Hollow Earth
Hi, I'm new here so do not know how it goes, but my question is the theory or idea of a hollow Earth. Does this fit in with your understanding of the Earths interior. I have heard may people bring up this idea and some how it rings true for me.
All that glitter is not GOLD!
Re: Hollow Earth
Well, I think its very likely on some scale of "hollowness" if you think that reciprocal system is correct and understand how it works properly and that earths core is leftover ex-whitedwarf material that has accelerated to ultra-high speeds and exists in "time/space"(cosmic sector) more than in "space/time"(material sector). It takes time to "imprint" these new/old science systems into ones mind so take your time.
- Djchrismac
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Re: Hollow Earth
Funnily enough the Hollow Earth is mentioned on the post I made about Bucegi Mountain Base in Romania:
Just as Ilkka suggests, because the centre of the earth is spinning at a faster rate and is in time/space, the hollow earth realm is in the cosmic sector.
If this is so, then is there some kind of ftl doorway or use of advanced technology to enable access to this realm and would uninitiated humans find some impassable barrier that would prevent them from accessing it? In the article the Romanian Cezar was the only one able to open the barrier:
I am going to have a read up on some of it as i've only scratched the surface (pun intended!) of this subject before now.XX. The Third Tunnel -- A Secret World
The middle tunnel was the most important to both Lord Massini and the U.S. Government, which strongly requested to be kept secret to the public. This tunnel descended to extreme depths towards a veritable underground world, located near the center of our planet.
Those of you who are not familiar to the hollow earth theory, please note that there are important figures who support the theory that all planets are probably hollow on the inside, and bring interesting scientific arguments to support their claims.
Also, there are some very interesting and beautiful stories about people who allegedly traveled to this world. The realm is commonly known as Agartha, and the third tunnel was probably leading straight to it. It only makes sense that the shadow elite were not interested to make the discovery known to the people.
The complete collection of stories about Agartha).
http://humansarefree.com/2011/05/hollow ... plete.html
Intense preparations begun for expeditions inside all 3 tunnels, as following: the first one to Egypt, the second to Tibet, and the third one to Earth’s core.

If this is so, then is there some kind of ftl doorway or use of advanced technology to enable access to this realm and would uninitiated humans find some impassable barrier that would prevent them from accessing it? In the article the Romanian Cezar was the only one able to open the barrier:
The technology described is incredible. Why was only Cezar able to open the door I wonder? The article hints heavily that Massini is Reptilian but then 3 humans had heart attacks trying to enter... hmmm. Could the grand gallery be LM tech (it mentions vibrations and radiation) and they closed this old Nephilim/Annunaki base up centuries ago?V. The Secrets Of The Bucegi Mountains -- Year 2003
They were able to achieve penetration about 60-70 meters away from the first energetic barrier, and reached the first gallery, which looked like a subway tunnel. Its walls were perfectly polished. At the end of the tunnel there was a massive stone gate, which was protected by an invisible energetic barrier. Three members of the first special intervention team tried to touch the door, and immediately died of cardiac arrest.
Any object (rock, plastic, metal or wood) threw at the barrier, immediately turned into fine dust. Two generals from the Pentagon and the U.S. presidential adviser arrived on the spot.
VI. The Grand Gallery
Beyond the formidable energy barrier, which caused the deaths of three people, there was also the solid rock gate. On the tunnel’s wall, just in front of the gate, there was an area of 20 square cm, on which there was precisely drawn an equilateral triangle pointing up. The square was located between the huge grinding stone gate and the invisible energy barrier.
Cezar felt that there is some kind of compatibility between the energetic barrier and himself, something like a mutual “sympathy”. His hand lightly touched the surface of the energetic barrier and he felt a tingling on the skin. The shield was completely harmless to him, so he stepped forward, passing right through it. The U.S. officials were absolutely stunned.
Cezar estimated the barrier to be no more than an inch thick.
He touched the triangle drawing located in the center of the square, and the gigantic stone door silently slid to the left, into the wall. That command also cancelled the energetic barrier, giving them access to a huge room, which was later named "The Grand Gallery".
Even dough there was no visible light source, the Grand Gallery was perfectly lit.
After turning off the first energetic barrier, the huge hemispherical shield at the other end of the room, suddenly tuned to a higher vibration and started emitting higher radiations.
On a closer analysis, the wall inside the Grand Gallery seemed synthetic but also felt like something organic was part of it. It had the color of oil, but the reflections were green and blue.
Later tests revealed that the wall's material was somewhat rough to the touch, but it could not be scratched or bent. It withstood any attempt of breaking, piercing or cutting it. Later, the scientists tried to burn the material, but in a mysterious way, the flames were somehow absorbed within it, leaving it untouched.
The American scientists agreed that the material is a mysterious combination of organic and inorganic matter. After 280 feet, the gallery suddenly turned to the right in a sharp angle. Further ahead a blue, sparkly, light could be seen. The blue light at the end of the gallery was the reflection of the protective shield of energy.
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
- Djchrismac
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Re: Hollow Earth
It is interesting to read the accounts from Admiral Byrd, Reed and the others. Mentions of Nazi symbols, UFO's, meeting tall blonde Nordics, they all seem so nice and friendly. Are the residents of inner Earth (Nordics, Giants & Wooly Mammoths) affiliated with the LM's and there are ET Nordics who side with the SM's?
It seems relatively easy to stumble into the inner Earth, well... provided you're in a plane or boat or are geared up for an arctic expedition!:
The accounts indicate the inner Earth to be like Phobos as visualised on Hoagland's Enterprise Mission:
It seems relatively easy to stumble into the inner Earth, well... provided you're in a plane or boat or are geared up for an arctic expedition!:
The temperature is supposed to be very warm inside, is the central sun perhaps the white dwarf fragment acting as a second internal sun?Beyond the rim the Earth flattens and slopes gradually toward its hollow interior.
The accounts indicate the inner Earth to be like Phobos as visualised on Hoagland's Enterprise Mission:
So is the inner Earth in the physical sector, cosmic sector or somewhere inbetween? The visitors there seem to be fully conscious the whole time and don't mention any change in perception. It just doesn't seem to match Bruce's description of the planetary core in At The Earth's Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution and makes me doubt it is just there in our physical sector and is more a dimensional doorway to another realm/dimension:Djchrismac wrote:Just as Ilkka suggests, because the centre of the earth is spinning at a faster rate and is in time/space, the hollow earth realm is in the cosmic sector.
An inner earth certainly seems plausible given the accounts and anomalies associated with the poles but other than the poles being a doorway to another dimension i'm struggling to make it fit with the Reciprocal System.So far, we have identified the geology of the planets as:
1.An inner core, composed of a fragment of a white dwarf sun, having an inverse density gradient, intermediate and ultra-high speed ranges generating magnetic and co-magnetic effects, and anti-gravitational motion.
2.An outer core, composed of liquid nickel-iron, having a normal density gradient, but three distinct temperature zones—a thin, ultra-high temperature region adjacent to the inner core creating short-term, co-magnetic thredules, an intermediate temperature zone, generating a large magnetic field, and a low temperature zone, forming the transition from molten to solid mantle.
3.A solid mantle, surrounding the outer core, of fractured rock, making the outer core boundary irregular.
4.A layer of magma that has seeped thru the cracks in the mantle—the asthenosphere.
5.A solid layer of magma above the asthenosphere that has "crusted over", forming the simatic crust.
6.A thin crust of light materials from meteoric aggregation, cracked into large "tectonic" plates, forming the sialic crust of continents.
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
- Djchrismac
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Re: Hollow Earth
I've read up some more on Hollow Earth Theory and watched a few documentaries and there is a lot of good information on it along with details on scientific anomalies. From this i've found Kevin and Matthew Taylor's website on The Hollow Earth Theory - Scientific investigation into the Hollow Earth Theory and the Expanding Earth Theory.
I'm intrigued as they are trying to bring these theories together (like i've been doing in my head all day) and mention a better understanding of gravity as helping them. Their Coast to Coast AM interview is worth a listen too:
I would love to hear what Daniel and Bruce think about this?
I'm intrigued as they are trying to bring these theories together (like i've been doing in my head all day) and mention a better understanding of gravity as helping them. Their Coast to Coast AM interview is worth a listen too:
I would love to hear what Daniel and Bruce think about this?
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Re: Hollow Earth
Read the old book, Etidorpha, which is a man's journey to the center of the Earth--and curiously enough, matches the descriptions of the Reciprocal System interpretation of planetary formation, right down to electromagnetic and gravitational effects. And it was written 102 years before Larson published his first book!
Online here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tierr ... paHome.htm
Online here: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tierr ... paHome.htm
Power out? Let's see if many hands can make the lights work.
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
Facebook: daniel.phoenixiii
- Djchrismac
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Re: Hollow Earth
Magic!! Thanks very much, that should keep me busy for a while...very interesting contents!
I'm pretty sure this is another one of your previous incarnations:

I'm pretty sure this is another one of your previous incarnations:
XXIV. The Soliloquy of Prof. Daniel Vaughn-" Gravitation is the Beginning and Gravitation is the End: All Earthly Bodies Kneel to Gravitation"

Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Structure of the Hollow Earth
The Smoky God happens to be a favorite book of mine, since childhood. That's the tale of Olaf Jensen and his father, that were swept into the underground realm. I always found it interesting that the ocean to which they were swept to, in the underworld, was of fresh water. This was actually explained in Etidorpha.Djchrismac wrote:It seems relatively easy to stumble into the inner Earth, well... provided you're in a plane or boat or are geared up for an arctic expedition!
Consider the structure of the pulsar to be analogous to the structure of planets (planets are must mini-pulsars). The crust composes the typical, gravitating 3D spatial geometry we are all familiar with. The inner, inner core (Keshe's Caroline core) is the conjugate--anti-gravitating, 3D temporal geometry. These two effects merge across two, discrete speed ranges that Larson refers to as 2-x (intermediate) and 3-x (ultra high) speed motion. His numerical choice refers to the unity speed of light... 1-x, the surface of 3D space, means that all dimensions are below "1", and have a finite value, "x". 2-x means that you have one dimension that is over the speed of light, and the remaining two below. 3-x is 2 dimensions FTL, 1 sublight. Larson does not have a 4-x to indicate motion in 3D time, he just refers to it as "inverse speed," the inverse of 1-x where all dimensions are FTL, in time.Djchrismac wrote:The temperature is supposed to be very warm inside, is the central sun perhaps the white dwarf fragment acting as a second internal sun?
In essence, you have 4 discrete zones, starting with the crust/atmosphere in the 1-x, low speed range of our conventional experience. As you move towards the center of the Earth, one dimension of space will begin to move into time. Studying 2-x, intermediate speed motion in Universe of Motion for white dwarf stars, one finds that your electromagnetic relationships change--you begin to move towards neutral gravity--two gravitating dimensions with one antigravity dimension make the net result of you weighing a lot less, and that weight will continue to diminish as you move further down towards the core, until you reach the transition zone to 3-x, ultra high speed motion (being discrete unit zones, it is not a continuous transition, but drops in mass like steps, much as they found with the gravity response from satellites leaving the solar system).
Another interesting effect is that once an FTL dimension is available, a dimension moving in time rather than space, the likelihood of electron-positron collision greatly increases, and that collision produces the photon--light. Once you enter the 2-x, intermediate speed zone, the air, itself, will begin to light up from spontaneous photon creation, due to the dielectric-magnetic flux intersection. The further you go, the stronger the FTL dimension becomes, so the more likelihood that photons will be produced, and the brighter it gets. (You'll be in the dark until you cross the 1-x to 2-x boundary.)
3-x, ultra-high speed motion means there is more antigravity than gravity, so any 1-x mass (such as your body) will be pushed away from this zone. In essence, you will have to "climb uphill" to progress deeper down into the 3-x zone because gravity is working backwards. Also recall the inverse density gradient will be strongest here... the 2-x zone will lighten up as you get deeper, moving more towards silicates and light gasses, which means a lot of VERY large caverns. Upon reaching the 3-x boundary, the environment will be primarily vapor and gas, a zone where you can stand on the 2-x rock with your head "pointed up" towards the core of the planet, upside-down from surface life.
The remaining zone, the inverse speed zone, is where all dimensions are in time. The contents of this zone are unobservable to a material perspective, as our senses can only observe and measure spatial displacement, not temporal displacement. It would appear as a "black hole" in the center of the planet, except for the fact that it is not empty. Space and time are reciprocally related, so vacuum of space is means "time" is a solid--a "solid aether." This is what is observed as a "central sun," the "solid of time" of which particles and photons are being emitted, and dropping back down to low-speed ranges, which appear near the unit speed boundary--about 11.7 micrometers, putting the light in the infrared/red zone. But beware--read Daniel's Geoengineering paper, because any time FTL matter drops to sublight speed, X-rays and gamma rays are emitted as well. Going to that zone in "earthly" form is not recommended... "you're toast, from coast to coast."
Etidorpha is a very interesting book that describes these transitions, and the "gigantic" life that occurs within, due to the low gravity and lack of the damaging effects of solar radiation we get on the surface. Unfortunately, the book ends at the best part... as the intrepid adventurer learns how to enter the ultra-high speed zone, and 3D time. It could really use a sequel... if anyone is that adventurous!
Correct, though it is not spinning in "clock time." Scientists use the spinning device to account for the relative motion of the Earth's magnetic field against the surface, so they assume the core is generating the field and therefore must be spinning at that rate. The spinning is actually a magnetohydrodynamic effect, linked to the Moon, and has nothing to do with the inner core.Djchrismac wrote:Just as Ilkka suggests, because the centre of the earth is spinning at a faster rate and is in time/space, the hollow earth realm is in the cosmic sector.
I wrote that paper a LONG time ago, when the idea of the white dwarf core first hit me. I have a lot more information now.Djchrismac wrote:So is the inner Earth in the physical sector, cosmic sector or somewhere inbetween? The visitors there seem to be fully conscious the whole time and don't mention any change in perception. It just doesn't seem to match Bruce's description of the planetary core in At The Earth's Core: The Geophysics of Planetary Evolution and makes me doubt it is just there in our physical sector and is more a dimensional doorway to another realm/dimension:...
As to the visitor transition... read Larson's book, Beyond Space and Time. In it, he describes the structure of the "life unit," the living cell, as being a stable combination of material matter and cosmic matter (anti-matter). That means what you physically SEE is only half of what you ARE. In philosophy, the 3D space half is referred to as the "body", and the 3D time half as the "mind" (Ra Material) or "soul." LIFE, having a foot in both doors, CAN transition between the realms, but doing so is analogous to switching your waking and dream states, which is why adepts engage in lots and lots of meditation before attempting to cross over into the Other Realm. The meditative state is normally on the subconscious boundary, so a degree of consciousness is retained. The stories of Olaf Jensen and others seem like they are relating a dream, because that is the way human consciousness copes with the transition.
Quick note about "force fields" protecting caverns... some are "natural" protections, because the transition between the material and cosmic realms require an organism that has undergone individuation. In other words, if an ant tries to cross the boundary, it will die because it still has a collective soul that cannot cross, so only the body crosses over and becomes "matter" in an "anti-matter" realm, with explosive results. Things like rocks, guns, etc., tend to disintegrate under these conditions--as do synthetic clothes. Artificial "time barriers" can also be constructed to block such intrusions, using the same principle.
The inner, inner core is, as you say, a "dimensional doorway to another realm," what Larson calls the Cosmic Sector. Because a white dwarf is an explosion IN TIME, not in space, there is actually another planet in 3D time that is the conjugate of our 3D spatial Earth--Agartha. Earth = 3D space with clock time, Agartha = 3D time with clock space. The two, like the life unit, form the body and soul of a biological organism that we call Gaia.
It is highly improbable that there are big openings at the poles, as the planetary mantle and crust formation are dependent upon gravity, so captured matter is randomly distributed across the sphere. But there are times where openings can form and whirlpools to the inner realms form, such as those described in The Smoky God that sucked Olaf and his father inside, and the volcanic descriptions in Etidorpha. But I would doubt these natural occurrences would be a direct transition from the material to cosmic sides of the planet. If they were, they would most certainly be fatal to the unsuspecting person. These occurrences tend to deposit a person in the intermediate speed realm, from which they can acclimatize and make a proper transition.Djchrismac wrote:An inner earth certainly seems plausible given the accounts and anomalies associated with the poles but other than the poles being a doorway to another dimension i'm struggling to make it fit with the Reciprocal System.
Also consider that, as you transition, "insides" and "outsides" get flipped around. 2-x speed on Earth is 3-x speed in Agartha. 3-x on Earth is 2-x on Agartha. The journey to the center of the Earth is actually more like a journey to the center of Time. Agartha is shown inside-out because of this inversion of perspective on our spatial consciousness.
Re: Hollow Earth
Wow, i am impress with the responses! It will take me some time
to look thru this information. Thanks!

All that glitter is not GOLD!
- Djchrismac
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Re: Hollow Earth
I'll check that one out as well thanks, it was funny when my cousin was round earlier I showed him part of a documentary on the hollow earth and at the start it showed Etidorhpa! I've started reading it already.bruce wrote:The Smoky God happens to be a favorite book of mine, since childhood. That's the tale of Olaf Jensen and his father, that were swept into the underground realm. I always found it interesting that the ocean to which they were swept to, in the underworld, was of fresh water. This was actually explained in Etidorpha.
bruce wrote:As you move towards the center of the Earth, one dimension of space will begin to move into time.
Right i've got you, so I wasn't far away from my line of thinking except part of me still clung to the old model (not helped by your book needing updated though Bruce!bruce wrote:Another interesting effect is that once an FTL dimension is available, a dimension moving in time rather than space, the likelihood of electron-positron collision greatly increases, and that collision produces the photon--light. Once you enter the 2-x, intermediate speed zone, the air, itself, will begin to light up from spontaneous photon creation, due to the dielectric-magnetic flux intersection. The further you go, the stronger the FTL dimension becomes, so the more likelihood that photons will be produced, and the brighter it gets. (You'll be in the dark until you cross the 1-x to 2-x boundary.)

So it's the 2-x intermediate speed motion environment of the inner earth, Agartha, with its one antigravity dimension (over the speed of light) and lower gravity that results in there being Giants, Mammoths and larger plant life there. Would the inhabitants have to worry about the radiation coming from the inverse speed zone?
I'm looking forward to reading more of the book, perhaps it's meant to end that way to leave it open for us to learn how to enter 3D time and complete the story...
Well I was on the right track, but didn't take into account the FTL zones! So you mean the moon is pulling the magnetic field of the earth like it does to the sea to create the tides?bruce wrote:Correct, though it is not spinning in "clock time." Scientists use the spinning device to account for the relative motion of the Earth's magnetic field against the surface, so they assume the core is generating the field and therefore must be spinning at that rate. The spinning is actually a magnetohydrodynamic effect, linked to the Moon, and has nothing to do with the inner core.Djchrismac wrote:Just as Ilkka suggests, because the centre of the earth is spinning at a faster rate and is in time/space, the hollow earth realm is in the cosmic sector.
I'm looking forward to the sequel already!bruce wrote:I wrote that paper a LONG time ago, when the idea of the white dwarf core first hit me. I have a lot more information now.

Cool, although that probably hasn't helped them in having their adventures taken seriously!bruce wrote:As to the visitor transition... read Larson's book, Beyond Space and Time...... The stories of Olaf Jensen and others seem like they are relating a dream, because that is the way human consciousness copes with the transition.
Note to self: always carry a bit of string for your pants/trousers in case you encounter a natural force field! Ha!bruce wrote:Quick note about "force fields" protecting caverns... some are "natural" protections, because the transition between the material and cosmic realms require an organism that has undergone individuation. In other words, if an ant tries to cross the boundary, it will die because it still has a collective soul that cannot cross, so only the body crosses over and becomes "matter" in an "anti-matter" realm, with explosive results. Things like rocks, guns, etc., tend to disintegrate under these conditions--as do synthetic clothes. Artificial "time barriers" can also be constructed to block such intrusions, using the same principle.
It's amazing, a few days ago I had this piece of the puzzle that made sense but didn't fit and now it's like you have shown up, turned the piece around and slotted it in place! Thanks for the detailed reply, i'm looking forward to exploring Agartha some more...bruce wrote:The inner, inner core is, as you say, a "dimensional doorway to another realm," what Larson calls the Cosmic Sector. Because a white dwarf is an explosion IN TIME, not in space, there is actually another planet in 3D time that is the conjugate of our 3D spatial Earth--Agartha. Earth = 3D space with clock time, Agartha = 3D time with clock space. The two, like the life unit, form the body and soul of a biological organism that we call Gaia.

Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!