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L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:34 pm
by bruce
Some modern and historical references to the LMs or Little Men:

"In 1987 there were several reports of UFO encounters and abductions, over the years it was found that with 96 reports of UFO encounters, 40 percent described little men, and over 50 percent described tall or humanoid beings, 2 percent described grays."

The Nøkk (Näck, Nox, Nix, Neck)
The Scandinavian näck, näkki, nøkk, nøkken, strömkarl, Grim or Fosse-Grim were male water spirits who played enchanted songs on the violin, luring women and children to drown in lakes or streams. However, not all of these spirits were necessarily malevolent; in fact, many stories exist that indicate at the very least that nøkken were entirely harmless to their audience and attracted not only women and children, but men as well with their sweet songs. Stories also exist wherein the Fossegrim agreed to live with a human who had fallen in love with him, but many of these stories ended with the nøkken returning to his home, usually a nearby waterfall or brook. Nøkken are said to grow despondent if they do not have free, regular contact with a water source.

If properly approached, he will teach a musician to play so adeptly "that the trees dance and waterfalls stop at his music." (This is also mentioned in Chinese legends)

A USO report from MUFOR on the internet as follows:

Witnesses: Pawlu Zammit and others
Location: 20 miles S of Malta
Object: Black submarine, or other type of craft?
Sound: None
Notes: Fishermen on a boat 20 miles south of Malta were raising their nets with a catch of fish when they saw an object floating on the water's surface that looked like a black submarine. The fishermen were frightened because they thought it looked more like a monster than a submarine, so they quickly pulled in their nets and started the boat's engine.

At that moment a bright light from the "submarine" lit up the whole area and "little men" began running over the deck of the object. The fishermen couldn't make out much detail from their boat but whenever the light illuminated the "little men," they could see some sort of apparatus around their waist. When the witness was asked how tall these men were, he replied, "About the size of a 10 year old boy." After a few minutes, the "little men" entered the "submarine" which began to glow so brightly that the fishermen couldn't see the object. It then submerged.

Mediterranean Sea - Malta
20 miles south of Malta is Approximately Latitude 35.39 N, Longitude 14.25 E ( D-M )
Reference: Malta gazetteer, U.S. Army Topographic Command, Washington, D.C., November 1971


The Cherokee, like other Native American tribes and indigenous people around the world, have many legends going back centuries about how the world was formed and how the world works.

These ancient Cherokee stories tell of the nature of the animals, plants, trees, mountains, streams and rivers of the land in the Smokey Mountains and the Appalachian Mountain region. Old Cherokee tales include accounts of "the little people," the "Yunwi Tsunsdi." These beings are sometimes described as being spirits, and other times as small human-like people, about two feet to four feet tall. These little people may have different appearances and, according to legend, they may be of three or four different types.

Little people can be kind and helpful, especially to children, and can also play tricks on people. They can also be dangerous if a human intrudes on them, and they have the power to confuse the mind of a human. The little people have the ability to remain unseen and invisible if they choose and generally avoid being detected by humans. But, at times, they will reveal themselves. They live close to nature, in the forests and mountains. They have a spiritual aspect to them and they try to teach humans about kindness, joy and respect. The little people like to dance to rhythmic drumming and music.

----- ... 571215.htm
Except for the 'men', Mrs Starr had seen nothing inside the craft (such as chairs, instruments, or the like), And it was not until she began to consider the dimensions of the object that she fully realized how strange its occupants were. For it had been above her clothesline, which is four and a half feet above the ground., yet she had clearly seen, across and beyond it, the white door and eaves of the toolshed. The craft being so shallow, how tall were the "men"? They could not have been more than four feet high at the most.

Date: November 1, 1954
Location: Cennina, Italy
Rosa Lotti was walking into Cennina, when she perceived a big vertical spindle, "like 2 cones joined at their bases." From behind this craft emerged two little men 3 ft tall, who approached her with friendly expressions, the older one laughing. They were speaking a language that sounded like Chinese, 'liu, lai, loi." Approaching Lotti, they snatched from her the carnations and one of her stockings. Lotti ran away. A deep hole in the ground was later found at the site.

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:38 pm
by bruce
There are legends of the "Little People" from all over the world (with, according to Gopi, the possible exception of India). No matter where you go, nor what culture describes them, the descriptions are basically the same. Anthropomorphic form, varying from 6 inches to 3 feet in height (depending on species; faeries tend to be smaller, elves and dwarves are on the larger side), live in a "different" realm, usually invisible to adults (but visible to animals and young children) and communicate telepathically.

One of the things I learned from Dewey Larson was that things always exist in balance. Space and time, male and female... even at the astronomical level one finds binary suns--the classic red giant/white dwarf pair. And I got to thinking that what if the Little People were the "balance" to the human race?

I noticed in the Norse mythology that the Alfir (elves) are not opposed with the Frost Giants--they are associated with Midgard, the Earth. In Asatru (their system of Cosmology), the adjacent realms to Midgard are Ljosalfheim (realm of light elves) and Svartalfheim (realm of dark elves). I find it curious that the relation between Man and Alfir appears as an Argand diagram--the complex plane with real and imaginary numbers, except in this case, mankind is "real" and the little people are "imaginary."

If I am correct about this interrelationship between our two species, then it clarifies a LOT of things.

Interactions between mankind and the little people have not been good, historically. They tend to show a great deal of disrespect for each other. The relationship between the Shoshoni and the Little People of Casper mountain was downright hostile to the point where they were hunting each other down. (When western European man arrived, both groups lost--the Shoshoni were hauled off to a Reservation further west, and the mountain was turned in to a ski resort.) This is the classic rivalry that has existed between men and little men all over the world.

Every now and then, rapport does occur between man and little man--and becomes the origin of the fables. It appears to require something special from both sides--a unique form of psionic skill known as xenotelepathy (telepathy between species, rather than within the same species).

Let me clarify the difference between rivalry and rapport:
  • Rivalry is the classic, competitive sense that appears to be part of Tier 1 valuing (Spiral Dynamics--the major character of Tier 1 is that each valuing system--vMeme--is considered both superior and exclusive to the others, hence the competition to convert others to your valuing system). Rivalry is similar to the musical concept of discord.
  • Rapport is a cooperative interaction towards a common goal, that appears to be the Tier 2 valuing of Spiral Dynamics (the character of Tier 2 values is "seeing the bigger picture," with the natural consequence being an understanding of how things interrelate, with the choice to work for common benefit rather than conversion to a specific value). It is analogous to the musical concept of sympathy. But note--it is not the opposite of rivalry, it is its successor, or as religions put it, "out of chaos comes order."
Mankind is starting to advance out of the Tier 1 valuing systems, and into Tier 2 (yellow "systemic" and turquoise "holistic" valuing). It is the same situation with the Little People... they, too, are a 3rd density conjugate to mankind and are also evolving into their analog of Tier 2 valuing. When men of both species meet at a Tier 2 level, it is like meeting "balance point" (fulcrum) through rapport, and each can learn a lot from the other.

Neither species has learned to control the Tier 1 values totally and that appears to cause some difficulties with inter-species interaction. It is not just values, it is the structure of the psyches involved.

Mankind is individualistic; their thoughts are their own and naturally protected from others. Man learns to deceive early on--about 5 years of age, if I remember my child psychology correctly. But from a bioenergetic standpoint, man produces an enormous field of energy (the aura and field of consciousness) that can influence the structure of life all around him (and we use science to compensate for the lack of long-range, telepathic communication: radio, tv, internet...)

Little Man is collective; being a telepathic species, they have no secrets from each other and cannot deceive. They always tell the truth because there is no way to hide deception without it being blatantly obvious to everyone else that they are hiding something. But bioenergetically, they are very localized. Their qi tends to be bound by their bodies and they have little influence on their surroundings (for which they compensate using their vibrational science to alter the environment).

When members of the two species meet in a Tier 2 rapport, interesting consequences occur. The strong, telepathic ability of the L-M stimulates the latent telepathic ability in man, which is analogous to opening the floodgates of a dam--everything starts spilling out through bioenergy. From the L-M perspective, their localized bioenergy field is caught up in the wash and suddenly find their psyches connected to the environment--something foreign to their consciousness. While the energy lasts, both participants get a pretty good "high" out of the rush, followed by a rather substantial crash afterwards. But it has been noted that this does not occur with the young of both species--leave it up to the kids to find a way to play together, without consequence.

This conjugate relation between man and Little Man does raise a rather important consideration: being two halves of a larger whole, can one species exist without the other? And if we were to cooperate, bringing together the best of each species... what an amazing consequence that would be.

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:40 pm
by Kano
This conjugate relation between man and Little Man does raise a rather important consideration: being two halves of a larger whole, can one species exist without the other? And if we were to cooperate, bringing together the best of each species... what an amazing consequence that would be.
That would be unreal. Most humans just regurgitate what they hear and more and more seem to have the propensity to go through life without ever having an original thought. That might be one of my biggest fears. It would be quite amazing to exchange with another race of being.

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:53 pm
by bruce
Kano wrote:That would be unreal. Most humans just regurgitate what they hear and more and more seem to have the propensity to go through life without ever having an original thought. That might be one of my biggest fears. It would be quite amazing to exchange with another race of being.
Open-minded people that are willing to search for the truth in things are very rare these days. Keep your eyes open... with what is coming up, we need more people that can think outside the box.

If you think you find one, test them out by passing on a radical idea or two, and watch the response. Plenty of those ideas here! Then see if they will actually do the follow-up work on their own, like you did. And of course, check for ethics, as there are a lot of people out there that can "emulate" ethical behavior.

The LMs did agree, that if I can get my Monastery built in a location that is not detrimental to either of our species, that they would be happy to join in, both as teachers and students. Can you imagine a classroom full of people of every race and creed, studying with dwarves, elves and faeries? More like Hogwarts than Kheb... Professor Sprout would be pleased!

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:52 pm
by Kano
And I got to thinking that what if the Little People were the "balance" to the human race?
A rivetting idea. Perhaps this is the reason that they stepped in on our behalf against the SMs despite having their own issues with us.
Every now and then, rapport does occur between man and little man--and becomes the origin of the fables. It appears to require something special from both sides--a unique form of psionic skill known as xenotelepathy (telepathy between species, rather than within the same species).
Seems as though the next chapter in these fables will be the advent of the Kheb Monastery. Hopefully those who work with space and those that work with time are all involved in helping this see the light of day. Please let me know how I can help.
This conjugate relation between man and Little Man does raise a rather important consideration: being two halves of a larger whole, can one species exist without the other? And if we were to cooperate, bringing together the best of each species... what an amazing consequence that would be.
If your theories are correct, then it seems there is no way that one can exist without the other. It would create a disharmony and both would cease to exist. Perhaps this is a big reason for the agreement by the LMs to participate as students and teachers at the Kreb Monastery?

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:23 am
by bruce
Kano wrote:Seems as though the next chapter in these fables will be the advent of the Kheb Monastery. Hopefully those who work with space and those that work with time are all involved in helping this see the light of day. Please let me know how I can help.
Something I have noticed is that the LM's never ask "how can I help," because that is what the Annunaki slaves were taught to do. Rather, they "offer their assistance"--it is a different concept, in that they know what they are capable of doing, and offer those skills (or knowledge) and it is up to you to accept the offer. Look at the situation carefully, because it works in the opposite direction. An offer to help means the other person tells you what to do, not knowing what you can do. An offer to provide a shovel to dig a hole means you assist the other person on their journey. A subtle difference, but a most interesting one.
Kano wrote:If your theories are correct, then it seems there is no way that one can exist without the other. It would create a disharmony and both would cease to exist. Perhaps this is a big reason for the agreement by the LMs to participate as students and teachers at the Kheb Monastery?
Actually, I've learned a more since I originally wrote that post back in 2009. The "balance" to the LMs is not Cro-magnon man, but the Neanderthals (now known as Sasquatch, Yeti, etc). It would not be until man embraces his mammalian side and stops using the reptilian, war-mongering brain, that he will come into his proper balance.

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:23 pm
by Kano
Something I have noticed is that the LM's never ask "how can I help," because that is what the Annunaki slaves were taught to do. Rather, they "offer their assistance"--it is a different concept, in that they know what they are capable of doing, and offer those skills (or knowledge) and it is up to you to accept the offer. Look at the situation carefully, because it works in the opposite direction. An offer to help means the other person tells you what to do, not knowing what you can do. An offer to provide a shovel to dig a hole means you assist the other person on their journey. A subtle difference, but a most interesting one.
I see. It is a subtle difference so let me re-phrase. I would like to offer my assistance. Please let me know what areas have the greatest need and then I can better know what skills I can offer to help you in the digging process. It's just that I know so little about where you are in the process of making this a reality. Once I know that, I can see where I can contribute. And I would certainly like to contribute.

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:59 am
by Djchrismac
I found a really interesting video on youtube of Eddie Lenian about the Black Dog. ... pXnIs57678

Eddie is Irish and tells a great story from an old man of a fairy spirit that appeared as a giant black dog many years ago and had an encounter with many villagers and the local priest. Well worth watching! Here is some more...

Storytelling is the oldest form of entertainment in the world. These days, stories are communicated through a variety of channels; television, film, books, computer games, blogs on the internet, etc. In looking back to the origins of storytelling, Ireland has its own fascinating tale to tell. During Celtic times, Seanchaís would memorise local history rather than write it down. They would then recite this history in the form of a lyric as requested. Travelling through towns and villages, the Seanchaís earned their keep by entertaining the locals with their tales of magic and myth.

Eddie Lenihan is a modern day Seanchaí who travels around Ireland trying to keep this old tradition of storytelling alive. Eddie is passionate about his life's work, and is somewhat of a documentarian himself. For over forty years he has travelled around the country with his microphone recording tales from other storytellers and building up his own archive. Not only is Eddie ardent about preserving the oral storytelling tradition, he also believes in many of the stories he has heard; stories of fairies, and not the ones from Walt Disney as he is quick to point out, but dark evil creatures that history has forgotten.

Eddie is a fascinating character and his story, like the tales he tells, is compelling.
I've also found some other interesting stories such as the following about Leprechauns:

Alabama Leprechaun Info

Gnomes, Imps, Fairies and Leprechauns ... hauns.html

Real Gnomes and Fairies caught on tape

I've been thinking about what Bruce said about our two species being interrelated and was wondering if the catalyst for change in order for us to start working together may be earth changes/expansion or a solar flare hitting the world's electricity grid which would open the door to more contact between us since the electrical fields humanity generates would no longer be there to hamper their tech?

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:41 pm
by Djchrismac
Another great documentary, this time on Fairies and once again Eddie Lenihan is in it along with lots of other great stories from Ireland, Scotland and Nova Scotia:

Of particular interest are the comments about children being able to see the fairy realm and this ability going away as they are older, probably linked in to fluoride depletion and the short circuiting of our psi-ability at the onset of puberty.

I'm intrigued about the guy from Glasgow's story at 55:33 about the two 4 foot human beings who appeared after blue skies turned into mist/clouds accompanied by folk music and out of his peripheral vision at first he noticed a small, scruffy male was rolling up his shadow at his head while am equally scruffy and hairy female was cutting it at his toes before he scared them off! What on earth is going on there? I can only guess that he was somehow entranced and went into a daydream state and this had some special meaning but it's strange and the first I have heard of such a thing. The guy (Steve Aldale) thinks it would have led to his death or insanity if his shadow had been lost but he speaks honestly about the experience which he has never had again despite "wandering through the hills in a lackadaisical fashion" several times since and at the end he mentioned being "entranced" by the rainbow.

Interesting to note the entrancing and dream-like situation, was this a more temporal experience he had with perhaps a portal of some kind bridging a gap between clock time and co-ordinate time like going further into the inner earth? Having just read in the annotations in The Case For The UFO did Steve just keep his mind blank while entranced by the beauty of the rainbow which allowed him to escape detection and see the LM's?
When I am hunting in woodland: I make my mind a blank & always get animals at close range. HOL-M can quiet his mind thusly. So it is that all animals are silent when they are near.

If a man can keep his mind as a lifeless clod, he can escape detection from the L-Ms or S-Ms in this way. They "feel" you out, in the country, in cities listen to birds. If birds don't sing be ready.

Re: L-Ms (Little Men, Lemurians-Muanians, LeMer-ians, Nokk)

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:11 pm
by daniel
Djchrismac wrote:Of particular interest are the comments about children being able to see the fairy realm and this ability going away as they are older, probably linked in to fluoride depletion and the short circuiting of our psi-ability at the onset of puberty.
That's exactly right... but I guess some of us never grow up!
I'm intrigued about the guy from Glasgow's story at 55:33 about the two 4 foot human beings who appeared after blue skies turned into mist/clouds accompanied by folk music and out of his peripheral vision at first he noticed a small, scruffy male was rolling up his shadow at his head while am equally scruffy and hairy female was cutting it at his toes before he scared them off! What on earth is going on there?
That's actually a very cute way to describe how the LMs make themselves invisible--remove your shadow! If you cannot cast a shadow, then there is nothing to see.
The guy (Steve Aldale) thinks it would have led to his death or insanity if his shadow had been lost
Yes, that does happen if a human tries it. It is altering the phase relationship between the body complex (space) and mind/soul complex (time), so you can lose your mind, literally, or tear that silver cord that connects the two.
If a man can keep his mind as a lifeless clod, he can escape detection from the L-Ms or S-Ms in this way. They "feel" you out, in the country, in cities listen to birds. If birds don't sing be ready.
I guess that explains "debunkers." It is also very true about the wildlife; when the LMs are nearby, Nature gets really quiet... just like that moment before a thunderstorm, and has about the same feeling to it.