What experiments can we conduct to better understand Time?

Time, timelines, the 3D temporal landscape... research into the physics involved, how to understand it and make use of it to improve the quality of our lives, and all the life on Earth.


Joined:Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:23 pm
Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Post by Hertzog » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:13 pm

daniel wrote:
HyperShade wrote:can 2 people Lucid Dream simultaneously and explore the temporal landscape together?
You know, I never thought of that. Extremely interesting question. The lucid dreamer, in the dream, is the only non-holodeck image around, so the trick would be to move to a mythological section of the unconscious, one that is there at the species level, so you could find a common ground. That might actually work. It would be a fascinating experiment to conduct.

Imo it is possible, as I've shared dreams with my friends a few times that I know of.

What happened in the first one I can't remember since after waking up I started to search around my memory, what the name of the person was, whom I saw in the dream. With that, all memory of the dream went away but two weeks later later I met her in a pub. As I entered, she saw me, came to me and asked "did you dream about me about 2 weeks ago or so?". I said yes and if she could tell me of what happened, since I can only remember that I saw her.
She was lucid dreaming and walking around in Tallinns oldtown, suddenly I had appeared about 10 meters in front of her, waved at her and said "Hi". She had been "wtf are you doing here?". I'd told her that I came to speak to her. We spoke for a while and then had said "Got to go now, I'll see you soon, remind me of this!"
Quite interesting that in that state I knew that I would forget it and that we will meet again and that she will remember :)

Another time I saw my best friend in my dream (tho here I was just a bystander in his dream): I was sitting in my rooms bunk-beds second story and looking where the rest of my room should have been. Instead of my room I saw something like a hotel room or something and my best friend arguing with someone I don't know. Suddenly the stranger pushed him away, grabbed a pistol and shot my best friend in the chest. He fell back against the wall, looked down on his chest, saw the blood rushing out and lunged at the guy with the gun and started punching him. After that I woke up.
The dream was really vivid in my head and as I knew he's starting his shift in the military, I should warn him to be careful around guns that day. Then another thought came to me, what I started to call "prophecies paradox": If I warn him of what I saw and to be careful, it might happen cause someone predicted it. On the other hand, if I don't tell him and something does happen to him, I am kind of to blame since I didn't warn him.
In the end I decided not to warn him.
A few weeks later we had a beer in a pub and I told him that I saw him in a dream a few weeks ago and wanted to warn him about what I saw. He then told me His version as I had only observed his dream: he was arguing with someone, then got shot, he looked down, saw blood, thought "goddamnit, you ruined my favorite shirt", got really angry and lunged at him. He then told me he had interpreted the dream the same way as I had, that he has to be careful with guns and at the start of his shift had his service pistol in his hand, thinking "to pull the bullet in the barrel or not?!". He decided not to.

My brother has had even more interesting things happen in his dreams. The most interesting one in my opinion: he was working abroad for a construction firm. There were a few more estonians to whom he had told about psychic sensitive people he had met and what he had experienced and one of them came to his dream calling my brother for help since something was happening to another guy there and since my brother had told them about stuff, maybe he can help him. He was "Ok", and was next to the guy laying on his back having something like spasm, as he got closer, he started hearing something like a mantra(couldn't find a better word in my vocabulary) around the guy. He waved his hand projecting a mental shield around the person and next thing, his boss was in front of him, who was really surprised. His boss directed his "mantra" to which my brother waved his hand again shielding it out. Seeing that it doesn't work, his boss conjured a wooden staff in his hand and attacked my brother. My brother caught the staff, ripped it out of his bosses hands, broke it in half on his knee and stabbed his boss with the broken piece of the staff. He then grabbed him by the neck with one hand, still holding on to the broken staff, held him above his head. The landscape then became a cliff and he threw him off of it.
At that time in "reality" his boss had been on a business trip and arrived a day or two after the incident. He had looked like a zombie, completely drained of energy and avoided my brother every chance he could. After a few weeks of recovery he started sending hints to my brother, taking a broomstick in his hand and making "fighting moves" at my brother and telling him "your strong, your very strong".

So yea... Dreams can be a really interesting place to start. I know myself, that I should start recording them as well. Till now I've relied mostly on my memory but that fails me from time to time. Tried writing it down, but that takes time and some details get mixed up.

Joined:Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:23 pm

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Post by Hertzog » Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:27 pm

infinity wrote:Dreams (Internal)
I found that I started to learn to recognize when I am dreaming "sometimes called waking up in your dream", when I regularly expressed intense desire and intention (while not sleeping of course) to indeed do things in dreams - a form of driving or controlling a dream. The way I started was that I wanted to fly in my dreams. REALLY wanted to. I would daydream about it and think of how I could make myself do that in dreams. Soon I started dreaming that I was on the ground, and I run with my arms stretched like an airplane's wings like a kid would pretend to be a plane, and then jump into the air. The 'jump' would be a long one but not 'flight' per se, but I kept doing that kind of thing in dreams until I could fly at will without funny postures.

The key for me was intense desire. Desire acts like magnetism for the manifestation of it. You don't need the conscious knowledge to learn how in "the other realms" (whether internal or external), you just need that thing stuck in your heart so when you are in "the other realms" it will come out on its own and you run with it.

But these days when I dislike what I'm dreaming I just wake myself up, or, in the dream, I just up and fly away. This isn't good because its escapist. I don't deal with the issues being brought up - I just take over the steering wheel and up and out. So be careful what you wish for or how you use it.
I agree with you on the desire part. For me it was flying as well, since I had flown a few times in my dream as I was young and loved it. At some point I started to remember how I was flying. For me it was all about will. I made myself fly with the power of my mind (like Star Wars "Force move" but on yourself, although I myself interpret it with DBZ :P). Thinking what way I should move and it works.
Flying has become somewhat a trigger for me now: when I realize I am dreaming, I start messing around with my flying ability, going up in the sky and looking down on the landscape, or when I'm dreaming and I suddenly fly or start floating, I realize its a dream and start messing around again.

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