Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Discussion on geoengineering, NEXRAD/ HAARP, climate change, chemtrails and related topics, including how to deal with the effects of these incursions.


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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by daniel » Sun Nov 25, 2012 11:39 am

Kano wrote:Do you feel like events in your life have been controlled or helped along to one degree or another in order to get your knowledge out into the public domain?
Only to the point where I began to seriously doubt that "free will" actually existed! :D
Kano wrote:Or perhaps since you studied time intimately and were privy to some ET tech, did you yourself ever time travel?
No, I was never able to figure out the dematerialization code on the relative dimension stabilizer in the TARDIS.

Time travel is a little more involved than most people think. I gave this info to David Wilcock years ago, and I believe he did discuss it at conferences and on some videos, but a life form cannot just arbitrarily hop around time, because the "linkage" between the material and cosmic aspects of the cell are created upon the moment of conception (not birth). That's when the "matter" and "anti-matter" fuse together to form the living organism, in a stable system. That occurs at a specific location in 3D space and 3D time (called a ZTR: a Zero Time Reference). Humanity has about a 120-year "leash" on that moment--again, not fixed in stone, as that leash can stretch a bit or get broken early on.

If you were to time travel to 6037 AD to look at a golden horse in a frozen city, you'll be dead and turned to dust in a very short time, because as far as your physical organism is concerned, you are now about 4000 years old--and your spirit knows it, and tries to correct the discrepancy. Same thing if you were to go back in time to watch the arrival of the Annunaki... the moment of conception does not exist, so the life units separate back to inanimate status--you turn to dust. The only way to get around it is to move the location in 3D time the instant before the journey begins, so when you get there, the life units that comprise your biological body keep you at approximately the same age. If you are 35 years old and want to travel to 6037 AD, your ZTR has to be adjusted to 6002 AD as you enter the stream, so when you arrive, 6037-6002=35. No biological conflict occurs.

Now as we advance our consciousness into the temporal dimensions, all that will change because we lose the "mortality" status of being "either-or" space or time, and become both. I wouldn't use a time machine even if it were offered to me... I'll just wait on it until it becomes a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness. To paraphrase Doctor McCoy, "I prefer not to have my molecules scattered all of the Universe!"
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii

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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by LöncsVezér » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:55 pm

Hi Daniel,

you might find the following information on Planet X useful as you have mentioned you'd been trying to locate it unsuccessfully.

Source: ... chive.html

Planet X

Planet X is a planet in the outskirts of our solar system. Its surface is not suitable for physical life, but underground there is a vast system of tunnels and bases that was under Illuminati control until 1999 and is in the hands of the Light forces thereon.

In 2002, the Pleiadians have given me exact data about characteristics and orbital elements of that planet. It has a rock interior and surface covered with frozen methane ice, which gives it a bluish hue. Its diameter is 9400 miles and its mass is 0.76 Earth masses. Semimajor axis of the orbit is 70 AU, and the inclination is 40 degrees.

Imagine my delight and surprise when I found an article by Japanese astronomer Patryk Lykawka, who stated in 2008 that »hypothetical« planet X should be composed of rock and ice, its diameter would be between 6200 and 9300 miles and its mass between 0.3 and 0.7 Earth masses. Semimajor axis of the orbit should be between 100 and 170 AU and inclination up to 40 degrees : ... net-X.html

The main reason why the astronomers have officially not yet discovered this planet is that they are »told« by the Cabal not to report about it. Also, they are mainly looking for new planets near the ecliptic, but because of its highly inclined orbit this is not where planet X is to be found. Since it is a pretty big object, it would be fairly easy to see it even in larger amateur telescopes if you knew where to look. And oh by the way, it is NOT Nibiru and is NOT going to crash on Earth.

Also this became mainstream news back in May, brazilian astronomer insisting Planet X exists: ... ystem.html


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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by Kano » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:17 pm

daniel wrote:
Kano wrote:Do you feel like events in your life have been controlled or helped along to one degree or another in order to get your knowledge out into the public domain?
Only to the point where I began to seriously doubt that "free will" actually existed! :D
Kano wrote:Or perhaps since you studied time intimately and were privy to some ET tech, did you yourself ever time travel?
No, I was never able to figure out the dematerialization code on the relative dimension stabilizer in the TARDIS.

Time travel is a little more involved than most people think. I gave this info to David Wilcock years ago, and I believe he did discuss it at conferences and on some videos, but a life form cannot just arbitrarily hop around time, because the "linkage" between the material and cosmic aspects of the cell are created upon the moment of conception (not birth). That's when the "matter" and "anti-matter" fuse together to form the living organism, in a stable system. That occurs at a specific location in 3D space and 3D time (called a ZTR: a Zero Time Reference). Humanity has about a 120-year "leash" on that moment--again, not fixed in stone, as that leash can stretch a bit or get broken early on.

If you were to time travel to 6037 AD to look at a golden horse in a frozen city, you'll be dead and turned to dust in a very short time, because as far as your physical organism is concerned, you are now about 4000 years old--and your spirit knows it, and tries to correct the discrepancy. Same thing if you were to go back in time to watch the arrival of the Annunaki... the moment of conception does not exist, so the life units separate back to inanimate status--you turn to dust. The only way to get around it is to move the location in 3D time the instant before the journey begins, so when you get there, the life units that comprise your biological body keep you at approximately the same age. If you are 35 years old and want to travel to 6037 AD, your ZTR has to be adjusted to 6002 AD as you enter the stream, so when you arrive, 6037-6002=35. No biological conflict occurs.

Now as we advance our consciousness into the temporal dimensions, all that will change because we lose the "mortality" status of being "either-or" space or time, and become both. I wouldn't use a time machine even if it were offered to me... I'll just wait on it until it becomes a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness. To paraphrase Doctor McCoy, "I prefer not to have my molecules scattered all of the Universe!"
Once again, fascinating! Thanks for the weighty response!

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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by aurora » Tue Jan 22, 2013 11:03 pm

I didn't know if anyone else would find this odd. I got a picture of a plane that was leaving a chemtrail that had gone above or through a cloud. The chemtrail is white and yet where it overlaps with the cloud it is like there is a void.
chemtrail thru cloud (2).jpg
chemtrail thru cloud (2).jpg (186.06KiB)Viewed 70031 times

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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by Ilkka » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:21 am

aurora wrote:I didn't know if anyone else would find this odd. I got a picture of a plane that was leaving a chemtrail that had gone above or through a cloud. The chemtrail is white and yet where it overlaps with the cloud it is like there is a void.
Maybe the chemtrail particles got more bigger in the "void" part and rained down with the rest of the moisture in the clouds leaving this opening in the cloud(s).

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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by sheri40380 » Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:34 pm

I have seen that before, as well. When looking at it, it almost looked like a shadow, but the chemtrail itself wasn't there to make a shadow. Could the chemicals be taking an immediate effect on clouds? If so, why does it look like a void? I'm not posing these questions in any particular direction - just stating that I've seen this in the recent weeks as well.

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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by Ole » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:42 pm

sheri40380 wrote:I have seen that before, as well. When looking at it, it almost looked like a shadow, but the chemtrail itself wasn't there to make a shadow. Could the chemicals be taking an immediate effect on clouds? If so, why does it look like a void? I'm not posing these questions in any particular direction - just stating that I've seen this in the recent weeks as well.
May suggest that exhausted from jet engine very hot nano-particles (as they additives to jet fuel) appearing in high humidity environment (cloud) almost immediate fused into hydrates or similarities. Outside cloud those particles got cooled fast without chem reactions and keep staying then.

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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by PeacefulMe » Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:01 pm

Funny that you should mention it, but this past weekend while up in PA skiing I noticed the very same thing. It almost looked as if the chemtrail pierced through the the cloud moved out of the chemtrail's way. It was something I had never noticed before. Glad to know I wasn't the only one to wonder what was going on :D

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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by kellsbells » Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:52 pm

"I have been doing some of my own, anti-GMO experimenting to see what it would take to get a “terminator seed” to germinate, based on the concepts discussed with David Wilcock in 2005, regarding the Russian “torsion fields” experiments to modify DNA. And I have had some success. Genetically-modified organisms, when exposed to a torsion field broadcasting “heritage seed” DNA, literally throws out the artificial changes and reverts back to the original DNA coding and germinates. Only about 15% success at the moment, but the important point is that it does work. And the seeds produced continue to germinate on their own. This, alone, gives me hope that if the artificial conditions being imposed on the planet were removed, life would quickly revert back to its “factory defaults,” pick up the proper signals, and begin the upgrade process—what is called “ascension.” After all, the Earth's core is the largest torsion field generator in existence on this world—someone just needs to push the “reset” button."

I would be interested to see if the success rate would go up if a few healers or like minded people could direct "the broadcast" so to speak. I would be willing to participate in this - I would just need to know the correct time to coordinate my meditation and intention. 3 of us would be optimal for best test results I think. Thoughts?

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Ian MacLeod
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Re: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, Time Lines, Ascension

Post by Ian MacLeod » Sun Jun 23, 2013 12:52 am

It's not just GMO - the whole change in foods as well as the chemtrails and everything else... odd, but I just wrote a comment in another blog about all this, and THEN I ran into this video! You REALLY should watch and listen to this: ... -lU#at=197

We are indeed under attack - a long-planned, deadly attack. The "elites" have had a level of technology that has given them a real God complex. A NASA paper called "The Future is Now!" that covers everything from GMO foods to microwave attack and everything else they're doing. They have decided that humans are just too soft, too vulnerable and need to be replaced with a creature of their own design that is immortal - themselves, of course! I'm certain that they don't know a fraction as much as they think they do, but the sheer DAMAGE they're doing RIGHT NOW is appalling! I guess I'm asking for some reassurance here. Take a look at that video if you would, and please, let me know what you think! It ISN'T just fear porn, because everything they mention is real, it's all already on-line and has been for over a decade. And it WORKS.

As for the "elites" making themselves immortal, ain't ever gonna happen. As I said, they don't know a fraction of what they think they do, and Life is FAR more complex than they realize. Still, they may well succeed in destroying what remains of my country and much of the world, as they've planned out, before it's all over. If they get THAT far though, Man will not be one of the creatures that remains, I think. Too many of us are still utterly unaware of what's being done, and if you attempt to tell them, they laugh! It's so "science fictiony" it's just "beyond the pale". Usually you be told to get help. I have been.

Daniel? Anybody? With just the effort that has been put into this to this point, it's going to take a superior technology and a LOT of ET help - out in the open, real help! I'm more than willing to fight, even at my age and with my damage, in order to save my country and the way of life I was raised to, but without some real help, it looks almost hopeless to me.


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