Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

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Ian MacLeod
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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by Ian MacLeod » Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:31 pm


Something just went "click!" (about time here, right?) for me. Can you check me on this? I've never read all that much about extra-dimensionals, the Anunaki and that. When I read about the Ascension and the radiation among other things we'll have to try to survive somehow, well, the effects of radiation are something I understand rather well. I was a military medic, an EMT 1A and then a Neonatology Paramedic, and I'm Chronic Pain Patient of about 28 standing - when I was able to stand that is. Anyhow, surviving the alterations and the process of getting from here to there still unfried has been a concern of mine. Now just recently I read something by another author who HAS been writing about this kind of thing for some time apparently. Of course now I can't find what I was reading. It was on a notebook that doesn't like me and refuses to store what I want to be stored or stay on the page I want to read a lot. Anyhow, you may well know who this is. He said that when earth-type humans were first created, we had some relatives of a sort, and I gather these are the "reptilians" people talk about, another version of human, who were jealous of some gifts we were given that they were not. One of the things they supposedly did was to alter our DNA wherein those gifts resided. What they didn't know, it seems, was that our creators had slipped in something sneaky: they added the entire ORIGINAL DNA strand, making a four-strand DNA with that doubled double helix invulnerable but still connected in another dimension! So despite the damage our jealous only-slightly-elders had done would at some point be undone because we all still carried that original, gifted DNA within ourselves for the damaged DNA to repair itself with. That is, if I understood this correctly. THIS seems like a way to survive this, and in fact, whatever happens during the Ascension might be exactly what's needed to trigger the return to that original DNA using the extra-dimensional DNA strand as the template.

Howzzat sound? Am I 'way off base, or could this work?


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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by daniel » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:31 pm

Ian MacLeod wrote:He said that when earth-type humans were first created, we had some relatives of a sort, and I gather these are the "reptilians" people talk about, another version of human, who were jealous of some gifts we were given that they were not.
There was quite a variety early on. You had the SM gods, whom were more giant amphibians, their clone-slaves, the original worker race they brought with them, the Cro-Magnons--a mixture of clone-slave and Neanderthal genetics, and all the "mixtures" (as Cayce put it) of the SM gods with these creatures, the divine "children of god" that took on all manner of physical form. There were a lot of jealousies!
Ian MacLeod wrote:One of the things they supposedly did was to alter our DNA wherein those gifts resided. What they didn't know, it seems, was that our creators had slipped in something sneaky: they added the entire ORIGINAL DNA strand, making a four-strand DNA with that doubled double helix invulnerable but still connected in another dimension!
I think you have a few legends mixed together here. The original clone-slaves did not do well in our early environment, and tended to expire too quickly. Enlil ordered the species improved, so the clone-slaves were mixed with native creatures to see if a better slave worker could be manufactured, that would last longer. These resulted in the "horny skinned giants" that the Sumerians refer to as "lulu," but were hard to manufacture consistently and were not able to reproduce. Enki went and added more mammal DNA to allow reproduction, but it also allowed for the influx of soul into 'adam' and started the family feud between Enlil and Enki. That is where most of the sibling rivalry began.

The original DNA is the SM clone-slave. BTW, all DNA is 4-strand, because it is made of life units (Larson, Beyond Space and Time). A life unit is composed of a stable combination of material (matter) and cosmic (antimatter) atoms. We only observe the double-helix in 3D space; there is also another double-helix made up of the cosmic structure in 3D time. (Not "another dimension," but another 3 dimensions--a helix is a 3D structure.)
Ian MacLeod wrote:So despite the damage our jealous only-slightly-elders had done would at some point be undone because we all still carried that original, gifted DNA within ourselves for the damaged DNA to repair itself with. That is, if I understood this correctly. THIS seems like a way to survive this, and in fact, whatever happens during the Ascension might be exactly what's needed to trigger the return to that original DNA using the extra-dimensional DNA strand as the template.
If you go back to ancient history, particularly China and the stories of Tao during the occupation of Earth by the Annunaki, they document processes that can suppress the genetic changes added by Enki and return you to saurian status--makes you healthy and immortal, BTW, providing you don't mind looking like Godzilla (without the spinal plating). Curiously, many of the Taoist priests that accomplished this feat of obtaining immortality, gave it up and returned to Earth shortly thereafter. Makes you wonder why someone would prefer to be a human mortal, than an immortal "god."

Personally, I prefer to keep my "damaged DNA" that makes me human. Reptile skin looks good on boots and handbags... not as my "flesh!"
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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by deepfsh » Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:11 am

Hi everyone,

I have some new questions for Daniel and some thoughts on different topics.

A I thought it could be of help to your anthropological and other research if you visit the following sections on Jordan Maxwell's web page: Highly Recommended Books, Links, Research. Jordan has been always saying in his lectures that the word God in the Old Testament was mistranslated by King James' translators. The correct translation is supposed to be "Elohim (feminine plural)". This obviously ties in with Mauro Biglino's research which you mentioned in one of your posts. Here's one of his lectures which is available in English: The Book that will Forever Change Your Ideas About the Bible. The article “Prometheus: A Movie About Alien Nephilim and Esoteric Enlightenment” is also an interesting read. Does it say anything about the "return of the gods" that you mentioned here and on the Antiquatis forum?

Here is an interesting story on Jordan's new web page about his personal experience with a pterodactyl. I'm sure you'll find interesting the videos, especially the second one, at the bottom of the page. Any comments...? He also mentiones the DUMB base under the Denver airport and the Pine Gap base in Australia. If I remember correctly, one of the Project Camelot whitnesses said that he entered an elevator in one of the Las Vegas casinos, pressed a sequence of buttons and ended up in a deep underground military base, while some other guy was brought underground somewhere in the US, entered an elevator and ended up in Pine Gap, Australia, and he couldn't believe it. Can you make any comments about this, Daniel? Have you or anyone that you know experienced anything like this? Some authors on the internet also say that there is an evil presence under the Denver airport - it wouldn't surprise me, based on its occult symbolism. Richard Dolan did an interesting lecture on deep underground and sea bases based on Richard Sauder's work.

B I watched Babylon 5 (1st season) as you recommended me. I like it, especially now when I know what to look for, thanks to you. Too bad that I didn't watch it when I was little. There was Star Trek and SG-1 but I found them boring and fancyful. I preferred the X-Files and some other SF movies. Especially the X-Files were unforgettable. Unfortunatelly, they kept disappointing me because the "government" did not want to acknowledge the ET presence on Earth or make it public, so I quit watching it over time. I will ask you some questions regarding the first season in another post. By the way, would you advise us to read any of these SF writers? Or maybe some others of your choice... Oh, as far as Peter Moon's Montauk book series is concerned, which books would you recommend us to read? David said in his first interview with Project Camelot that you told him that only the first one is undistorted. What material, online and in print (except your papers and this forum), would you recommed us to read in order to get familiar with those projects. What about Bielek, Cameron, Nichols and Swerdlow - how much "distorted" can their testimonies be according to you? I went through some online interviews with some of them, and a few made comments about regaining their memories - I believe from the times of Montauk. Obviously somebody tried or did erase (a part of) their memory like they tried to do it to you. There's a PC conference on Time Travel in April which Nichols will attend... and Henry Deacon will also be there (I hope he is fine, since he has supposedly broke off all contact since the Barcelona conference when he went public on the Mars topic). Have you ever spoke to him?

C What do you think about the so called Activator X (skate liver oil), which David speaks about in Access Your Higher Self lecture and was mentioned in the interview with Pete Peterson? David said that it helps him. Would you recommend any food or dietary supplements (skate liver oil, vit. D3, Omega-3 etc.) which can help us enhance our psychic abilities? Or improve our health in general...

D Somebody mentioned cloning on the forum and provided a web page - it seemed interesting. I remembered that there was something about cloning in connection with Dr Peter David Beter's transcripts of his radio shows from the Seventies/Eighties (see pp. 560, 576). He was one of the US top insiders and David wrote about him in his e-book Disclosure Endgame.
There was also a conversation on overpopulation of our planet. It reminded me on the first episode of the British SciFi series Torchwood from 2011 called The New World, in which "not one single person has died in the past 24 hours at any U.S. hospital. This information leads to the discussion of the "miracle" on international news and social networking sites. Individuals can still become sick and injured, but continue to live regardless..."

E A few years ago I came across these two pages dealing with construction and architecture: Monolithic Domes, The Venus Project. I noticed that in the SciFi movies and series some of the buildings are made in the shape of a dome. Is it because of the particular energy movement inside of the building which has a better effect on living beings?

Thank you for everything and best wishes,
"You talk the talk ... do you walk the walk?" Kubrick, Full Metal Jacket

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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by daniel » Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:46 pm

deepfsh wrote:Does it say anything about the "return of the gods" that you mentioned here and on the Antiquatis forum?
I have not seen these references before, but if you watched them, was there any additional info? I assume you mean this post:
[url=]Return of the Gods[/url] (daniel, 28-Dec-2011) wrote:On December 10th, I received some information from the scientific underground that indicates that the "Gods" are returning to our solar system. The exact meaning of "gods" is unclear by my source, but the inference is the pantheon gods of ancient times. No details are available as to why they are heading this way, or even if Earth is their destination. The information states that something was detected about 14 light years distant, near Gliese 234B, that is large and heading this way very quickly. The estimated arrival in the solar system is early March.
Curious that these dragon-like Annunaki are the pantheon gods and in March, 2012--just when they arrived--David Wilcock released an interview with "Drake" concerning the "dragon family" here to save the planet from the NWO. (Though from what I've seen, nothing has improved in the year since then--if anything, it has gotten worse.) Interesting timing, isn't it?
deepfsh wrote:He also mentiones the DUMB base under the Denver airport and the Pine Gap base in Australia. If I remember correctly, one of the Project Camelot whitnesses said that he entered an elevator in one of the Las Vegas casinos, pressed a sequence of buttons and ended up in a deep underground military base, while some other guy was brought underground somewhere in the US, entered an elevator and ended up in Pine Gap, Australia, and he couldn't believe it. Can you make any comments about this, Daniel?
I've been to Denver airport many times. Very creepy place, particularly that end-of-the-world mural and that gargoyle poking out of the suitcase. Last time I was there, they were still building more underground stuff. There were cement tunnel casings piled up not far from the highway, with excavators going full blast. From what I've heard from other construction people, there's a substantial facility there that connects to Cheyenne Mountain. I don't know the extend of the system.

Ever see an aerial view of the airport, when flying in? Looks like a giant swastika.

The Cyclopeans (Titans) that first came to Earth before the Annunaki (Sons of An--An was a Titan, his sons were the Olympians) put in an extensive underground tunnel system. Got a map of it someplace... here we go. Old scans from 1985, but still interesting... not to scale, but does show a hub east of Denver, probably Denver airport.
North America Tunnel System
Tunnel-Map-North-America.jpg (401.61KiB)Viewed 28232 times
Tunnel Map Europe
Tunnel-Map-Europe.jpg (437.12KiB)Viewed 28232 times
deepfsh wrote:Oh, as far as Peter Moon's Montauk book series is concerned, which books would you recommend us to read? David said in his first interview with Project Camelot that you told him that only the first one is undistorted.
Actually, I said that about the Law of One material, since the channeler starting using psychoactive drugs after that and distorted the communication, to the point were Ra was ready to discontinue the contact (see Book V for details).

I read Peter Moon's books years ago, just to see what they had to say about Montauk. The project information was accurate, but "no comment" regarding the Crowley and reincarnation stuff, as I was not part of that circle so I have no first-hand knowledge.
deepfsh wrote:What material, online and in print (except your papers and this forum), would you recommed us to read in ordr to get familiar with those projects. What about Bielek, Cameron, Nichols and Swerdlow - how much "distorted" can their testimonies be according to you?
I looked at some of Nichol's videos 20 years ago, when he first started talking about Montauk, back when I remembered a lot about the project. Been a long time. What I do recall was that Al Bielek was the camp Bard--loved to tell tales. I ran in to Al many years ago in an elevator at a hotel where he was doing a talk. He kept staring at me and finally asked, "do I know you?" I chickened out and said, "I don't think so," even though I remembered him quite clearly. I haven't seen Duncan Cameron since 1983. Is he still around? And as David is well aware, I won't have anything to do with Swerdlow, regardless of how much he has "changed." If he hasn't told you what he used to do at Montauk, you should ask him, not me.
deepfsh wrote:There's a PC conference on Time Travel in April which Nichols will attend... and Henry Deacon will also be there (I hope he is fine, since he has supposedly broke off all contact since the Barcelona conference when he went public on the Mars topic). Have you ever spoke to him?
David Wilcock wanted to spring me on Preston at that conference, but I declined. I doubt Nichols would even remember me, as I don't look anything like I did when I was 24. I did give David a photo of me back then, to show Nichols to see if he did remember the guy that made his temporal equations a reality. We'll see.

Not familiar with Henry Deacon, but his voice sure sounds familiar. It is difficult to recognize people from that long ago.
deepfsh wrote:C What do you think about the so called Activator X (skate liver oil), which David speaks about in Access Your Higher Self lecture and was mentioned in the interview with Pete Peterson? David said that it helps him. Would you recommend any food or dietary supplements (skate liver oil, vit. D3, Omega-3 etc.) which can help us enhance our psychic abilities? Or improve our health in general...
I'd only recommend lemonade instead of carbonated beverages... has this tendency to dissolve calcium buildups, like around the pineal. And I have yet to see lemons regulated by the FDA!
deepfsh wrote:There was also a conversation on overpopulation of our planet. It reminded me on the first episode of the British SciFi series Torchwood from 2011 called The New World, in which "not one single person has died in the past 24 hours at any U.S. hospital. This information leads to the discussion of the "miracle" on international news and social networking sites. Individuals can still become sick and injured, but continue to live regardless..."
That season of Torchwood was excellent. It brings up a lot of ethical considerations that you would not normally consider. Well worth the time to view.
deepfsh wrote:E A few years ago I came across these two pages dealing with construction and architecture: Monolithic Domes, The Venus Project. I noticed that in the SciFi movies and series some of the buildings are made in the shape of a dome. Is it because of the particular energy movement inside of the building which has a better effect on living beings?
You have to remember that a dome is only a half-sphere, so a dome on a flat ground is yin-yang (yin dome, yang ground). It promotes motion of energy. The contents would determine what is done with the energy.
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Ian MacLeod
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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by Ian MacLeod » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:36 pm

daniel wrote:
Ian MacLeod wrote:He said that when earth-type humans were first created, we had some relatives of a sort, and I gather these are the "reptilians" people talk about, another version of human, who were jealous of some gifts we were given that they were not.
There was quite a variety early on. You had the SM gods, whom were more giant amphibians, their clone-slaves, the original worker race they brought with them, the Cro-Magnons--a mixture of clone-slave and Neanderthal genetics, and all the "mixtures" (as Cayce put it) of the SM gods with these creatures, the divine "children of god" that took on all manner of physical form. There were a lot of jealousies!
Daniel - Please pardon the poor thinking processes. I've a LOT of nerve damage that's in the process of getting worse, and I'm waiting for the V.A. to get around to scheduling surgeries #7 and 8, hopefully before the hands, esp. the right, go permanently too numb to play a musical instrument (I'm a professional), and the right leg gives out like the left one has. That all makes for little sleep, which makes for a frequent and bad case of stupid. I'm working on it. Anyhow, I see where my post sounded almost incoherent in some places. Sorry about that This is a post commenting on YOUR writings that you might find interesting. THIS is what I was trying to remember and tell/ask you about. Thanks again for all your hard work, and for presenting it here to us as well as being willing to help those of us who have trouble understanding it! Here's that URL: ... -head.html

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Ian MacLeod
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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by Ian MacLeod » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:11 pm

For what it's worth,I agree with you: I'd rather remain physically mortal and the type of human I am! Most of what I've read about the Annunaki paints them as natural born sociopaths. That would be even more of a change for me than turning green and scaly. Pass! And thanks, Daniel, for your patience with me. Eventually I'll get myself together again.


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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by dakotatex » Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:50 pm

I have noticed in the general news that there have been quite a number of earthquakes around the world during April. I count at least 15 this month. I wonder if this is normal, or if it has anything to do with Earth changes that would herald the dimensional and solar shift.

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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by irish » Tue Apr 30, 2013 1:14 pm

dakotatex wrote:I have noticed in the general news that there have been quite a number of earthquakes around the world during April. I count at least 15 this month. I wonder if this is normal, or if it has anything to do with Earth changes that would herald the dimensional and solar shift.

Check out Suspicious0bservers on YouTube....he uploads a 4 minute review everyday for earthquake watches and solar events.

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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by Evansville64 » Wed May 08, 2013 2:26 pm

Evansville64 wrote:flicking your upper neck/skul
We know this is where there is cerebrospinal fluid, were the martial arts masters can perform "pressure point takedowns", and put people instantly into astral-type sleep. "Beating the holy drum" is what this ancient technique was called, out east. This fluid is certainly a good way to open the gate, slowly bring it into a ringing, or high pitch frequency. Then astral projection could be achieved much easier.

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Re: Characteristics of coming dimensional & solar shift

Post by Evansville64 » Thu May 09, 2013 3:59 pm

Ive since gotten more Deja Vu and more vivid dreams, and closer to astral space when meditating, most cases

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