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Oumuamua: Space probe or Blue Beam?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:10 pm
by daniel
The asteroid Oumuamua has been passing through our solar system for about a year now and is on it's way out. First things they hopped on was that it was oblong... and comets and asteroids don't do that (if you exclude Eros). And it came from "outside," from another star system... a conclusion based on a lot of wild conjecture, considering they don't have a clue as to what the asteroid is actually made of--but it's going fast!


One cannot help but notice the similarity to another oblong object that came from outside--from another galaxy... the Doomsday Machine from classic Star Trek:
The Doomsday Machine
Doomsday_Machine.jpg (9.34KiB)Viewed 57493 times
So now I'm wondering about all the chat saying this is an "alien probe" here to check us out and is now leaving our solar system to head back to Pegasus (re: Stargate Atlantis) to report on Earth's defenses as a prelude to invasion.

To me, this sounds like the first stages of a Blue Beam project to get the people ready for a fake alien encounter--probably hostile...
General Douglas MacArthur wrote:War on Earth is fast becoming obselete. It will be replaced by war between planets. It would be good for every nation on earth to unite together to form a front against possible attack by people from other planets.
NoUFOs.png (346.9KiB)Viewed 57491 times

ET Invasion

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:38 pm
by daniel
I've been monitoring chatter within the underground research arenas (you know, us "pseudo" guys) and there is an elevating concern that we are going to be attacked by extraterrestrials. I've not seen it like this before... even the military is now looking for "alternate explanations for scientific theory" to better understand the tech they've appropriated and build more advanced weapons systems--and not the kind that you'd need to fight another country.

We've also got President Trump's push for a new space command as a military service. And the military's increasing installations of gigawatt lasers in aircraft--the own version of "phasers." Orbital weapons are at an all-time high, from a number of countries.

So, I see a few possibilities:
  1. It's a false flag, using the threat of alien invasion for the final NWO takeover.
  2. It's a real threat from another civilization, probably one mankind has pissed off and now they're out to exterminate us--as many Sci-Fi films promote.
  3. It is a peaceful visit that the NWO needs to stop through a disinformation campaign.
  4. It's the NWO deciding it's time for mankind to take over the Universe and kick some ET butt.
Don't know how things are going to play out, as there is an equal amount of data for all these possibilities.

Also possible I've missed something and there is a totally different reason.

Re: Oumuamua: Space probe or Blue Beam?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:22 am
by Djchrismac
My gut reaction still says Project Blue Beam. At least a couple of times a week if the TV is on in the background I see or hear an advert for a UFO programme or movie that's all about the big bad alien invaders.

I recall that you mentioned on here or AQ a few years ago that there was word of the old Gods possibly returning and that the children left in control were collectively wetting themselves at the prospect, is this still the case then?

From your list I would split the possibilities in two:
1. It's a false flag, using the threat of alien invasion for the final NWO takeover. - very likely
3. It is a peaceful visit that the NWO needs to stop through a disinformation campaign.
I would say these are the two more likely scenarios in order. Option 1 has been advertised for a long time and i'm pretty sure the NWO don't waste valuable advertising time and money only to not go ahead with the main event. I may still get my chance to be Mike Donavan after all! :D

Option 3 would be very interesting... it would take more than a disinfo campaign to stop it for I would hope that any potential visitors were well aware of the situation on matrix-prison-earth.
2. It's a real threat from another civilization, probably one mankind has pissed off and now they're out to exterminate us--as many Sci-Fi films promote.
4. It's the NWO deciding it's time for mankind to take over the Universe and kick some ET butt.
For option 2, if we've not gone further than our moon, save for a few probes, then this is probably unlikely and it's a situation the NWO could not control, so it is likely not part of their agenda.

Option 4 I see as even less likely as advanced military tech is way behind current "alienware" due to them insisting on using out of date "science" that has few genuine answers compared to the RS.

If your info from a few years back is accurate though, then this promotes option 2 or 3 over the others. Knowing our real history and mythology in depth, the return of any gods also rules out option 3 as the chances of this being a "friendly" visit are slim to none.

Unless of course friendly means taking back control of the planet from their naughty children.... at this point in time, being honest, I would probably prefer a return of old gods that forced us to worship them every Sunday over the current situation we are in!

If it is indeed the return of the "Gods", does this mean the pantheon and a return to crazy mythological times where humanity is continually caught up in their family squabbles? Or is there any chance that Enki might be the one decent "God"zilla and is returning to finish what his brother interrupted centuries ago during the great bombardment?

One more question to raise... I feel there is still a big gap in understanding what the resolution was after this battle that once again affected the planet in a big way, although nowhere near as badly as during the deluge/great catastrophe.

The LM's took control of the Moon/Ark/Nibiru, Enlil was defeated by his brother allied with the LM's, then what? I'm assuming banishment for the Anunnaki was the punishment but where to and how long for if this was the case?

Was Enki included in this? If not then did his alliance with the LM continue or was part of the deal that all Anunnaki had to leave the planet/solar system?

Re: Oumuamua: Space probe or Blue Beam?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:08 pm
by daniel
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:22 am
I recall that you mentioned on here or AQ a few years ago that there was word of the old Gods possibly returning and that the children left in control were collectively wetting themselves at the prospect, is this still the case then?
If they were faking it, then why the big push to actually BUILD a space fleet? That's the bit that worries me... based on historical warfare, they like to run soldiers across the minefield to make it safe for the Generals. So is this "space command" sheeple to throw into the line of fire, to try to make ETs feel guilty about wiping out a bunch of ignorant humans?
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:22 am
1. It's a false flag, using the threat of alien invasion for the final NWO takeover. - very likely
3. It is a peaceful visit that the NWO needs to stop through a disinformation campaign.
I would say these are the two more likely scenarios in order. Option 1 has been advertised for a long time and i'm pretty sure the NWO don't waste valuable advertising time and money only to not go ahead with the main event. I may still get my chance to be Mike Donavan after all! :D
One thing can be assumed: the NWO WANTS people to interpret any ET visitation as hostile. How many alien species do you see on Sci-Fi that are friendly, and don't have some ulterior motive? Only ONE comes to mind... the Ba'ku of Star Trek: Insurrection. But there are plenty of hostile Klingons, Romulans, Borg, Dominion, Orions,... the list just goes on and on.

And Mike, don't forget to unbutton your shirt to show off your chest! :D
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:22 am
2. It's a real threat from another civilization, probably one mankind has pissed off and now they're out to exterminate us--as many Sci-Fi films promote.
4. It's the NWO deciding it's time for mankind to take over the Universe and kick some ET butt.
For option 2, if we've not gone further than our moon, save for a few probes, then this is probably unlikely and it's a situation the NWO could not control, so it is likely not part of their agenda.
Any battle would most likely be fought in near Earth orbit. Basic military tactics... we don't have any way to make a supply line to get further out. The existing tech we have is more than capable of that (such as the TR-3Bs, the "triangle UFO").

From the information presented by John Lear and Bob Lazar (who, after 30 years, is back on the scene), we were never able to duplicate advanced UFO design, only the "Model T" versions. And the way our society works, if you can't build it, you steal it from someone that can. I would think that any near-Earth space war would be to try to damage ET ships and salvage them.
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:22 am
If it is indeed the return of the "Gods", does this mean the pantheon and a return to crazy mythological times where humanity is continually caught up in their family squabbles? Or is there any chance that Enki might be the one decent "God"zilla and is returning to finish what his brother interrupted centuries ago during the great bombardment?
The old gods were resource exploiters... man has a lot to exploit these days, so I don't think we'd go back to the past.
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:22 am
The LM's took control of the Moon/Ark/Nibiru, Enlil was defeated by his brother allied with the LM's, then what? I'm assuming banishment for the Anunnaki was the punishment but where to and how long for if this was the case?

Was Enki included in this? If not then did his alliance with the LM continue or was part of the deal that all Anunnaki had to leave the planet/solar system?
From what I have learned via legend, only the "sky gods" (ANNUNA) were banished... Enki and his band of "fallen angels" remained on Earth. Given the implications of the "darksome atmosphere" posts on Antiquatis, that thought does make my neck hair stand on end a bit... that they are already here and in a realm that is not visible to our senses.

You have to remember that it was ENKI and NINHURSAG that created man as slaves to the gods... I would suspect that the NWO, seeking also to keep man as slaves, may have well cut a deal with them.

The fact that the LMs used their resonant technology to "widen the gap" between this realm and the Other, they must be expecting something--something that they do not want to be a part of. Still not sure what to make of it.

Re: Oumuamua: Space probe or Battle Cruiser?

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:17 pm
by Djchrismac
Hold on this is all a bit too familiar... :shock:



The asteroid Oumuamua also reminds me of the Alien Battle Cruiser from Star Fleet [X-Bomber]:

Maybe it's a clue!
X-Bomber Plot outline

The year is 2999 and the Earth is at peace following the Space Wars. The safety of the human race is ensured by Earth Defense Force (EDF). Shortly before the turn of the fourth millennium, the peace is broken by the appearance of a gigantic alien battle cruiser. Powerless to defend itself, the EDF' Pluto base is completely destroyed and the evil Commander Makara reveals that the same fate awaits the Earth unless the mysterious F-Zero-One is handed over to her.

Unaware of the nature of F-Zero-One and fearing retribution, the EDF presses into action an untested, incomplete weapon, codenamed X-Project, from its hidden moon-base. The X-Project is revealed to be a powerfully-armed spacecraft named X-Bomber.

The series then follows the adventures of the crew of the X-Bomber, namely Doctor Benn, Shiro Hagen, Barry Hercules and John Lee who are joined by PPA, Lamia and her guardian Kirara. They set off to discover the nature of the F-Zero-One and try to protect it from the increasingly desperate Commander Makara and her menacing overlord, the Imperial Master.

Eventually it is revealed that Lamia herself is the mysterious F-Zero-One, a powerful alien destined to bring peace to the galaxy at the turn of the millennium. The series continues with Lamia gradually discovering her true nature and powers while the Imperial Alliance attempts to capture her and destroy the X-Bomber. The series climaxes with the X-Bomber crew destroying Commander Makara and Lamia finally confronting and defeating the Imperial Master and bringing peace to the universe.
Why do I get the feeling this last part will never happen... :roll:

I wasn't actually aware of Trump's push for a new space command as a military service so searched for this phrase exactly to get up to speed by disecting the mainstream chat, here's what I can gather so far: - Trump Wants a Space Force — But We Have an Air Force Space Command ... mmand.html

Let's see what we can see...
President Donald Trump's administration is pushing to form a U.S. Space Force, a new military branch, but how would that agency differ from the Air Force Space Command, which already oversees much of the country's defense assets in space?

In a speech at the Pentagon Thursday (Aug. 9), Vice President Mike Pence revealed a detailed plan to create the Space Force, which Trump proposed earlier this yearn. The Space Force swill meet "the rising security threats our nation faces in space today and in the future," Pence said. If approved by Congress, the Space Force could be ready by 2020, he added.
First up I like the Freudian slip typo... Space Force... swill... meat! Ok meat is my addition but they wrote swill! Kind of gives the impression of grunts going off in to battle like you say... "sheeple to throw into the line of fire":


Come to think of it, the sheer numbers of youths today playing online FPS war games is staggering, I only just found out that some pro footballers have even been doing Fortnight Battle Royal celebrations after scoring goals for example, so maybe they are just preparing the way for a generation of war gamers to have some excitement on virtual battlefields or maybe they need the cannon fodder for a bug hunt like Starship Troopers above... ah wait I forgot, the newer generation will be too lazy and spoiled. VR war will be the next thing! ;)
But the proposed Space Force is not the United States' first foray into militarizing space. [Space Force Logos by the Trump Campaign]

The first U.S. rockets were launched by the U.S. military, and NASA's first astronauts were military officers, Pence said. And in 1982, the U.S. Air Force established the Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) to provide "space capabilities" for spaceflight missions, navigation, satellite communications, missile warning and space control, according to AFSPC's website.)

The AFSPC has units at Air Force bases all over the United States. These units provide space capabilities including "services, facilities and range safety control for the conduct of DOD [Department of Defense], NASA and commercial launches" of satellties, according to AFSPC's website.

But if the AFSPC is already dedicated to space, why do we need a Space Force?

In an interview with, Michael Dodge, an assistant professor in the Department of Space Studies at the University of North Dakota, likened the creation of a Space Force with the birth of the Air Force in the 20th century.

The early version of the U.S. Air Force existed as the U.S. Army Air Corps, an aerial warfare sector of the U.S. Army. But as planes continued to advance technologically and find their way into mainstream travel, "Congress decided they needed to have a new branch of the military," Dodge said. The country needed a branch that could "address issues unique to this domain." The Air Force became the fifth branch of the U.S. armed forces in 1947.

The Space Force would essentially serve the same purpose, but for space. Dodge said it would "free up the Air Force to focus on what it does best," as the new branch addressed issues unique to space.
Ok that makes sense from their perspective I suppose, a dedicated space branch of the military, another bottomless hole for taxes to fall into and planetary resources to be put towards, more war machines to build, another force to control us. "Issues unique to this domain" is intriguing, does it hint at new, unkown threats?
However, Dodge added, one driving force to create a Space Force now instead of sometime in the future is political.

Pence called out the military activities of Russia and China in his speech at the Pentagon today. Both countries have tested anti-satellite technology in the past and are actively pursuing hypersonic weapons that surpass current missile-defense capabilities, Pence said.

Dodge noted that creating a Space Force now, instead of waiting for the future, would allow the U.S. to "Keep pace with and [go] beyond the abilities of potential adversaries to the United States." In other words, instead of waiting until there is a need for a U.S. military presence in space, the Space Force would beat other countries to the punch, paving the way.
Space Cold War anyone...? :roll:
In June, President Trump said that it wasn't enough for the U.S. to have a presence in space. "We must have American dominance in space."

But Trump's Space Force would add more than just a competitive presence in space or an additional focus on protection of U.S. space assets. Aside from being a new military branch, a Space Force at the Pentagon today would have a few features that would set it apart from previous U.S. military space efforts, like AFSPC, Pence said.
More than just a competitive presence or an additional focus on protection... could be a clue.
The vice president mentioned four major, fundamental steps that the U.S. government will take to create a Space Force. These include a new U.S. Space Command to unify leadership and ensure a smooth, military integration; a Space Development Agency to focus on research and advancing space technologies and "war-fighting capabilities"; new government structures to solidify the branch's future; and "war fighters."

This fourth addition could be what most differentiates the Space Force from the AFSPC. The Space Force will have, as Pence described, "an elite group of joint war fighters specializing in the domain of space." This could be a military astronaut corps, though the specific roles of these war fighters have yet to be defined.
One two three four I love the Aliens Colonial Marine Corp!..


You could be correct about salvaging other spacecraft in a near earth war, other sci-fi sources are also rife with this (Space Hulk, Space Crusade and Warhammer 40,000 etc.) and curiously all three that I have referenced above (Starship Troopers, the Alien Franchise, Warhammer) feature a Government/Empire with lots of expendible soldiers, fancy spaceships and... :o





Not good, so I went on to the next article, mixing it up a bit from chat, let's see what the financials say as that is what our banker overlords care about most, this one is full of info:

Why Trump Wants a Space Force for the Final Frontier ... -quicktake

Satellites make much of modern warfare possible, through GPS systems, wireless communications and sophisticated weather forecasting. This makes satellites tempting military targets. The U.S. Air Force is now responsible for defending American satellites and spacecraft and wants to continue to do so. But President Donald Trump says the perils require a new military branch, which has come to be known as the Space Force. Critics say adding a Space Force would just add bureaucracy and costs. Supporters say a new military branch is needed to prioritize U.S. defenses for the next battlefront.

1. What would a Space Force do?

In a report to Congress released Aug. 9, the Department of Defense laid out a plan to build a new force to defend U.S. interests in space with aggressive offensive capabilities. This would include systems that could “degrade, deny, disrupt, destroy, and manipulate adversary capabilities.” The force would hold joint space training and military exercises with U.S. allies; a four-star general or flag officer would be in charge of the new command.

2. Is there a true military threat in space?

Yes, but not in the Hollywood sense of alien invaders attacking lower Manhattan. The main threat is the ability to disable or destroy an adversary’s satellites from the ground. In 2007, China first used a ballistic missile to destroy its own old weather satellite orbiting 535 miles (861 km) above Earth; Russia has been testing a missile that could be used to strike and destroy a satellite or ballistic missile. It’s likely that other nations won’t be far behind. If you destroy a spy satellite, the flow of real-time intelligence from a particular spot in China or Iran could stop. A communications satellite that’s jammed from the ground could mean ground troops suddenly find themselves operating blindly. And because existing international treaties governing space are unclear, even civilian satellites could be targeted by nations looking to contain or punish their enemies.
A standard Official Military Cover Story answer. Reveals in that answer tell me it was "upper" Manhatten, in the sky... skip forward to find destroy and ground, boasting about their big test. A weather satellite is mentioned, offered to us, so weather is definitely a big interest while up there, of course it would be, they'll have much more power and control than they currently have on the ground. Strike and destroy a satellite or missile... we'll no doubt see lots more "Russian Meteor" and other events like this as things heat up in the next few decades, literally. The final key words that stand out are communications (voices of god in the head coming from space, much more authentic), blind (what will they get up to in secret this time), governing space... civilian nations contain or punish enemies... they really put little effort into hiding anything these days!

The perils... a very interesting choice of word:

1. serious and immediate danger.
"you could well place us both in peril"
synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, riskiness, hazard, insecurity, uncertainty, menace, threat, perilousness; More
pitfall, problem
"a situation fraught with peril"

antonyms: safety, security
the risks or difficulties that arise from a particular situation or activity.

verb (archaic)

verb: peril; 3rd person present: perils; past tense: perilled; past participle: perilled; past tense: periled; past participle: periled; gerund or present participle: perilling; gerund or present participle: periling

1. expose to danger; threaten.
3. How would the new force defend space?

The U.S. military was already working on systems to protect satellites from threats like jamming and destruction by “kinetic” objects, such as missiles or other satellites. And there’s a top-secret Air Force aircraft, the X-37B, which has orbited Earth for expanded periods; its missions are unknown. In a speech on Aug. 9, Vice President Mike Pence said American should have “dominance in space.” A Space Force could mean bigger research and development budgets. Some in Congress have called for weapons that could destroy ballistic missiles from space. On a more workaday level, the Space Force would likely take over the Air Force’s job of tracking the world’s active satellites to make sure they don’t collide with one another or with space debris and notify owners to reposition their satellites if there’s a possibility of impact.
TR-3B & X-37B... code for the newer secret Phoenix.Belgian Triangle one? The X37B just looks like a converted NASA shuttle prop!

The "threats" mentioned above links to here:

Space Threat Assessment 2018

Space Threat Assessment 2018 analyzes the open-source information available on the counterspace capabilities of other countries that can threaten U.S. space systems.

A very interesting read as it tells you all about their various Counterspace Weapons (!)...
This report classifies counterspace weapons into four categories: Kinetic Physical, Non-Kinetic Physical, Electronic, and Cyber. Each category differs in its development, deployment, detection, and attribution.

Kinetic Physical Counterspace Weapons
Non-Kinetic Physical Counterspace Weapons
Electronic Counterspace Weapons
Cyber Counterspace Weapons
This is simply a summary of all of their current tech including missiles, microwaves, lasers, EMP's, RF jamming and spoofing... the full report can be read online at Space Threat Assessment 2018.

What they don't add, that we know fine well they are currently doing and another thing I would bet money on (and i'm not a betting man), is them also improving and increasing their capabilities when it comes to weather warfare with the pulsed frequencies of doppler radars and phased arrays along with DEW's as per 9/11. Whipping up storms from orbit, now they are really going to get to play god, don't forget the fiery chariots!

The moon is off limits, maybe they plan an assault on the moon to try and take it off the LM-s.... yeah good luck with that :lol: , or maybe they are ignoring it and thinking along the lines of building Gateway Station and living there while we all burn:


Hopefully our parasitical elite enslavers do bugger off into orbit and leave us in peace... except all of their tech will now be pointed directly at anyone they choose... matrix control of earth will soon be a lot more intense and our grid/cage a lot bigger.

Going back to the Bloomberg article, the paragraph linking to the Space Threat Assessment also confirms my thoughts about the new Cold War in space:

There’s a New Cold War Brewing in Space
Trump’s “Space Force” has support in Congress as China and Russia try to catch up, but the Air Force says it has the planet covered. ... g-in-space

Business... as usual! :roll:

Another quote from President Camacho... sorry Trump that sums up the parasitical elite and their usual games:

“There is no war in space, just as there is no war in cyberspace. There is only war.”

Here is the rest of the article:
4. Can the U.S. put weapons in space?

Yes. The 1967 United Nations Outer Space Treaty, which bans weapons of mass destruction in space, prohibited orbiting nuclear weapons. But it didn’t prohibit other weapons. In an interview with Bloomberg in October, the head of the Air Force Space Command, General John W. “Jay” Raymond, said that “our goal is not to have conflict in space.” But, he added, space is “a war-fighting domain and we need to treat it as such.”
What a convenient loophole, I mean how could they possibly conceive of any other type of weapon in space back in 1967...
5. When would the Space Force start?

Congress would need to authorize it first, something it declined to do last year. With Trump fully on board, the prospects for a sixth service branch — joining the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard — could change. Trump has called on Congress to allocate $8 billion over the next five years for space security systems.
Schools, healthcare and everything else are an absolute shambles on this planet and that's in developed worlds... yet more slave money will be redirected for space war games while keeping us locked even tighter in the matrix. You can also be sure that $8bn is just a tiny fraction of the actual money they will continue to put into this and I say continue because as Gary McKinnon showed many years ago, we've had a space corp for a long time already, this is just the official launch of it, pun intended.
6. Was the Space Force Trump’s idea?

No, though he is the first president to publicly call for a separate military branch for space. The debate over space militarization dates to at least the Cold War, when the U.S. and Soviet Union first realized that controlling space could give them an edge in a conflict. In 1982, the investigative arm of Congress urged the creation of an “aerospace force” or “space force” to develop “laser battle stations in space [*see Judy Wood's DEW's] that could defend against a Soviet ballistic missile attack. The following year, President Ronald Reagan called for such a system, the Strategic Defense Initiative, which critics nicknamed “Star Wars.” (It never advanced beyond the research phase; its successor, the Missile Defense Agency, uses Earth-based systems like Thaad to destroy missiles at high altitudes.) In early 2001, a commission led by former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld concluded that the U.S. wasn’t prepared to defend its enormous dependence on satellites. In 2017, House of Representatives members led by Representative Mike Rogers, an Alabama Republican, began pushing for a new “space corps.”

Watch as most of the younger generation of FPS addicts sign up for this new Space Corp! There are gazillions of alien shooter games.

"It never advanced beyond the research phase" :D yeah I believe you!

"its successor, the Missile Defense Agency, uses Earth-based systems like Thaad to destroy missiles at high altitudes"

Now where have I seen that before... Thaad... sounds a bit Scandinavian...


7. Why take space away from the Air Force?

The argument for a new military arm rests on the notion that Air Force brass focus their budgets — and priorities — on conventional air superiority, and manage space as only an ancillary theater of conflict. But the Air Force considers space defense as one of its core missions and has had a Space Command since 1982. Air Force officials — and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis — had argued that setting up a separate space branch would add bureaucratic layers and slow down existing research and programs. A Space Force might cause Congress to pare the Air Force budget, or other parts of Pentagon or overall spending, to help pay for the new branch. The Air Force now gets more than $11 billion for its space programs — the bulk of the Defense Department’s unclassified national security space programs, according to the Pentagon’s fiscal 2019 budget request.
Air superiority doesn't get much more complete than control of space. Looking forward to the new space tax... :roll:
8. Do other countries have military space forces?

Yes. Russia created its Aerospace Forces in 2015. China’s space program was always part of its military; in 2015 the People’s Liberation Army added a Strategic Support Force in part to coordinate all the military’s space-related capabilities.
Here comes the Space Cold War Arms Race...
9. What would a Space Force mean for NASA?

It wouldn’t cut into its budget, according to NASA’s new administrator, Jim Bridenstine, who addressed that topic in a July interview with Bloomberg News. And the civilian space agency would still lead the way in space exploration and scientific endeavors.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well I suppose it is worth finishing with a joke!
daniel wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:08 pm
If they were faking it, then why the big push to actually BUILD a space fleet? That's the bit that worries me... based on historical warfare, they like to run soldiers across the minefield to make it safe for the Generals. So is this "space command" sheeple to throw into the line of fire, to try to make ETs feel guilty about wiping out a bunch of ignorant humans?
They already have a space fleet now, this is the official unveiling so more official cash can get directed that way and it also looks like they are taking combining air superiority with full spectrum dominance to play act as the gods above, just like the olden days and their parents...
daniel wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:08 pm
One thing can be assumed: the NWO WANTS people to interpret any ET visitation as hostile. How many alien species do you see on Sci-Fi that are friendly, and don't have some ulterior motive? Only ONE comes to mind... the Ba'ku of Star Trek: Insurrection. But there are plenty of hostile Klingons, Romulans, Borg, Dominion, Orions,... the list just goes on and on.
True and a few clues in mainstream articles, along with the rumbling under currents of a possible ship/ark in the solar system keeping tabs on us, something is clearly making the NWO nervous.
daniel wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:08 pm
And Mike, don't forget to unbutton your shirt to show off your chest! :D
Haha... hmmm, hairy chest, no large muscley pecks... :lol: ok i'm going with my alternative hero then, probably more appropriate anyway! :D

daniel wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:08 pm
Any battle would most likely be fought in near Earth orbit. Basic military tactics... we don't have any way to make a supply line to get further out. The existing tech we have is more than capable of that (such as the TR-3Bs, the "triangle UFO").

From the information presented by John Lear and Bob Lazar (who, after 30 years, is back on the scene), we were never able to duplicate advanced UFO design, only the "Model T" versions. And the way our society works, if you can't build it, you steal it from someone that can. I would think that any near-Earth space war would be to try to damage ET ships and salvage them.
Ok here's an interesting alternative scenario... with all those EMP's, space dopplers, DEW's getting advanced and moved up to space platforms/ships/space stations, are they now turning their attention towards the LM-s on the moon?

Continue the fight of the parents... a space station to conquer (that's no moon it's a space station)... LM tech and spaceships as another prize... you don't think they would be so stupid to try this do you? I mean if the parents can't do the job I doubt the NWO have a chance! So it's probably not going to be this but you never know, maybe they have become arrogant and...
daniel wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:08 pm
The old gods were resource exploiters... man has a lot to exploit these days, so I don't think we'd go back to the past.
The NWO are pretty good resource collectors, I bet they can't wait to mine an asteroid or two!
daniel wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:08 pm
From what I have learned via legend, only the "sky gods" (ANNUNA) were banished... Enki and his band of "fallen angels" remained on Earth. Given the implications of the "darksome atmosphere" posts on Antiquatis, that thought does make my neck hair stand on end a bit... that they are already here and in a realm that is not visible to our senses.

You have to remember that it was ENKI and NINHURSAG that created man as slaves to the gods... I would suspect that the NWO, seeking also to keep man as slaves, may have well cut a deal with them.
Hmmm... what if ol' Poseidon is still kicking about the ocean to this day? I figure with him being one of our creators and LM ally that he is equal to them in ability for the most part, after all "his consort was Amphitrite, a nymph and ancient sea-goddess, daughter of Nereus and Doris. Together they had a son named Triton, a merman."

Enki/Poseidon's other children include Polyphemus (the cyclops) and, finally, Alebion and Bergion and Otos and Ephialtae (the giants)

Here's another nice connection for people and further evidence that as per Comyns Beaumont's research, ancient Britain was the scene of Greek Mythology and Biblical events, the original lands of Greece, Scythia, Egypt, Syria and others, the similarity in name to Poseidon's son Alebion, with the original Gaelic land Albion!

Add to this the Egyptian Princess Scota:

Scota and Scotia are the names given to the mythological daughters of two different Egyptian pharaohs in Irish mythology, Scottish mythology and pseudohistory.[1] Though legends vary, all agree that a Scota was the ancestor of the Gaels, who traced their ancestry to Irish invaders, called Scotti, who settled in Argyll and Caledonia, regions which later came to be known as Scotland after their founder.
It looks like they are calling some mythology "pseudohistory" when it doesn't fall into their own historical and chronological narrative designed to cover this up, typical.

I don't see Poseidon making a deal for the human slaves he fought so hard to protect on this planet, whether that was an unintended side-effect of a bigger problem or not, the evidence still shows that both he, and the LM-s to a degree, have been kind and in many ways have protected the slaves caught up in affairs on this planet.

I'm sure our genetic creator would have some empathy for his children, if he sided with the LM-s to protect the planet from his brother and kin and he was the one who tried to help us try to evolve out of our slavery then surely his ethical control unit is evolving too, even if he was a bit nasty according to some mythology but how much of that has been twisted by church/royal/templar order.

The darksome atmosphere doesn't bother me as much as that's been with us since the early days and from what i've learned so far it seems if we leave them be they will leave us alone, unless we start making faustian deals with them...

The key is definitely this:
daniel wrote:The fact that the LMs used their resonant technology to "widen the gap" between this realm and the Other, they must be expecting something--something that they do not want to be a part of. Still not sure what to make of it.
Did the LM-s let you know it was happening and if so, did they say why it was happening or hint at any reason for doing it?

Have any other telepaths been in touch about the widening? I imagine it would be felt by others, i'm no telepath but my Mum maintains i'm clairvoyant and I do have a history of prophetic and lucid dreams and deja vu from childhood dreams as I stepped into them for real years later, even if just for a brief feeling and recall of the dream as if it was confirmation I was on the right path. For the last while i've felt a sort of inexplicable enclosed feeling which I can only attribute to the widening of the gap between realms so if it is this then I am sure others with a greater connection will be feeling it more.

Re: Oumuamua: Space probe or Blue Beam?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 11:35 am
by daniel
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:17 pm
ok i'm going with my alternative hero then, probably more appropriate anyway!
Interesting... back in my college days, they used to call me Apollo.
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:17 pm
Did the LM-s let you know it was happening and if so, did they say why it was happening or hint at any reason for doing it?
The L-Ms are doing it--not a natural event. Get the impression they are "circling the wagons."

The L-Ms have never been trusting of mankind, since they were the enemy (ENLIL's troops against themselves and ENKI). From LoneBear's comments on Antiquatis, they are blocking passage of mankind into the Other Realm, probably because of the loss of man's ethical consciousness. No cyborgs allowed!
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:17 pm
Have any other telepaths been in touch about the widening? I imagine it would be felt by others, ... For the last while i've felt a sort of inexplicable enclosed feeling which I can only attribute to the widening of the gap between realms so if it is this then I am sure others with a greater connection will be feeling it more.
I would assume so, but without knowing how the interaction between the realms is structured, there is no telling how it would be interpreted or expressed. I would assume one would experience a disconnect with Nature, for the remaining few that have actually been connected with Nature.

Your "enclosed" feeling may be expressive of it, as you can view the psyche as a yin construct (like a sphere)... when you are no longer able to stick your head outside a window and look around, you will get that "shut in" feeling.

Re: Oumuamua: Space probe or Battle Cruiser?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:22 pm
by Carlos
Djchrismac wrote:
Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:17 pm
Enki/Poseidon's other children include Polyphemus (the cyclops) and, finally, Alebion and Bergion and Otos and Ephialtae (the giants)

Here's another nice connection for people and further evidence that as per Comyns Beaumont's research, ancient Britain was the scene of Greek Mythology and Biblical events, the original lands of Greece, Scythia, Egypt, Syria and others, the similarity in name to Poseidon's son Alebion, with the original Gaelic land Albion!
I don't see Poseidon making a deal for the human slaves he fought so hard to protect on this planet, whether that was an unintended side-effect of a bigger problem or not, the evidence still shows that both he, and the LM-s to a degree, have been kind and in many ways have protected the slaves caught up in affairs on this planet.

Quote Wiki: The term Aquarius is a generic term for male water spirits. It is a figure from many legends, myths and fairy tales and occurs in the entire European area. The most famous water spirit is probably the Greek god Poseidon.

.... So can I understand Enki as Wasserman? I mean, is this to be understood as meaning that you equate Poseidon with the mythological figure of Poseidon/Neptune? Actually, I am convinced that Enki is an Aquarius.

(In Greek mythology Poseidon is the god of the sea and brother of Zeus. In Etruscan mythology he was equated with Nethuns, in Roman mythology he was equated with Neptune.)

Many thanks in advance for all the answers, I am really interested in this context.

Re: Oumuamua: Space probe or Blue Beam?

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 7:00 am
by Lised1990
It is absolute beyond the war where we can not use casual weapon.