Only to the point where I began to seriously doubt that "free will" actually existed!Kano wrote:Do you feel like events in your life have been controlled or helped along to one degree or another in order to get your knowledge out into the public domain?

No, I was never able to figure out the dematerialization code on the relative dimension stabilizer in the TARDIS.Kano wrote:Or perhaps since you studied time intimately and were privy to some ET tech, did you yourself ever time travel?
Time travel is a little more involved than most people think. I gave this info to David Wilcock years ago, and I believe he did discuss it at conferences and on some videos, but a life form cannot just arbitrarily hop around time, because the "linkage" between the material and cosmic aspects of the cell are created upon the moment of conception (not birth). That's when the "matter" and "anti-matter" fuse together to form the living organism, in a stable system. That occurs at a specific location in 3D space and 3D time (called a ZTR: a Zero Time Reference). Humanity has about a 120-year "leash" on that moment--again, not fixed in stone, as that leash can stretch a bit or get broken early on.
If you were to time travel to 6037 AD to look at a golden horse in a frozen city, you'll be dead and turned to dust in a very short time, because as far as your physical organism is concerned, you are now about 4000 years old--and your spirit knows it, and tries to correct the discrepancy. Same thing if you were to go back in time to watch the arrival of the Annunaki... the moment of conception does not exist, so the life units separate back to inanimate status--you turn to dust. The only way to get around it is to move the location in 3D time the instant before the journey begins, so when you get there, the life units that comprise your biological body keep you at approximately the same age. If you are 35 years old and want to travel to 6037 AD, your ZTR has to be adjusted to 6002 AD as you enter the stream, so when you arrive, 6037-6002=35. No biological conflict occurs.
Now as we advance our consciousness into the temporal dimensions, all that will change because we lose the "mortality" status of being "either-or" space or time, and become both. I wouldn't use a time machine even if it were offered to me... I'll just wait on it until it becomes a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness. To paraphrase Doctor McCoy, "I prefer not to have my molecules scattered all of the Universe!"