Excellent i'm glad it went well and hope he's got straight to work on part two of the Anthropology paper...bruce wrote:Yeah, daniel is back and wound up like a spring from his little trip into the mountains. Apparently, some old Ute shaman showed him how to contact the nimerigar directly, which apparently involves a technique similar to smudging various herbs at particular locations. It appears that a lot of our "incense" stuff may actually be a procedure to interact with the LMs at various levels.Djchrismac wrote:Yeah I have been wondering that a lot recently! Are things so bad with the SM's that they are hiding away or are the working with LM's behind the scenes? Maybe Daniel's adventures will enlighten us...

Just had a quick read up on herb smudging there (http://www.taosherb.com/store/sacred-herbs.html) but they don't mention LM's funnily enough!

I see what you mean! http://physics.uoregon.edu/~jimbrau/ast ... tem_v7.jpgbruce wrote:Some of those moon are pretty big moons!Djchrismac wrote:Or with lots of moons like Saturn?
Well typically I already started it on holiday a few weeks ago haha! Good stuff so far and I'm really enjoying the comments (definitely Gypsies I reckon). So you have all these forces pushing and pulling and spinning then it settles into the path of least resistance/balance. Makes perfect sense, that would be quite a sight to see all of the forces acting on Saturn, it's moons and rings, you would probably end up with something from an old Spirograph!! Then you factor in the other planets the Sun... complex!bruce wrote:All of the above. You have to account for the spatial, and temporal, aspects of the various speed ranges, not just gravity, magnetism and the dielectric field. There's all sorts of pushing and pulling going on, and the resulting orbit is where those forces balance out.Djchrismac wrote:Some of these seem to be Arks like Iapetus and Mimus but does the retrograde orbit of some of them result from this fluctuating magnetic field or are they more like electron's orbiting a nucleus and are held in this orbit by the charge. Does the distance of the orbit relate to the size of the moon and the magnetic charge or are a lot just trapped asteroids? Do the angular momentum calculations of Torsion/Hyperdimensional Physics come into play here?
If you read the Varo edition of The Case for the UFO, you can get some clues as to what to look for in an Ark, as the annotators make some specific comments about the structure. First, they tend to be in retrograde orbits, like Phobos and Deimos. Second, is that they are self-contained environments which means they need a lot of water, which will freeze when the Ark is abandoned. So just look for white scarring on a moon, that would reveal ice under the dust layer.
So from Hoagland's work do you think the missing angular momentum from the solar system does account for Nibiru being out there somewhere in an elliptical orbit? Wasn't it due here 6 months ago?!