9/11 Holodeck Disaster

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:01 pm

daniel wrote:.... The more I think about it, the more I'd be willing to bet that there weren't ANY planes, at all... it was all a "mind control" game. Consider the number of cameras in New York City, between the cell phones, security cameras, traffic cams, webcams, and the fact that there are only like TWO videos posted on the planes? Both with rendering errors?

I've seen this mind game played before, by both corporations and governments. All you need to do is plant some "shills" in the crowd that all yell out the same thing, like, "Did you see that!!! A plane just crashed into that building!!!" Thousands of people that saw nothing, are suddenly yelling about the plane that crashed into the building, and the rumor spreads like wildfire because it is "sensationalism."

I saw a video, years ago, which was a study on social acceptance of the younger generation. It was fascinating... they had a group of 5 kids that were taking these typical psychology tests. Four of them were "shills," and only the 5th person was an actual test subject. The started out with a few simple things, like a putting the color red on the screen and asking what color the people saw. Everyone would say "red." Then after this "priming the pump" of credibility, they had the 4 shills give WRONG answers, to see what the 5th guy would do. Sure enough, yellow came up on the screen, and the first guy said, "blue." The second agreed and said "blue." So did the third and fourth. The 5th guy, not in on the scam, paused a bit, then commented something like, "Blue. And a nice shade, too." Even though yellow was staring him in the face. The desire for social acceptance--not to be rejected by the group--was so strong, it overrode the plain truth right in front of his face.

Whenever I look at the 911 footage now, that's what I think of. Those planes are "blue."
Yes, there is a deep need in us to conform and to belong to a community/crowd. There's a sufi story of a villager who helped a stranger one day. This stranger turned out to be magician and in return, he advised the villager to store water away. He explained that soon, the water would disappear and that when the water reappears, it will be different. He told the villager not to drink the new water because it turns people insane. The man saved his water and events happened as he was told. Soon, everyone in the village went crazy except this man. They lost all memory of how things used to be and because he behaved differently from them, the villagers accused him of being crazy. The man realises that in order to belong, he had to be like all the others. So he drinks the new water and went crazy too.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Jan 08, 2014 2:04 pm

It's also how the cabal controls forums. If anyone posts a comment which does not meet with their approval, there would be 2 or more of their shills jumping up and down, accusing the poster of say, anti-semitism if he dares to criticise Israel or questions the Holocaust story (myth?). Mind you, sometimes it's just sheep who demand that people conform. Debate is not permitted presumably in case it wakes anyone up.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by Lozion » Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:55 pm

The message is still the same, stick Jones in the same stinking pile of other Illuminati agents that Russell Brand belongs to!
I dont trust alex jones.. reason he never talk about jesuits, knights of malta or vatican i think he is vatican agent ..
Spot on!
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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:16 pm

http://truthernews.wordpress.com/2012/0 ... ble-agent/
Is Alex Jones A STRATFOR Double Agent?

http://truthernews.wordpress.com/2012/0 ... ble-agent/
Alex Jones Cancels Speaking Tour 3 Days After Exposure As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by daniel » Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:39 pm

Djchrismac wrote:You should check out September Clues if you haven't already, it has exactly that, lots of evidence of CGI footage, media fakery, holograms and fake actors:

I'd agree with the conclusions in that video. I've seen holographic technology demonstrated back in the early 1970s--then disappeared. CGI doesn't have to be generated by the television studio--it can be projected as a hologram, as well. A drone missile with a projector would indeed travel at 580 mph (whereas a plane could not), and be virtually invisible to the naked eye.

There was a toy I had as a kid that was a hologram generator. It was this saucer-shaped disk, and you could put something at the bottom and it would appear as a hologram just above it, that looked totally real. You'd think it was real until you tried to touch it, and your fingers would go right through. Very impressive toy.

Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qh4nMYfGjMQ
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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:43 pm

I think the projector(s) may have been mounted on their space platforms.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by daniel » Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:05 pm

soldierhugsmember wrote:I think the projector(s) may have been mounted on their space platforms.
The Icarus platforms are way up in the thermosphere. Because of the atmospheric turbulence, it would be hard to project a stable image near ground level. The fact that military radar recorded an object paralleling the supposed flight path of the airplanes some 1500-2000 feet off to the side (detailed in the video), is a good indication that it was a holocam device.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by Evansville64 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:29 pm

Also, there are the MULTIPLE bizzare stories, how people witnessed the bottom floor elevator doors bulging; the metallic surface becoming brown and scorched, and the ultimate bursting of the doors, giving way to a river of molten steel.. "I dont see how this could be possible, we got a situation down here, and the planes waaaay up there"
There is also a weird hum, still present to this day at the site. I know there was a disaster scene that took place during "hurricane sandy", where the water started funneling into the dirt ground like inside-out fountiane , at the construction site :shock: It was a mess!

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by Evansville64 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 12:31 pm

There is more than one video, where the left wing dissapears. Different angles.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Thu Jan 09, 2014 4:45 pm

daniel wrote:
soldierhugsmember wrote:I think the projector(s) may have been mounted on their space platforms.
The Icarus platforms are way up in the thermosphere. Because of the atmospheric turbulence, it would be hard to project a stable image near ground level. The fact that military radar recorded an object paralleling the supposed flight path of the airplanes some 1500-2000 feet off to the side (detailed in the video), is a good indication that it was a holocam device.
So you're saying the device was mounted on a plane?

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