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The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:50 am
by AnAncientAwakening
Daniel - What texts might you recommend if one wishes to understand the nature of the struggle which took place 800 years ago between the Saurians and the terrestrial species of this planet, the one in which the Saurians were driven off-world? Seems as though it would have been a mighty large-scale 'battle' (if it could be called that), and that tales would have been told of this great expulsion.

Some questions that I have: Did the terrestrial species form an alliance? If it was indeed the Saurians who traveled here in the Ark, then where did they go off to, and in what type of module did they leave? And what remnants have been left behind on Earth as an ode to this contest? And to your knowledge, might the LM's themselves have left behind some information pertaining to these events?

Or, could it be that I am thinking with too much of a '3D space' type of mindset, i.e. the struggle took place in such a way that cannot quite be categorized in the same way that I might define 'warfare' in my very 'human' mind...

Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:45 pm
by Lozion
me thinks this will be covered (I hope) in daniel's next paper(s)...

Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:12 pm
by daniel
AnAncientAwakening wrote:Some questions that I have: Did the terrestrial species form an alliance?
No. The basic philosophy of the LMs is much like the Native Americans, in the sense that they were never "split apart" by artificial boundaries of belief, economics, science or claiming this piece of dirt for their own (no concept of "ownership"). Since they are basically a PART of nature, they were never "un-allied."
AnAncientAwakening wrote:If it was indeed the Saurians who traveled here in the Ark, then where did they go off to, and in what type of module did they leave?
The SM ark is still here, in standard orbit, some 226000 miles out. We just call it our "moon."

The SMs had a many craft capable of leaving the atmosphere, from winged jets to saucer-shaped shuttlecraft to cigar-shaped interplanetary transports. The personal craft of the "gods" tended to be acorn-shaped, as can be seen in the old paintings, parking on top of temples and pedestals because the resonant structure the ships used to develop anti-G lift would be grounded out, when they touched the ground, and difficult to restart. The Nazis ran into this same problem with their "bell craft" (ships that rang like a bell), back at the beginning of the 20th century.

I believe they were picked up in another Ark from their ancestors. The SMs are, for the most part, immortal, so time and distance don't really matter to them. Our solar system is filled with Arks and "dead Arks" (Arks that have their central sun.)
AnAncientAwakening wrote:And what remnants have been left behind on Earth as an ode to this contest? And to your knowledge, might the LM's themselves have left behind some information pertaining to these events?
There was a LOT left behind, collected over the centuries by the Nobility and locked away--hence the peasants might learn too much or get the tools to overthrow them. Still going on these days, as technology is found in places like Antarctica (part of Atlantis back then) and in Earth/Lunar orbit. The moon's surface is also covered with the stuff, as is the old Titan colony on Mars.

The LMs have a complete record of the events, most from memory because of their very long life spans. LM "Elders" are thousands of years old... been around since before man was created.

If you know the basic "story line" of the LM/SM interaction, you can understand what the old myths are actually talking about. The Nobility has put a lot of effort into hiding history in the past...
AnAncientAwakening wrote:Or, could it be that I am thinking with too much of a '3D space' type of mindset, i.e. the struggle took place in such a way that cannot quite be categorized in the same way that I might define 'warfare' in my very 'human' mind...
It was quite a real and "spatial" war, at many times. Look at your Biblical accounts, that treat gods and angels as standing WITH men on the battlefield. Not much has changed. What we see now, is what happened then. There is really nothing supernatural about it, once you understand the basic spatio-temporal interaction. It's all "physical" (body and soul).

Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 9:58 pm
by Lozion
I think OP meant specifically which historical references to the circa 1200 SM/LM war survived. I can only think of the various saints (St-Patrick et al) fighting the dragon mythos.

Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:48 am
by daniel
Lozion wrote:I think OP meant specifically which historical references to the circa 1200 SM/LM war survived. I can only think of the various saints (St-Patrick et al) fighting the dragon mythos.
The Norse Sagas of the war between the sky gods, the AEsir (S-Ms) and the Earth gods, the Vanir (L-Ms); the Ramayana war of India,... basically any of the European sky/earth god wars. Curiously, the Native Americans don't have many references to it, because the battles took place around the original colony area of Iran (same place fighting is STILL going on!)

Just keep in mind who wrote the epic, as the author decides who is the "good" and "bad." Christian documents will always favor Enlil (Jehovah), whereas the pagan stuff will favor Enki. So don't take sides when reading... the satanic, heathen monsters from Hell is actually accurate reporting, once you realize that Enki was THE Satan (the Accuser/Prosecutor) and was monstrous in appearance by human standards, with amphibian attributes, a thick tail and horns. And Hell was just the original African mining site, which was quite hot underground with slave workers doing the bidding of this "demon." But he was also Prometheus, the bringer of fire, agriculture, engineering and technology to mankind. Myths are heavily biased on personal opinions of the "gods."

Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:43 pm
by AnAncientAwakening
Yes, it was the texts that I was referring to specifically. Texts have become so distorted down through the centuries that it has become difficult to know which version of which book (and by which author) contains information which is closer in line with actual events. For instance, it was only recently that I learned of The Book of Jubilees. Never heard of that one in my good ol' Catholic School Boy upbringing.

I have ordered a copy of the text written by Katharine Briggs. That's next on the list after the Pythagorean Source Book.

So much knowledge to be gleaned. So many books to read. As Yoda said, "You must unlearn what you have learned." That happens one day, one page, one harnessing of bioenergy session at a time :-)

Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:33 pm
by daniel
You may also want to read the Prose Edda, by Snorri Sturlson. (Available online on Sacred Texts--click on book title). Then ask yourself if Ymir is actually a "frost giant," or a giant icy comet.

Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:15 pm
by pgolde
Sacred Texts, great resource, now I have even less time, so much to read.
I do wonder how much of the electronic files are being edited remotely, change a few words and change the meaning.

Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 4:04 pm
by Djchrismac
I bumped into this article earlier... ... 9qXk_ldWSp

I wonder if a little date adjustment and bad geochronology could have put the date of this bombardment out a little?


Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 11:38 pm
by maeghan
daniel wrote: Just keep in mind who wrote the epic, as the author decides who is the "good" and "bad." Christian documents will always favor Enlil (Jehovah), whereas the pagan stuff will favor Enki. So don't take sides when reading... the satanic, heathen monsters from Hell is actually accurate reporting, once you realize that Enki was THE Satan (the Accuser/Prosecutor) and was monstrous in appearance by human standards, with amphibian attributes, a thick tail and horns. And Hell was just the original African mining site, which was quite hot underground with slave workers doing the bidding of this "demon." But he was also Prometheus, the bringer of fire, agriculture, engineering and technology to mankind. Myths are heavily biased on personal opinions of the "gods."
I'm confused now because from what I've read and talks that I've listened to, Enki was not of that type of appearance. According to Gerald Clark's translations of the Sumerian texts, Enki was the scientist and he was related to Noah ... and was also the one who tipped Noah off. Enlil being the great destroyer.

I've been MIA for the past two weeks cause our internet got turned off and I played my first show.