The 'battle' of...1200?

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Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Post by maeghan » Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:24 am

deepfsh wrote:
maeghan wrote:I should probably go read some books on the faerie folk, I've always felt a deep connection to faeries (not angels, please no.)

Daniel, Bruce, Aaron ... any good recommendations for books on faerie history/myths?
DjChrismac can also help you with this (plus audio/video resources). I ordered An Encyclopedia of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, & Other Supernatural Creatures last week - Daniel recommended it a year ago as a good starting point.

Deepfish, thank you ... i'll check it out.
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Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Post by PHIon » Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:31 am

daniel wrote: The personal craft of the "gods" tended to be acorn-shaped, as can be seen in the old paintings, parking on top of temples and pedestals because the resonant structure the ships used to develop anti-G lift would be grounded out, when they touched the ground, and difficult to restart.
This idea reminds me of one of the LM legends (but I can't recall exactly which one) where once a mortal enters the Fairy Realm, days there can be years here -- or the exact opposite, and any attempt to return to Terra firma (which could be hundreds of years later in our time) needed to be on horseback because if the returning traveler touches the ground in any way, the body will turn immediately to dust.

There was another post on this forum where daniel mentioned that because the body is only designed to live so long, if someone attempts to travel far into the past or future, the corpus will realize it shouldn't exist and crumble to dust. I am absolutely paraphrasing the concept but that was the general idea. That's the kind of check on time travel I appreciate, and I like time travel stories.
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-- directions to the grail castle

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Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Post by animus » Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:02 pm

infinity wrote:The reason people give away their own sovereignty as beings (which are already "righteous" without having to believe or do anything, u simply have to exist) to some man-made theological concept of needing a middle-man religious idol like Jesus (who was a teacher to set people free with higher understanding, not some blood sacrifice to appease some blood god), is because people actually believe the lie that they are "unrighteous" and will go to hell - based on some conscience issue - CAUSED by church people guilting each other - NOT CAUSED by breaking some religious rule.
You seem to have some knowledge on Christianity. I would like to know if there is actual proof or good evidence that Jesus Christ has lived. (Never looked into that, so sorry if this is RE 101^^) The reason I ask is this:
I watched a documentary 3 days ago. It was about Jesus not being a historical person that actually lived. One would come to this conclusion when crossreading the Gospels with the literature of Flavius Josephus.
And "that the jewish Messiah or Christ is none other than Flavius Vespasian and his dynastic family"

You can watch it here: ... jesus_news

I just wanted to ask if you are familiar with that theory? I think it is worth going into (after learning latin)? What do you think?
Also there was a book recommendation on tap some weeks ago: Ralph Ellis ‘King Jesus’ trilogy
tap wrote:[...] I won’t spoil the drama for you by revealing what conclusions he comes to. For me it unravels whole volumes of wrong information rammed down our throats when we were kids, and finally gives me the key to the exit door as regards formal religion. That said I am meeting the true historical character called Jesus for the first time, who bears little resemblance to the one created in the Bible by Josephus Flavius. He’s a far more interesting figure than the near wimp we were told to slavishly follow by our (no doubt well meaning) elders and betters. For example, don’t yield unto Caesar what is Caesars. Make him fight for every penny! Jesus fought a war to try to obstruct Roman tax collectors operating in his small enclave. That’s just a taster. Jesus was a wealthy king, an educated gnostic, a scientist, and he wanted a very different world to the enslavement being brought to the world by Rome. We should go back to the world in those times, reconstruct our understanding of who people were, who we are now, where all these paedophiles and Satanists come from, and relaunch the human race free of all the hocus pocus Catholic crap that still holds people in awe near two thousand years later.
The plot gets even more fascinating in the second half of the book. Did Jesus visit England and live here in our pleasant mountains green? [...]
source: ... verything/

little summary of Ralph Ellis ‘King Jesus’ trilogy)

Following on from Ralph Ellis’ King Jesus trilogy, which identifies the biblical Jesus from the historical record as King Manu of Edessa, and nothing even approaching a Christian – more a gnostic, a Jew and a warrior intent on winning power, driving out the Romans from Judaea. He nearly succeeded in his task, but was betrayed by Josephus Flavius, an enemy in his camp, who spied for Rome, and ended up in control of Judaea after the Jewish Revolt was brutally suppressed in AD 70 by Titus Aurelius Vespasian.

Manu was put up on the cross, but, as high Royalty with connections, was taken down and lived on until AD 98.

Josephus Flavius then concocted The New Testament, using his other nom-de-plume, St Paul, transporting the biblical story backwards in time to AD 33, and making Jesus a simple, poor though good man, propagating a ‘turn the other cheek’ religion, ideally suited to the needs of Rome’s empire, offering salvation to its adherents, and ignominy,defeat and death to those who stood in its way, people like the gnostics. Manu was imprisoned in the specially constructed jail in Chester along with his primary followers, while the victor in Judaea Vespasian went on to become Emperor of Rome.


Abgaros Basileus – King Abgaros – meaning King in exile, formerly King Phraataces of Persia, exiled to Edessa next to Judaea. The father of Manu, who became the biblical Jesus in the hands of historian/propagandist/spy Josephus Flavius/St Paul. The Edessan crown shows a line of thorns….The ‘coincidences’ build from there, until the deceptions become undeniable in the hands of historian Ralph Ellis in his King Jesus trilogy of 1500 pages.
[source: ... ment-37535]
What do you think of that?

Back to topic:
I was confused when I read about the LM/SM war taking place in the 12th/13th century. I might have overread that in Daniels paper. So I have a question concerning this picture:


When i think of (ancient) Rome, I think of the two millenia before the 13th century. So I thought that, if there were dates in the picture, the line "SM/LM war" between Atlantis and Rome would be placed some centuries before Christ.
1200 seems so recent to me. Where did you get this date?

Have I understood that correctly that the gypsies' origin is Mars and they were the slaves to the Titans like we humans are slaves to the descendents of the Titans?

fun question:
If I travelled to another planet with atmosphere, lived there and conciously do not want to go back to earth and my mortal body would cease to exist due to accident, would my reincarnation be on that planet or on earth?

I don't know much about ufology but the 'experts' in that field seem to have it all figured out :roll: and categorized numerous different species. There were over 40 or 60 in the last list that I saw a year ago. Some of them with great detailed descriptions.
I haven't read through all the threads yet. Has anyone posted a good overview to all the Ts/ETs/EDs/humanoids and their origin/brief history on this forum?

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Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Post by Ilkka » Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:23 am

animus wrote:fun question:
If I travelled to another planet with atmosphere, lived there and conciously do not want to go back to earth and my mortal body would cease to exist due to accident, would my reincarnation be on that planet or on earth?
I think that your reincarnation to your latest same body would be on the current planet, but I think you were referring to "incarnation". Incarnation in my opinion has consciousness written all over it, so your own consciousness decides wheter you incarnate into same planet or the something very different one and also different being all together (unless consciousness is tied into just one kind of bipedal entity race etc.).

I suggest that you read this for more information on this matter and ponder on it to make your own possible outcomes.

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Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Post by deepfsh » Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:32 am

animus wrote:I watched a documentary 3 days ago. It was about Jesus not being a historical person that actually lived. [...] And "that the Jewish Messiah or Christ is none other than Flavius Vespasian and his dynastic family".
Daniel wrote:Got this like from a reader of the New World Religion paper... on Red Ice radio. Guess what? Other people have figured out that it's the SAME group of "royals" that have been running all sides of the war against humanity.
Daniel wrote:Anybody ever notice the symbolism of “crowns” that elite royalty wear? This is to mimic their noble Saurian antecedent gods who had a crest of “horns” capping their heads.
Does the chair leg look familiar to you too?
flavius constantine.jpg
flavius constantine.jpg (130.29KiB)Viewed 54723 times
Our projections show that by the year 2025, not only America, but the entire planet, will be under protection and the dominion of this power alliance. The gains have been substantial, both for ourselves and for you, the human power elite. You have given us the resources we need for our multidimensional expansion. They Live (1988)
I thought you boys understood, it's business, it's all it is ... you still don't get it, do you, boys? There ain't no countries anymore, no more good guys, they're running the whole show, they own everything, the whole god damned planet, they can do whatever they want. What's wrong having good for a change? And they're gonna let us have good if we just help them; they're gonna to leave us alone. Let's make some money. You can have a little taste of the good life too. I know you want it ... hell, everybody does. [...] What's the threat? We all sell out every day. Might as well be on the winning team. They Live (1988)
Vigilant Citizen wrote:A short clip from the 1981 sitcom Barney Miller features a “kooky” man describing the entire NWO agenda to a police officer who clearly thinks he’s crazy.
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Re: The 'battle' of...1200?

Post by daniel » Sat Mar 28, 2015 4:47 pm

animus wrote:I was confused when I read about the LM/SM war taking place in the 12th/13th century. I might have overread that in Daniels paper. So I have a question concerning this picture
The war ended in the mid 1200s. It has been going on since about 2000 BC, after that little "Deluge" incident. And the gods still hung around for another 300 years after the war. As "immortals," they do not tend to rush things. So plenty of time for "Jesus" to come and go, during the period.
animus wrote:Have I understood that correctly that the gypsies' origin is Mars and they were the slaves to the Titans like we humans are slaves to the descendents of the Titans?
Correct; they ended up on Earth as an army during the Titanomachy.
animus wrote:fun question:
If I travelled to another planet with atmosphere, lived there and conciously do not want to go back to earth and my mortal body would cease to exist due to accident, would my reincarnation be on that planet or on earth?
It is not that simple, because you have a body AND SOUL. If your only your body went to another world you would be stretching that material-cosmic linkage quite a bit and yes, you would snap back to Earth upon death--that is, if you even got there alive. Space/time linkage, like rubber bands, will only stretch so far before they break. And "death" is defined as the breaking of that linkage.

You may have heard David Wilcock lecture on the ZTR (Zero Time Reference) when time traveling; this is the inverse situation. In time travel, you are moving in time and stationary in space, and in space travel, you are moving in space and stationary in time. To go there, ALL of you has to make the trip, spatially and temporally.
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