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L-M Technology

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:05 pm
by bruce
I have recently come into possession of information on how some L-M technology works. It is based on a different premise than conventional tech; our science is "fire" based--electricity and magnetism that is built upon a "stage" of space. We start with "empty" and build towards "full"; a construction process.

Being more aquatic, the L-Ms defined their technology based on a different premise--water--sound, vibration and impulse. Their tech is more like the "aether" theories of the last century, as it starts with "full" and builds towards "empty"; an excavation process.

We tend to intermix the concept of vibration and oscillation for simple, harmonic motion; using the terms interchangeably. They make a distinction: vibration is internal and oscillation is external. For example, picture a clock with a pendulum--the pendulum is a vibration (internal to the clock). Now, tie a rope to the clock and swing the clock--that is oscillation. The internal vibration of the pendulum is still going, along with the oscillation of the clock on the rope. Note that it is a very relative measure.

They use four types of interactions of vibration and oscillation: harmonic, sympathetic, discordant and impulse:
  • Harmonic: interacts at an integer multiple of a frequency.
  • Sympathetic: interacts at the same frequency.
  • Discordant: Out-of-phase; what we would call "wave cancellation."
  • Impulse: What we call a "soliton wave"; a single, strong compressive or expansive pulse.
The environment is very similar to old, aether theories where you have some kind of all-encompassing "solid" that can transfer vibration between spatial locations. In the RS2 theory, this would be the "Cosmic sector" viewpoint--coordinate time. Our normal consciousness is spatial, so we see locations in space separated by "vacuum". Nothing is considered empty. In the "water" view, locations in space are separated by a "solid," an substance (aether) over which waves can propagate. Nothing is considered full. Their tech assumes that all locations in space are connected together by wave functions, so to manipulate space, you alter the frequency and phase of the waves connecting locations together--you do not alter "space" directly, as our conventional technology attempts to do.

"Fire" tech is expansive; we know from Larson's work that space is discrete with a minimum value of "1" (unity). Therefore, there is only one way to go--bigger--expansive outward from that discrete unit.

"Water" tech is compressive; time is seen as continuous--its discrete unit equivalent is "no phase change." Like space, there is only one way to go--bigger--but bigger in time is smaller in space (reciprocal relation), hence the compressive view.

The L-Ms do not appear to have much knowledge of atomic structure or "particles," in general. Since they deal with wave functions, the concept of atoms and particles is just as foreign as "motion" preceding "matter" in the Reciprocal System. Most of their tech is based on "force", but not in the conventional sense of mechanical force--it is closer to electric and magnetic fields, which Larson defines as forms of "rotational vibration."

Note that GRAVITY is NOT included in the "force field" concept, as it does not contain any vibrational component--it is strictly an inward, scalar motion. The references to "anti-gravity" propulsion and what-not are incorrect. They aren't using an anti-gravity system, per se, as much as a diamagnetic one. Diamagnetic elements, when exposed to a magnetic field, produce their own magnetic field but the poles are matched--the induced magnetic north is in the same direction as the external field "north," so that diamagnetic elements REPEL each other. Their propulsion systems create a strong, diamagnetic field that literally floats them on the Earth's magnetic field. Once outside the Earth's field, they can push against the other planets or the sun's magnetic field to continue movement.

Strong diamagnetism is not found in our periodic table, being found only in atoms with a large, spatial electric displacement. Paramagnetism (like iron) is found in atoms with a large, temporal electric displacement. Since atoms are temporal rotations, adding more time supports the structure, hence strong paramagnetism is common. However, adding a significant amount of spatial displacement to a temporal atom will tend to cancel out some of the temporal motion, thus disrupting or destroying the atom. So, strong diamagnetism is not found.

Cosmic atoms (antimatter), however, would work oppositely--being spatial rotations, a large, spatial displacement would generate very strong diamagnetism and paramagnetism would be very weak.

Cosmic atoms are only stable in the Material sector (what we experience) when they are coupled with a material atom, such as in living systems. This coupling, however, has a lifetime--it is not permanent. In order to manipulate strong, diamagnetic fields, the L-Ms use a system of "living" vibration, what we would call Qi, Ch'i or Prana. Bio-energy seems to be a significant part of their tech.

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:22 pm
by Kano
the L-Ms use a system of "living" vibration, what we would call Qi, Ch'i or Prana. Bio-energy seems to be a significant part of their tech.
This type of technology seems like it may be a good system of checks and balances with respect to technology and spirituality evolving equally. For instance, a more spiritually advanced being would have more bio-energy or perhaps a higher vibration that could be essential to the technology working properly. This would only allow for a spiritually evolved being to make use of high technologies. Unlike with us humans, our technologies have far surpassed our spiritual ability to use them for good; a disharmony of sorts. And since our technologies are "fire"-based and are inanimate with respect to bio-energy, there can be no system of checks and balances. Again, I could be way off but it seems like a good way for a race of beings that have not destroyed themselves to handle "living" technology.

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:24 pm
by daniel
Kano wrote:Again, I could be way off but it seems like a good way for a race of beings that have not destroyed themselves to handle "living" technology.
It is not so much a "living" technology as a way to use bioenergy to align the various, natural components in materials to get unusual effects, such as levitation, force shields, etc. For example, to turn on an "LM light bulb," you tap it with a hammer. There is no wiring nor any power, except for the power contained within the atoms of the light emitting surface. Basically, they set up a standing resonance in a phosphorescent material and when you tap it, it starts ringing like a bell, but emits light instead of sound.

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:24 pm
by Kano
It is not so much a "living" technology as a way to use bioenergy to align the various, natural components in materials to get unusual effects, such as levitation, force shields, etc. For example, to turn on an "LM light bulb," you tap it with a hammer. There is no wiring nor any power, except for the power contained within the atoms of the light emitting surface. Basically, they set up a standing resonance in a phosphorescent material and when you tap it, it starts ringing like a bell, but emits light instead of sound.
Brilliant. I love hearing about things like this.

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:27 pm
by Kano
daniel wrote:
Kano wrote:Again, I could be way off but it seems like a good way for a race of beings that have not destroyed themselves to handle "living" technology.
It is not so much a "living" technology as a way to use bioenergy to align the various, natural components in materials to get unusual effects, such as levitation, force shields, etc. For example, to turn on an "LM light bulb," you tap it with a hammer. There is no wiring nor any power, except for the power contained within the atoms of the light emitting surface. Basically, they set up a standing resonance in a phosphorescent material and when you tap it, it starts ringing like a bell, but emits light instead of sound.
And I assume these types of tech would be utilized at the Monastery. What other types of LM tech would be used there?

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 7:25 pm
by daniel
Kano wrote:And I assume these types of tech would be utilized at the Monastery. What other types of LM tech would be used there?
We are only now beginning to get an understanding of how LM technology actually works, so the "hidden" part of the monastery would be to research and see what LM technology we could develop. I would think the first would be the techniques and technology to assist in the healthy growth of plants, animals and people.

The plan was to use modern SM technology in the Institute (computers, etc), and go with the LM organic technology for the monastery. Even though they could be located on the same piece of property, they would be at opposite ends, because the two technologies are incompatible.

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:32 am
by Kano
We are only now beginning to get an understanding of how LM technology actually works, so the "hidden" part of the monastery would be to research and see what LM technology we could develop. I would think the first would be the techniques and technology to assist in the healthy growth of plants, animals and people.

The plan was to use modern SM technology in the Institute (computers, etc), and go with the LM organic technology for the monastery. Even though they could be located on the same piece of property, they would be at opposite ends, because the two technologies are incompatible.
Would the LMs not be involved in the development of these technologies?

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:12 pm
by Kano
I read this comment:
Light is NOT, repeat not produced by SUNS. Light is produced by the faster than light cosmic rays emitted by them reacting with the north and south pole individual magnets of other atoms. Which arises in the Quantum Electro Dyanamic theory of reflection percent chance.
I have heard that sun's light cannot be seen when outside of the Earth's atmosphere for various reasons. Can the sun be seen from space or does the Earth's magnetic field have something to do with being able to see the light from the sun?

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 1:45 pm
by bruce
Kano wrote:
Light is NOT, repeat not produced by SUNS. Light is produced by the faster than light cosmic rays emitted by them reacting with the north and south pole individual magnets of other atoms. Which arises in the Quantum Electro Dyanamic theory of reflection percent chance.
I have heard that sun's light cannot be seen when outside of the Earth's atmosphere for various reasons. Can the sun be seen from space or does the Earth's magnetic field have something to do with being able to see the light from the sun?
The sun is quite visible from outer space. You don't see many stars, however, because they are point sources and without the atmosphere to scatter the light into a large spot, these point sources are too small for the retina to register.

The photon is the simplest form of scalar motion there is, and as such, does not really have any characteristic other than a speed (a frequency). All the other attributes that are associated with the photon are not actually attributes OF the photon, but of the photon interacting with something else. You don't actually "see" a photon at all; what you see is the interaction of the photon with the atoms of the rods and cones of your retina, causing an electrical impulse to the brain.

Not really anything to do with cosmic rays (another speed) or "individual magnets" (assuming a reference to Coral Castle here).

Re: L-M Technology

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:38 pm
by Kano
bruce wrote:
Kano wrote:
Light is NOT, repeat not produced by SUNS. Light is produced by the faster than light cosmic rays emitted by them reacting with the north and south pole individual magnets of other atoms. Which arises in the Quantum Electro Dyanamic theory of reflection percent chance.
I have heard that sun's light cannot be seen when outside of the Earth's atmosphere for various reasons. Can the sun be seen from space or does the Earth's magnetic field have something to do with being able to see the light from the sun?
The sun is quite visible from outer space. You don't see many stars, however, because they are point sources and without the atmosphere to scatter the light into a large spot, these point sources are too small for the retina to register.

The photon is the simplest form of scalar motion there is, and as such, does not really have any characteristic other than a speed (a frequency). All the other attributes that are associated with the photon are not actually attributes OF the photon, but of the photon interacting with something else. You don't actually "see" a photon at all; what you see is the interaction of the photon with the atoms of the rods and cones of your retina, causing an electrical impulse to the brain.

Not really anything to do with cosmic rays (another speed) or "individual magnets" (assuming a reference to Coral Castle here).
Great thanks. That confirmed my intuition.