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Re: LMs

Post by Lozion » Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:30 pm

Ok guys, I have to post about a weird phenomena I and 2 other friends observed around 9:45pm EST saturday night. I visited a couple of friends living on a farm about 1h:30 away from Montreal and while we were around the campfire sipping a beer and swapping stories, an orb looking object flew almost right above us roughly at a 1000feet in a south/north direction, velocity was hard to establish but the object took about 2 to 3 minutes before going from one side of the horizon until fading in the distance. We all look up astonished at the object and I quickly grabbed my iPhone to try to take pictures but by then it was too late.

Surprisingly enough, about 3-5 minutes later a second orb passed by in the same general direction & speed and I managed to take a few shots of it. Unfortunately by mistake with the excitation, I deleted a full zoom close-up shot I wanted to post but found one on the google images page that is really close to what I took (see 2nd).
2014-08-30 21.48.59.jpg
No zoom-iPhone 5 camera
2014-08-30 21.48.59.jpg (727.63KiB)Viewed 64857 times
BALL LIGHT NIGHT.JPG (18.47KiB)Viewed 64857 times
We watched it go towards small hills in the distance and noticed flashes every few seconds like when you see a thunderstrom in the distance but the sky was clear. I must add that there were no sounds coming from the orbs nor where they zig-zaging or moving in a jerky way. Simply whizzed by but low enough to discard planes, satellites, etc.

LM scout ship, mini Ark, or?
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Re: LMs

Post by Lozion » Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:52 pm

Anyone care to comment? A bit flabbergasted to actually have witnessed Unidentified Flying Orbs... :shock:
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Re: LMs

Post by deepfsh » Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:47 pm

Lozion wrote:Anyone care to comment?
Lozion wrote:LM scout ship, mini Ark, or?
I've been thinking about it today. Me and my ex saw such an orb while driving towards my house a few years ago, but maybe it was just the Sun (although it seemed it wasn't). I can't say if it's LM or something similar - I know Daniel wrote that the LMs use cigar-shaped crafts, and that they got this technology from Enki. This is why I found it interesting when Henry Deacon told to Project Camelot that "this appears to be an Enki ship - like from Sumerian times and current times (Mars) for what it is worth":
  • Image
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Re: LMs

Post by Recursive » Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:04 pm

I saw this posted on facebook today with a commenter saying "The cities of the sea are leaving the Pacific...so far gone is it" in reference to fukushima destroying the Pacific ocean.



From the original article...
Last night over the Pacific Ocean, somewhere South of the Russian peninsula Kamchatka I experienced the creepiest thing so far in my flying career.
After about 5 hours in flight we left Japan long time behind us and were cruising at a comfortable 34.000ft with about 4,5 hours to go towards Alaska.
We heard via the radio about earthquakes in Iceland, Chile and San Francisco, and since there were a few volcanos on our route that might or might not be going off during our flight, we double checked with dispatch if there was any new activity on our route after we departed from Hongkong.
Then, very far in the distance ahead of us, just over the horizon an intense lightflash shot up from the ground. It looked like a lightning bolt, but way more intense and directed vertically up in the air. I have never seen anything like this, and there were no flashes before or after this single explosion of light.
Since there were no thunderstorms on our route or weather-radar, we kept a close lookout for possible storms that might be hiding from our radar and might cause some problems later on.
Could this be something related to the Nokk or a natural phenomenon?

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Re: LMs

Post by Lozion » Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:34 pm

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Re: LMs

Post by daniel » Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:44 pm

Lozion wrote:Anyone care to comment? A bit flabbergasted to actually have witnessed Unidentified Flying Orbs... :shock:
There just is not enough information to come to any conclusions on what you saw. The fact that there were two on the same trajectory indicates that it was more likely a vehicle than something like ball lightning. Some low-orbit satellites look like that, when the sun hits just right just after sunset--you'd be surprised how bright they can get. Helicopters will run searchlights at that altitude, and sometimes you don't hear the engines. If you had some binoculars and got a closer look, then you might have seen enough detail to identify it.
Recursive wrote:Could this be something related to the Nokk or a natural phenomenon?
Most of the Nokk left back in 2010; their craft tend to be huge disks that form a brilliant, circular white lights in the ocean.

It looks like an undersea volcano, where the initial flash would have been the eruption. By the time the plane got there, all hell was breaking loose on the ocean bed. The one interesting bit I find in the commentary was that it was a "vertical flash" of light. Light does not do that coming from deep in the ocean--it disburses too quickly to stay collimated. But ultra-high speed motion does not have that difficulty--except that flash would have come from space, and tore open the ocean floor to produce the volcanic red glow. Perhaps the NWO got caught testing a new weapon. If they do have ultra-high speed weaponry (like Dimension Tide), that would be very bad.
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Re: LMs

Post by pgolde » Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:17 am

Daniel wrote: If they do have ultra-high speed weaponry (like Dimension Tide), that would be very bad.
Well who would they use it against? As was discussed previously about the stockpile of nukes and such, why would they need such a weapon against countries they already basically own. I am not buying into the whole war theater, even though the deaths and suffering are very real, of course it is not for the reasons stated. If NWO fools are not the only ones on the planet besides the humans that slave for them, wouldn't others with interest in this rock be doing something to prevent its destruction? Or are they just fleeing to a safe distance to watch the fireworks? Meanwhile what happens in the other dimensions in this same space, and to Argatha? I have read that this has happened before and we are now on our 2nd chance. I dont think that makes any sense, why would we get a second chance when the outcome is so assured? The prime directive has been defecated on and our sorry arses are being ruled from the shadows. I am sure all here have attempted to talk sense to a small personal section of the deluded masses. It is no easy task, I have failed about a hundred different ways, getting wiser to the process but not a single thought provoked beyond a few fleeting seconds. I do not live in fear of any of this and have tune out for the most part, all the bullshit "news" from "insiders", the best thing I think I can learn at this point is how to remove myself from the willing human slave collective and get back the sovereign status I am told we have as a birth right, mind, body and soul.

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Re: LMs

Post by Lozion » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:08 pm

daniel wrote: There just is not enough information to come to any conclusions on what you saw. The fact that there were two on the same trajectory indicates that it was more likely a vehicle than something like ball lightning. Some low-orbit satellites look like that, when the sun hits just right just after sunset--you'd be surprised how bright they can get. Helicopters will run searchlights at that altitude, and sometimes you don't hear the engines. If you had some binoculars and got a closer look, then you might have seen enough detail to identify it.
Well, most of the common objects imagined dont fit with my observation and the zoom on the iPhone is pretty good so I truly believe I saw small ships in displacement, human or not, I cant tell...
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Re: LMs

Post by MrGreen » Tue Sep 09, 2014 3:59 pm

If there exists advanced extraterrestrials or even a native species such as the LM's that are well advanced in technology as discussed on this forum, would they not interfere on some level to mediate the damage caused by the NWO with all their Oil spills, Chem trails, pollution, and a variety of other insults carried out on the environment and planet at large?

Would they at least not act in such a manner to repair some of the damage?

Kind of off-topic but this thought had just occurred to me.

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Re: LMs

Post by maeghan » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:33 am

MrGreen wrote: Would they at least not act in such a manner to repair some of the damage?

Kind of off-topic but this thought had just occurred to me.
Really good question. While the damage the NWO have done to the planet is bad, perhaps it's not as bad as we think it is. Maybe Gaia is pretty good at repairing herself??? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think that our impact on this planet is not as earth shattering as we think. I'm coming at this from the perspective of us humans once thinking that we were 'the center of the universe'.
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