we know as quantum entanglement; our souls are "entangled" with the temporal core. Conventional physics considers the linkage to be unlimited, but Prof. KVK Nehru, during his research on Cooper pairs (quantum entangled electrons), discovered that, due to the discrete unit postulate of the RS, the connection could only be maintained over a certain distance in space, and duration in time. It wasn't very large for electron pairs, and appears to be just outside lunar orbit for our structures. Go beyond that limit, and the linkage drops below unit value--in quantized form, it drops to zero, since 1 is the minimum. And as in Cooper pairs that separate too far, both "halves" go their separate ways. For life, that result is a return to inanimate status--death.
pgolde wrote:If the soul itself requires a planetary connection what would the difference be between one or a herd?
It is the difference between "only what you take with you" on a trip, versus moving your neighborhood to a new location. With the herd, the entire herd would need to go, in order to take the soul along. It is probably a critical relocation percentage, perhaps 68% of a population would survive the change, but the remainder would die off.

A simple analogy would be to dig up the one, stray flower growing in the middle yard and move it to another location, versus leaving the flower and moving all the grass somewhere else.
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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by PHIon » Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:49 pm

I had always assumed beings could travel in space because the soul/anima is nonlocal to us (and because Star Trek couldn't possibly be mistaken), but your magnetic field analogy reeled me in on that. If a temporal field has a strength that weakens in space to zero at some distance away from the strongest point, then why wouldn't a group soul also reduce to zero when any of the bodies go beyond the limits allowed by the strength of the soul group.

I guess what really jumped out at me was whether the SMs are incarnate beings or computerized cyborgs. How did they leave their solar system without facing the fate of the hypothetical hydroponic cows? Our moon was "driven" here from somewhere, so perhaps a collective can travel if they take a moon Ark from their own system, as long as the Ark shares fragments of the source planet's white dwarf core. But if all the planets in a solar system share fragments from the same exploding white dwarf, then maybe any moon from within that star's gravitational limit will support life away from home. But could you explore other worlds off Ark outside your home system? Perhaps there was a tight temporal leash on the Annuna. Then again, if our moon came into being due to one of our own outer gas giants exploding white dwarf fragments into space, maybe the SMs are from Sol's system.
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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by MrTwig » Tue Jul 14, 2015 9:20 pm

Oh my God! Science is Fiction? If science is fiction then what is real?! Is there anything I can say that would convince you otherwise? Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water! Maybe we are living in a one dimensional world where falling is up and not moving is going faster than the speed of light? Sorry, sorry, lost my head there. Really thought, space travel could only be possible if you are able to understand how it could be achieved. You would have to be able to conceive it. So far we have not got there yet, I believe. I look at it this way, does a dog or cat fly? No? then how could it rain cats and dogs?

Could it be that this world is only a "lower" a physical world and that there are other world within this world which are "higher"? Could it be that we are made of a physical body, a soul body and a spirit body? The physical follows rules set for it and the soul level for it and the spirit for its level. Do we really know what the spirit does? I have heard that the silver cord is only needed for the soul and that spirit can go where it needs to at will. Maybe I am wrong but I believe that our consciousness is really spirit. It see and hears and feels. Just as a soul need a body to protect it I believe the spirit need a soul body to protect it here. My point here is that the body is just a suit we inhabit for a time. So, if you are just studying the physical world you are missing a lot of reality.
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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by joeyv23 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:33 am

There's a lot of hype about the Pluto fly by, and when I saw the picture this morning I almost burst into laughter.
Daniel wrote:most of the spacecraft sent out into the solar system were probably faked, as well, and what we are seeing for “hi-res images” from these ships are nothing more than good computer graphics, modeled after images taken from Earth and orbit-based telescopes.
pluto-new-horizons-2015-07-14-02.jpg (109.2KiB)Viewed 51602 times
This is from the 2008 film, Hancock
hancock.png (51.92KiB)Viewed 51602 times
I present to you, A New Age Planet that was a planet but then wasn't and now is again and OH MY TITUS FLAVIUS WE LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I_HEART_PLUTO_lg.jpg (43.75KiB)Viewed 51602 times
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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by pgolde » Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:36 pm

Daniel wrote:
most of the spacecraft sent out into the solar system were probably faked, as well, and what we are seeing for “hi-res images” from these ships are nothing more than good computer graphics, modeled after images taken from Earth and orbit-based telescopes.
I am not disagreeing with this, but just wondering why they would fake unmanned probes? Maybe they don't want telemetry intercepted about what it really out there? Or are they not allowed to send anything beyond orbit?

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Re: Space Travel: Science is Fiction?

Post by Aaron » Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:37 am

pgolde wrote:
Maybe they don't want telemetry intercepted about what is really out there?
I think this is the most probable reason. If Astronomy is vastly different that we think, sending back real images of the solar neighborhood would probably reveal way to much about reality. Imagine how hard it would be to explain that galaxies far far away, are really just newly forming solar systems close close nearby.

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