9/11 Holodeck Disaster

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9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by daniel » Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:24 pm

I just received a link to a rather interesting video, that pretty much shows that NO PLANES hit the World Trade Center--they were Blue Beam holograms!

Holographic plane hits Twin Towers
911-Holographic-Plane.jpg (23.85KiB)Viewed 24086 times
Notice that there is NO DAMAGE to the building, despite the plane being half way into it, and the left wing has disappeared--but the engine that connects to it is still there. Seems they had a bit of a "rendering" problem and clipped the wing too soon on the hologram, as it disappears just before impact (probably interference from the smoke coming from the other tower). Not bad timing, though. Only about 1/15th of a second error.

Just goes to show the kind of technology the NWO has at their disposal and how easy it is to fool people.
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:50 pm

Yes, yes yes.
They used military grade holographic projectors
That's the bit which Khalezov has got wrong as he maintains that what we saw were CGI.

They demolished the WTC with 3 underground thermonuclear devices and not only that, those buggers have told us of this all this time, from the very start.

You only need to look up the meaning of 'ground zero' in the OLD dictionaries that you have at home.
You'll find that there's only one definition and it's the term used for a place where a nuclear explosion has happened.
What the US government did after 9/11 was to send people out all over the planet to replace every single dictionary they could lay their hands on - in bookshops and libraries etc
They switched all the dictionaries with amended versions (even of old editions) and these replacements have extra definitions for 'ground zero'.

For example, if you have a genuine pre-9/11 Merriam Webster's Collegiate dictionary, the definition there is:
ground zero n (1946): the point directly above, below, or at which a nuclear explosion occurs

They replaced them with dictionaries which now show two extra meanings, which are:
2: the center or origin of rapid, intense, or violent activity or change
3: the very beginning : SQUARE ONE

Just have a look at this video where he shows the 2 versions:
At 6:05 mins, he shows the old and new definitions of 'Ground Zero'.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:53 pm

You can prove that there were no planes because the smoke plumes have no vortices.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:57 pm

It's so typical of those bad guys to tell us what they do to us.
I think they are playing some kind of get-out-of-bad-karma card.
If they can show they have told us of what abuse they will/are/have been dishing out to us, but we do not object/complain/protest, then I guess they can safely assume that we have consented to the abuse.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by Evansville64 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:35 am

Do you know any details on the other blue beam hardware, such as the use of "Star Wars" satellite, for the cutting of the steel girders?

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:15 am

Besides the 3 underground nukes, there were other explosive devices. They had nano nukes to produce the explosions in the towers (to give the impression of plane impacts). There was thermite used and maybe some other minor stuff. I'll need to look up my notes on this.

But there was one black ops weapon used and that's a molecular disruptor. It's some type of scalar weapon, probably fired from one of the cabal's space platforms. I believe this is what Judy Wood calls a molecular dissociation device. John Lear talked about this in an interview. He said that was the first time they had ever tried it out and he's probably right. The silly buggers were unable to switch the goddamn thing off and it kept on running for years. This is why they have been unable to build on Ground Zero for so many years because anything they put up would rapidly disintegrate. It's off now. I think they have erected something there now but I'm not in NY and don't keep up with developments at that site. Maybe someone can tell me what's there these days.

You see, what happened was that the American government was fooled into thinking that they were under nuclear attack. The Pentagon was not hit by a plane but by a thermonuclear cruise missile earlier that day. Then explosions went off high up in the twin towers. The administration believed that there were nukes up there, about to explode. That's why they demolished the towers. If there was a nuclear explosion way up the towers, a huge swathe of NY was be destroyed. Just think of the devastation and the radiation and pollution etc They brought the buildings down because it would have been much safer for any nukes to go off at ground level rather than umpteen floors up.

There has been a massive cover-up and the government told some cock-and-bull story to a lot of people to gain their co-operation in the cover-up. Such people were not part of the conspiracy but became complicit in the cover-up because their patriotism was called upon. They were told some of the truth but not all. In turn, because they believed they are doing the right thing by their country (that's how the government sold it to them), they have been doing everything they can to stomp out any dissent from people who do not believe the official story. I am sorry for these guys. They have been lied to, just like the rest of the world.

If you want to know more, here's a link:

And hey guys, Khalezov has put out an honesty box for his book. He's released it on the internet because he thought it was important to get the info out and the US government would never allow him to sell it anyway. He said 20,000 people have downloaded his book but so far, only 15 people have sent him any money for it. That's pretty disgraceful seeing as to how a thousand people contacted him after watching his 2010 interview, saying that they wish to buy his book. He contacted all these guys. They've downloaded his book but hardy anyone has paid him. I think the info is priceless. Who has had the guts to give this info out?

Sometimes, I think Americans thoroughly deserve the governments they vote in. It's no wonder that many ETs will not help this world. They consider that we deserve to sleep in the bed that we've been crapping in. I'm tending to that view myself.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:29 am

You won't find Khalezov's book telling you about the molecular disruptor. He's just the nuke guy. The nukes should have been sufficient but my feeling is that they used the black ops device because they wanted to test it out (when you have a new toy, wouldn't you want to play with it?) and possibly also as insurance to ensure the towers come down. They have a lot riding on it. They needed a massive terrorism event to usher in all these controls over us on the planet. There have been other things going on to but it's too far out to discuss with 9/11. It's bad enough telling people that they have been nuked without going into woo-woo stuff.

The truth is coming out. They cannot stop it. All they can do is delay it. But stop? Nope. Sorry guys but you know you've lost. While Satan may seem all powerful to his worshippers, he can't measure up to the real big fellow.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disast

Post by neal » Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:36 pm

Causality breakage can be anticipated with prophecy, remote viewing, and contact with entities that hover above alternate timelines. The rest, the tech forms explanations as required. Also organic mutation, those that know it is coming become alternate selves, and do not always have the gift to remember the change.

Humanity is of a range, so is tech stuff. These things become adjusted, not linear. Those planes were not from this timeline. Timelines are subject to evolutionary pressures, things get stuck together, some viable, some out of place.
You know, giant skeletons, plane debris, video, and such, keep changing. That is why the intelligence community buries or destroys what is a changing narrative. That is why when alternate expanded Earths or versions of organic life are detected, the narrative of ET or something that is not atemporal optics is put out for consumption.

Not a conspiracy, just trying to make up stuff to fit a linear narrative. To be expected, human sentience seems to have difficulty with certain trauma, probably why uplift slows to a crawl, with theories about the deal. It is not safe to broadcast what everything else is swimming through.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by Ilkka » Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:24 am

On one youtube video about ten years ago when there was many "conspiracy theories" about 9/11, I remember that they moved the gold out from the basement a week before the "attack" also there was some witness testimony that said they heard a loud noises during the work days as if some one was drilling the walls. Quick deduction tells me that the drilling holes in walls is for planting bombs inside the support beams. I have also seen alot of demolition videos where large buildings just fall to the ground as did the twin towers and that building 7. I think they wouldnt have need to use any fancy "mininukes" or some black ops to help the buildings go down. I remember also another thing about them. The asbestos covering the steel beams would have needed to be cleaned off very soon back then, since this fireproof stuff is carcinogen. Better to make money from insurance that was got like month before than lose money to clean them off the bulding. Although I dont remember exactly where they said that the asbestos were but still if it is somewhere there it must be cleaned and disposed of.

PS. Small plane hit the Empire State building leaving about no scratch on it and also fires have raged sky scrapers and no steel beam has ever melted sideways, like slash \. This is how they cut the beams with thermite.

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Re: 9/11 Holodeck Disaster

Post by soldierhugsmember » Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:41 am

Please watch the 2010 interview with Khalezov.
You don't need to cut any steel girders/beams when you have three 150 kilotons of explosive material just waiting to be detonated.
It was a demolition job, plain and simple.
Other devices/materials used were just for fun or to create the illusion or muddy the waters.
I know a lot about 9/11 - it's why I am here.
Not everything, mind you, because I have a very low boredom threshold and I'm not interested in the minutae.

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