Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
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Though it is Latin and actually spelled vesica piscis, which means "fish bladder."
Though it is Latin and actually spelled vesica piscis, which means "fish bladder."
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Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
1. So, some of the lines I'm looking at are inward and some are outward? E.g. the yellow line is the reciprocal of the green one?
As one is moving inward the other moves outward, as if the reciprocal (e.g. the yellow and green lines) are actually just one string being pulled through an "eye"? As the one side of the string goes in (e.g. green), the other side (e.g. yellow) goes out like its a single string. And so its all motion/movement, but what we might perceive in either space-time or time-space is only one side of the "string" e.g. either the yellow or the green but not both at the same time.
Unless we're in equivalent space / equivalent time (the eye) where the ratios/motion still seem like "one movement". But soon as you're on either side, its hard to see the other part of the "one movement".
2. It also looks like there's 2 dimensions in the drawing. Is the 3rd dimension/plane the center of the eye? i.e. moving in and out of the drawing as the 3rd dimension of it, while the left/right is one dimension and up/down is another?
I'm assuming here that its no coincidence the drawing is made on 2 dimensions, and it would make sense to me if the into/out-of plane represents the 3rd.
3. So this represents the "pure magnitude" i.e. scalar nature of the reciprocal structure? "Pure motion" so to speak?
4. Looking at this I'm reminded of some of the art made by people that went on DMT trips where you see fractal-like patterns in everything. Would those be the "translations" in the form of repeating "2D shadows", that are best-effort 'mapping' of time-space structures into space-time coordinate structure?
1. So, some of the lines I'm looking at are inward and some are outward? E.g. the yellow line is the reciprocal of the green one?
As one is moving inward the other moves outward, as if the reciprocal (e.g. the yellow and green lines) are actually just one string being pulled through an "eye"? As the one side of the string goes in (e.g. green), the other side (e.g. yellow) goes out like its a single string. And so its all motion/movement, but what we might perceive in either space-time or time-space is only one side of the "string" e.g. either the yellow or the green but not both at the same time.
Unless we're in equivalent space / equivalent time (the eye) where the ratios/motion still seem like "one movement". But soon as you're on either side, its hard to see the other part of the "one movement".
2. It also looks like there's 2 dimensions in the drawing. Is the 3rd dimension/plane the center of the eye? i.e. moving in and out of the drawing as the 3rd dimension of it, while the left/right is one dimension and up/down is another?
I'm assuming here that its no coincidence the drawing is made on 2 dimensions, and it would make sense to me if the into/out-of plane represents the 3rd.
3. So this represents the "pure magnitude" i.e. scalar nature of the reciprocal structure? "Pure motion" so to speak?
4. Looking at this I'm reminded of some of the art made by people that went on DMT trips where you see fractal-like patterns in everything. Would those be the "translations" in the form of repeating "2D shadows", that are best-effort 'mapping' of time-space structures into space-time coordinate structure?
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
Your explanation of this process was very helpful toward my grasping of this concept.daniel wrote: So when things are cold, the thermal motion has no cancelling effect, as gravity wins in all dimensions. When things heat up they melt--ONE of the inward, gravitational dimensions gets cancelled out by the outward thermal motion, with the other two still "sticking" so the molecules stay stuck together, but can move around a bit in that cancelled dimension, giving liquid properties. Increase the temperature more towards the boiling point, and a second gravitational dimension gets cancelled out, allowing the molecules more freedom to move, being only stuck together by a single dimension (like balls connected by strings). That's the vapor state. Get it still hotter, and all three dimensions get cancelled out, and the molecules cannot stick together at all, and fly apart from each other (the progression takes over), until they are stopped by a wall--the gas state.
When the electron is described as being 0-0-(1), is this describing the same process you just mentioned? The two magnetic dimensions of the electron are free (cancelled?) and as a consequence the electron is carried by the outward progression in the material sector which also means carried inward in the cosmic sector? Does the spatial displacement electron cancel out any gravitational dimensions at some point due to thermal motion like molecules do? At this point, I am learning about how the electron can pick up a charge, but I'm not sure if that process is the same as the process of molecules changing state.
Regarding states of matter, Prof Nehru mentions in his sun paper that there are seven states of matter: solids , liquids, gases, their inverses, and thredules. Is vapor a reference to the aether of 3D time -- Pythagoaras' fire element? Lastly, is the wall that gas encounters referring to unit speed which cannot be crossed without a supernova type of force?
Your post really got me thinking about a lot of things but I'm kind of all over the place.
"just down the road a little way, turn left, cross the drawbridge, and you will be my guest tonight."
-- directions to the grail castle
-- directions to the grail castle
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
You would have to ask the author of what his intentions were, regarding the lines. But in RS context, they would be analogous to lines on a contour map, showing discrete speed ranges.infinity wrote:So, some of the lines I'm looking at are inward and some are outward? E.g. the yellow line is the reciprocal of the green one?
Larson's particle displacement notation, 0-0-(1) is basically saying that the magnetic speed is unity (see RS2-106: Dimensions and Displacements). Any dimension at unit speed is carried by the progression. Analogous to the photon, which is a vibration orthogonal to the translation of the progression, the electron is a rotation orthogonal to the progression.PHIon wrote:When the electron is described as being 0-0-(1), is this describing the same process you just mentioned? The two magnetic dimensions of the electron are free (cancelled?) and as a consequence the electron is carried by the outward progression in the material sector which also means carried inward in the cosmic sector?
Now when an electron becomes charged, the photon (a birotation of 2 dimensions) occupies those unit-speed dimensions, so there are no free dimensions to be carried by the progression, and the particle is no longer carried at the speed of light. The charged electron is "static electricity." (uncharged being electric current)
No, you have to be stuck inside the time region to affect a gravitational dimension, where 3D time is. The electron is a rotating unit of space and the time region is time... space-to-time constitutes motion, so the electron just passes through the time region without interacting.PHIon wrote:Does the spatial displacement electron cancel out any gravitational dimensions at some point due to thermal motion like molecules do?
When you get that "thermal motion" on an electron, it shows up as our concept of "charge", instead. That's why charged stuff can attract (gravitation) and repel (progression). Think of it as wave addition or cancellation. In the RS, any time you get "repulsion," all that is going on is that you have neutralized the inward motion and allowed the progression of the natural reference system to take effect. So next time you put two magnets together with the same poles facing, what you are feeling is that natural, outward push of the expansion of the Universe. Pretty neat, huh?
The concept of charge is dimensional in the RS...PHIon wrote:At this point, I am learning about how the electron can pick up a charge, but I'm not sure if that process is the same as the process of molecules changing state.
LV (Linear vibration) = thermal motion
RV-1D (rotational vibration) = what you get when an LV is attached to a rotation (R), electric charge.
RV-2D = gravitational charge, also known as isotopic mass. This is the vibrational component to gravity that is dominant in the heavier elements.
Nehru addresses the vapor state in one of his dialogs with Larson ( ), where Larson basically admits "oh, I hadn't thought of that." The vapor state is where you get fogs, mists and clouds from. Unlike the other states, the thermal range for the vapor state is very small, so it tends to collapse to either liquid (rain) or gas (fog "burning off"). It is not recognized by conventional science, whom treat it as an aggregate property.PHIon wrote:Regarding states of matter, Prof Nehru mentions in his sun paper that there are seven states of matter: solids , liquids, gases, their inverses, and thredules. Is vapor a reference to the aether of 3D time -- Pythagoaras' fire element? Lastly, is the wall that gas encounters referring to unit speed which cannot be crossed without a supernova type of force?
The states of matter I discussed were all in the low speed range (1-x). The intermediate speed gives the inverse states, and the ultra-high speed range gives you the thredule. If you go beyond that, there is no spatial component left to observe or measure--at least not in the Material sector.
I would associate the fire element with the thredule concept, as the references tend to be towards a flame or jet, which is the way a thredule manifests (like the jet from the M87 galaxy).
The "gas wall" is pretty much any structure that has gravity. In the gas state, you don't actually have moving particles, as much as you have particles being carried by the progression. Gravitation is the inverse of progression, so it "draws the line" (or wall) as to how far something can be carried.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
That is the best teaching example of the outward progression I have come across. Expanding universes are are a bit much to hold onto conceptually due to the immense scale involved but the collective experience of the like-poles of two magnets repelling is easily grasped. Thanks for the detailed reply. Your explanations for these concepts along with bruce's lecture #1 on the RS2 site have helped me tremendously. It's really amazing how the cognitive process works when you struggle with a new idea and there are obvious blocks to comprehension and then suddenly something clicks seemingly out of nowhere. This is what happened when I finally accepted that something spatial and something temporal can move through each other, like uncharged electrons inside of a conductor. I get a little lost when bruce talks about cosmic neutrinos in his lecture -- is that the RV-2D you mentioned?daniel wrote: So next time you put two magnets together with the same poles facing, what you are feeling is that natural, outward push of the expansion of the Universe. Pretty neat, huh?
Since I am not in the science end of research, I have been asking myself how I might apply whatever I learn about the RS in some practical application. I have always been fascinated with life, the universe and everything so learning some RS concepts for their own sake is enough for me. I have been wondering though what a sci-fi story would be like that incorporated Larsonian physics. Would the world be able to accept a story where ethical characters live in rapport and there are no wars? I suppose it would be interesting to have some characters who have individuated into a rapport attitude interacting with rivalry characters and you could show how the rapport culture deals with aggressive rivals (like replicators attacking the Asgard), but that still might be an old paradigm of good vs. evil. Could a story that only takes place on an LM explorer vessel be compelling enough? From a research perspective, absolutely, but do adventure stories require rivalry to be interesting? Inner growth seems to require a challenger and the stories we know seem to depend on a protagonist and antagonist. I suppose you could show how both sides really are working together toward the same goal but with different methods. If the person you are challenging is yourself, that could be the most interesting story of all. Anyway, just passing on some thoughts about where sci-fi could go in the future.
"just down the road a little way, turn left, cross the drawbridge, and you will be my guest tonight."
-- directions to the grail castle
-- directions to the grail castle
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
And that's only the first click. Now that your mind has that pattern of recognition established, it will start to apply it to other situations--and you'll begin to see how that reciprocal relation applies in just about everything.PHIon wrote:Your explanations for these concepts along with bruce's lecture #1 on the RS2 site have helped me tremendously. It's really amazing how the cognitive process works when you struggle with a new idea and there are obvious blocks to comprehension and then suddenly something clicks seemingly out of nowhere.
That would be the anti-gravitational charge, since you are dealing with a cosmic particle where everything is backwards from the material perspective. The neutrino is an interesting particle to begin with because it has no net displacement, since the magnetic and electric rotations cancel each other out. So the only thing that can interact is the charge on it, making the cosmic neutrino indistinguishable to our science from the charged electron. It just doesn't behave the same, because it technically has a negative mass. Get enough of those in a wire and guess what happens?PHIon wrote:I get a little lost when bruce talks about cosmic neutrinos in his lecture -- is that the RV-2D you mentioned?
I don't know your cultural background, but most "western" societies, particularly the ungendered-noun English speakers, do not understand the concept of yin-yang, or as Larson calls it, time-space. Once you start to build the association of space = yang = linear = masculine = light and time = yin = rotational = feminine = dark, you'll start to recognize it in everything else, from the hot, yang, sunny side of the hill to the cool, yin shady side of the same hill--two aspects of the same hill. Men, being masculine, are more yang and "material sector" (body, sensation) whereas women, being feminine, are more yin and "cosmic sector" (soul, feeling) oriented. And the interactions work the same as basic chemistry in the RS. Relationships between partners, friends and families work the same as molecules and aggregates in RS physics--and when things "heat up" from thermal motion (anger, stress), it tends to break the aggregates and relationships apart.PHIon wrote:Since I am not in the science end of research, I have been asking myself how I might apply whatever I learn about the RS in some practical application. I have always been fascinated with life, the universe and everything so learning some RS concepts for their own sake is enough for me.
The trick is to expand that pattern recognition of time-space, yin-yang into other fields. What has always impressed me about Larson's Reciprocal System is the extraordinary range of application of the principles, and you don't even need any equations, just the basic concepts of a "universe of motion."
Chris, Aaron and Bruce were playing around with the idea of writing a sci-fi series based on the RS, where ethical aliens arrive on a violent SM colony planet (Earth) and the story is about their attempts to decode the alien's secret science (the RS) in order to exploit it, but the process of understanding actually moves humanity towards taking their place as peaceful explorers of the Universe.PHIon wrote:I have been wondering though what a sci-fi story would be like that incorporated Larsonian physics.
Can you imagine aliens arriving on Earth, where Earth astronomers are puzzled as to how their ships are traveling at supra-light speeds from immense distances--without warp engines--only to find out their own "scale" was wrong, and they just strolled over on impulse power from "down the block?" Not another galaxy, but another solar system. That concept, alone, would make for a great Sci-Fi twist in a film, that would really get people thinking. Hollywood would hate the concept, but it could be a mind-blowing series. Something you don't see much these days. Even Doctor Who has degenerated into fear, running and explosions. That used to be the "mind blower" in my younger days.PHIon wrote:Would the world be able to accept a story where ethical characters live in rapport and there are no wars?
And there are a lot of story lines you could work with, from the Darth Vader "I am your father" to the Annunaki serpents "We are your world leaders" idea, through a secret rebel base camp where Enki and the LMs are working to secretly help humanity from their cosmic, 3D time Agarthan base in the hollow Earth... reality actually makes a great story line, and because it is connected with the collective unconscious understanding of mankind, it's going to fire up the imagination and make people think.
I think you'd have to start with characters that are entirely human, with all rivalry, anger, fear and prejudices intact, much the way G'kar on Babylon 5 started out, and over the course of the series, to discover their "inner Neanderthal" to shed off the war-mongering Annunaki influences and grow personally towards homo sapiens ethicus. Since that process usually results in psionic ability, you could kind of merge along the Tomorrow People line with becoming ambassadors to a larger society of peaceful explorers, out to discover the secrets of the Universe (more along the line of Stargate's Ancients in SG-U, to try to figure out this "fingerprint" left since the beginning of the universe in the cosmic background radiation).PHIon wrote:I suppose it would be interesting to have some characters who have individuated into a rapport attitude interacting with rivalry characters and you could show how the rapport culture deals with aggressive rivals (like replicators attacking the Asgard), but that still might be an old paradigm of good vs. evil. Could a story that only takes place on an LM explorer vessel be compelling enough? From a research perspective, absolutely, but do adventure stories require rivalry to be interesting? Inner growth seems to require a challenger and the stories we know seem to depend on a protagonist and antagonist. I suppose you could show how both sides really are working together toward the same goal but with different methods. If the person you are challenging is yourself, that could be the most interesting story of all. Anyway, just passing on some thoughts about where sci-fi could go in the future.
There's a lot of lines you could take with the human side and perhaps it would be good to explore several of them. You could have some New Age characters entrenched in the Blue Beam thoughtline, to have their minds blow by meeting the beings from a crashed, L-M craft. There could be military types like an anti-alien SWAT team that come to realize they are fighting on the wrong side. Your science/astronomer types that get their mind blow by an entirely new way to view the universe, and even religious types that discover the true history of the planet and how religion was used to ensnare the soul.
Perhaps this is something to seriously consider. Just the subconscious clues, alone, could actually help people to grow out of the slavery paradigm.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
Amazing ideas, until those execs from upstairs start to change the plot lines to you know what, but conceptually there is a wealth of material there to explore. I guess that maybe what David is trying to do with his Convergence (or what is it this week) script he is trying to sell in Hollywood. In the end, those projects need funding from alternative sources otherwise they wont fly...
In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
He's been trying to sell that since I met him back in 2004.Lozion wrote:Amazing ideas, until those execs from upstairs start to change the plot lines to you know what, but conceptually there is a wealth of material there to explore. I guess that maybe what David is trying to do with his Convergence (or what is it this week) script he is trying to sell in Hollywood. In the end, those projects need funding from alternative sources otherwise they wont fly...
What I would suggest is avoiding Hollywood altogether and do it as a Webisode. Perhaps ISUS would consider funding a pilot, which could be locally produced right there in Salt Lake City with the help of a local acting guild. Special effects and CGI are pretty simple to do these days from any PC, and there are a bunch of computer people that read this forum, Antiquatis and the RS2 sites that could probably pull it off. And for music and thematics, there are already a bunch of people here that could compose some great stuff. Get the pilot out and if the response is good, go for some "crowd funding" of a series. Since it would be an Earth-based story, you don't need expensive sets or fancy locations.
After you've got a pilot, you could contact some of the writers of the more thought-provoking Sci-Fi episodes of past series. Given that Hollywood only wants fear, anger, fighting and explosions, they might jump at the chance to do some REAL Sci-Fi writing to get back to what Sci-Fi was in the old days--that "exploring where no man has gone before" concept, which these unheard-of RS2 concepts are just loaded with.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
Brilliant, count me in for the audio/post portion of duties. And lets shoot some scenes on exoplanet Pa'nammah 

In rapport we thrive, in rivalry we strive.
Re: Scalar this, scalar that... RS2-104
Thanks, daniel, for the great ideas and for the encouragement. Nature certainly does make a great story line. Just recently I watched a nature program about cranes and it was amazing. A polar bear was invading the nesting ground and the cranes started dive bombing the bear to get him to stop eating all the chicks. This was to no avail and ultimately the cranes needed to form an alliance with an entirely different species of bird in order to deal with their common enemy. The bear finally retreated after being pecked to a pulp. That was high drama and entirely real.daniel wrote: And there are a lot of story lines you could work with, from the Darth Vader "I am your father" to the Annunaki serpents "We are your world leaders" idea, through a secret rebel base camp where Enki and the LMs are working to secretly help humanity from their cosmic, 3D time Agarthan base in the hollow Earth... reality actually makes a great story line, and because it is connected with the collective unconscious understanding of mankind, it's going to fire up the imagination and make people think.
I have a lot of experience in audio and editing, similar to what I think Lozion does, but not creative writing as such. Still though, the idea of writing a story around the RS sounded exciting to me and that's why I mentioned it as an outlet, not only as a fun way to introduce RS concepts, but a story about real people on a journey toward a changing world and an ethical future. Some soul searching is in order for me on this, and I hope for an inner response in the fullness of time.
"just down the road a little way, turn left, cross the drawbridge, and you will be my guest tonight."
-- directions to the grail castle
-- directions to the grail castle