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What experiments can we conduct to better understand Time?

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:38 pm
by HyperShade
I'm hoping Daniel tackles this one.

Basically, I'm curious about simple experiments that I, or anyone at all, can conduct to better understand the nature of how temporal physics really works. You've shared a wealth of information and for a while now I've been curious as to what I can do to better grasp these concepts.

I'm a musician, I play several instruments, Guitar, Piano, Saxophone, etc. You've mentioned that LM tech is closer to a musicians realm.

I have never been amazing at math but I've done decently well in "The Dead End" courses in High School and College. You've stated that things are really alot simpler than they appear in the universe and I really want to have a better understanding.

I am a practitioner of meditation, I don't claim to be great at it but I do try.

Or any experiments that anyone else has conducted that have yielded interesting observations would be great to read.

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 3:15 pm
by Kano
HyperShade wrote:I'm hoping Daniel tackles this one.

Basically, I'm curious about simple experiments that I, or anyone at all, can conduct to better understand the nature of how temporal physics really works. You've shared a wealth of information and for a while now I've been curious as to what I can do to better grasp these concepts.

I'm a musician, I play several instruments, Guitar, Piano, Saxophone, etc. You've mentioned that LM tech is closer to a musicians realm.

I have never been amazing at math but I've done decently well in "The Dead End" courses in High School and College. You've stated that things are really alot simpler than they appear in the universe and I really want to have a better understanding.

I am a practitioner of meditation, I don't claim to be great at it but I do try.

Or any experiments that anyone else has conducted that have yielded interesting observations would be great to read.
I 2nd this sentiment. It would be great to play around with some practical applications.

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:06 pm
by daniel
I suppose I could dream up something... and that's exactly where I would suggest you start: dreams.

Specifically, sketching out the landscape and landmarks of your dream world, which is your little section of 3D time. The roads, the buildings, oceans, rivers, mountains. Make notes on the map of what people you meet, and what the situation is. And DATE everything, as it will become useful later on to draw correspondences. Remember that in that realm, you are dealing with clock space, not clock time, so the "land" next to where you are having your dream, though adjacent in time, may be spread out in the spatial "clock time." You could say "hello" to your neighbor in tonight's dream, and he doesn't say "hello" back until a dream you have 2 months later, even though it happened in the same "clock space" moment of the dream. If you don't document things, you'll never see the connection.

The technique is called psychocartography, the mapping of the psyche. It makes for a good starting point because it helps you to learn the language of the temporal realm, which is understood by the consciousness as symbols and motifs. Your wife in your dream is not your wife in your bed. It is your "holodeck character" that is a simulation of your wife, that your psyche uses as a tool to test situations against, like when she won't tell you what you did wrong and you have to figure it out before she speaks to you again.

By making the attempt to retain dream information with significant details, it starts to push your consciousness over into the unconscious side, building a bridge that will firm up over time. Once you have the Golden Gate connecting the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche, then you have a pattern and a lot of symbolic information you can use to construct a very effective bridge outside the psyche, to connect with the Cosmic sector--the realm of 3D time.

Try to focus first on the conditions you are familiar with. As a musician, remember what you hear... were those dream birds in the tree actually chirping, "Clair de lune?" If you are an artist, observe the imagery; a sculptor, look for shapes in things. Star Trek fan? See what the borg are up to. It is easiest to start building the bridge with familiar tools.

And don't be surprised that after you've drawn a few maps of the terrain in dreams... they start to connect up, making a larger map. The temporal landscape IS consistent--we normally miss that because dreams are spread out over clock time and we've forgotten them when one happens "next door." Also, you will discover you can fill in the blanks, consciously, after a while. A road may run off the map in one dream, and you realize it is the same road as in another dream, but just further on. And then you'll grab a pencil and draw the missing bits connecting the two dreams. When you get to that point, you are able to consciously jump the time-space access and might find meditation becomes a useful tool.

Meditation is a little more difficult, as the point is to find the neutral center between the realms, where nothing is going on. Then you are in the middle of the bridge and can see both sides. This is useful to sketch out a map, but more difficult to correlate conscious symbols with unconscious activity.

So, is temporal physics "magick?" Yes, it is. It is the inverse of spatial science. But you need the proper tools and the proper understanding before you venture into such studies. And that starts with "connect a dot" inside your psyche, so you know how YOU symbolize concepts. Everyone does it differently--know thyself.

Take telepathy, for example. In the social memory realm that telepathic species use, it is conceptual, not verbal. So when you go to engage in telepathic communication and suddenly find yourself reliving an episode of Doctor Who from the 1960s, you need to know what it means. Conceptual telepathy triggers your personal symbols. If a Russian was thinking of a strong leader, they may visualize Stalin. A person from the States may pick up that image as Lincoln. Same concept, but two different, personal symbols.

So the first experiment I recommend is to learn how to use the tools you already have to access temporal physics--right inside your head.

And always remember Clarke's third law:
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

And it's inverse:
"Any sufficiently advanced magick is indistinguishable from science."

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:26 pm
by HyperShade
I greatly appreciate the response and incite Daniel, Thank you.

I personally have never experienced a Lucid Dream, but I assume that it is an even greater tool to understanding the temporal landscape. I also assume that people will have a bettter chance of Lucid Dreaming once they begin mapping their own landscape?

You know what they say though, to "assume" makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me."

Something else I am wondering is if astral projection is linked with the temporal landscape or a different one, I believe I read something that stated they were one in the same, and I have also read contradicting statments that say the astral landscape is only Astral and is made of astral matter which is created by concious thoughts.

One of my close friends has Lucid Dreamt, and I asked him to find me in his dream and talk to me and see what I said. My friend stated that I was sitting cross legged almost in a meditative state infront of a lake and I was non-responsive, and another friend of ours who we see almost everyday was next to me, also non-responsive.

So if I am understanding this, him and I are fairly distant in the temporal landscape because as far as I can remember I have not yet responded. Will that response occur in my dream or his, and can 2 people Lucid Dream simultaneously and explore the temporal landscape together?

Lastly how do the Akashic records tie in to all of this? Have you ever experienced, or do you have any understanding of what it is they call the Akashic records?

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:04 pm
by daniel
HyperShade wrote:I personally have never experienced a Lucid Dream, but I assume that it is an even greater tool to understanding the temporal landscape. I also assume that people will have a bettter chance of Lucid Dreaming once they begin mapping their own landscape?
I did alright without lucid dreaming. I've had them, but only very rarely. The important point is to develop a conscious memory of dreams, so your brain can figure out where that access point is, in the psyche. Best way I found to do that was to get one of those little, digital audio recorders and when I wake, say what I can remember. Most of the time when I listen to the playback, I remember a lot more of the dream I had. And the more often you do it, the more often you remember.

And ALWAYS record your dream, even if you wake up thinking "I'll never forget that one!" because by the time morning comes around, you'll forget it!
HyperShade wrote:Something else I am wondering is if astral projection is linked with the temporal landscape or a different one, I believe I read something that stated they were one in the same, and I have also read contradicting statments that say the astral landscape is only Astral and is made of astral matter which is created by concious thoughts.
Astral projection is a kind of "poor man's jaunting" (teleportation, without the body). It uses temporal adjacency, much like the EPR paradox in physics, so you can be connected to two, spatial locations at the same time.
HyperShade wrote:One of my close friends has Lucid Dreamt, and I asked him to find me in his dream and talk to me and see what I said. My friend stated that I was sitting cross legged almost in a meditative state infront of a lake and I was non-responsive, and another friend of ours who we see almost everyday was next to me, also non-responsive.
That is probably because both you and your friend were nothing more than simulations (holodeck characters) in the mind of the lucid dreamer, and not a real connection. It takes a bit of effort and practice to actually get outside your psyche.
HyperShade wrote:can 2 people Lucid Dream simultaneously and explore the temporal landscape together?
You know, I never thought of that. Extremely interesting question. The lucid dreamer, in the dream, is the only non-holodeck image around, so the trick would be to move to a mythological section of the unconscious, one that is there at the species level, so you could find a common ground. That might actually work. It would be a fascinating experiment to conduct.
HyperShade wrote:Lastly how do the Akashic records tie in to all of this? Have you ever experienced, or do you have any understanding of what it is they call the Akashic records?
I have only used the Akashic records to analyze specific drives and motivations I have in this life, to identify what the past life influences were that caused them. For general knowledge, I prefer the "little red brick schoolhouse," as George Hunt-Williamson put it.

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:43 pm
by Kano
daniel wrote:I suppose I could dream up something... and that's exactly where I would suggest you start: dreams.

Specifically, sketching out the landscape and landmarks of your dream world, which is your little section of 3D time. The roads, the buildings, oceans, rivers, mountains. Make notes on the map of what people you meet, and what the situation is. And DATE everything, as it will become useful later on to draw correspondences. Remember that in that realm, you are dealing with clock space, not clock time, so the "land" next to where you are having your dream, though adjacent in time, may be spread out in the spatial "clock time." You could say "hello" to your neighbor in tonight's dream, and he doesn't say "hello" back until a dream you have 2 months later, even though it happened in the same "clock space" moment of the dream. If you don't document things, you'll never see the connection.

The technique is called psychocartography, the mapping of the psyche. It makes for a good starting point because it helps you to learn the language of the temporal realm, which is understood by the consciousness as symbols and motifs. Your wife in your dream is not your wife in your bed. It is your "holodeck character" that is a simulation of your wife, that your psyche uses as a tool to test situations against, like when she won't tell you what you did wrong and you have to figure it out before she speaks to you again.

By making the attempt to retain dream information with significant details, it starts to push your consciousness over into the unconscious side, building a bridge that will firm up over time. Once you have the Golden Gate connecting the conscious and unconscious aspects of the psyche, then you have a pattern and a lot of symbolic information you can use to construct a very effective bridge outside the psyche, to connect with the Cosmic sector--the realm of 3D time.

Try to focus first on the conditions you are familiar with. As a musician, remember what you hear... were those dream birds in the tree actually chirping, "Clair de lune?" If you are an artist, observe the imagery; a sculptor, look for shapes in things. Star Trek fan? See what the borg are up to. It is easiest to start building the bridge with familiar tools.

And don't be surprised that after you've drawn a few maps of the terrain in dreams... they start to connect up, making a larger map. The temporal landscape IS consistent--we normally miss that because dreams are spread out over clock time and we've forgotten them when one happens "next door." Also, you will discover you can fill in the blanks, consciously, after a while. A road may run off the map in one dream, and you realize it is the same road as in another dream, but just further on. And then you'll grab a pencil and draw the missing bits connecting the two dreams. When you get to that point, you are able to consciously jump the time-space access and might find meditation becomes a useful tool.

Meditation is a little more difficult, as the point is to find the neutral center between the realms, where nothing is going on. Then you are in the middle of the bridge and can see both sides. This is useful to sketch out a map, but more difficult to correlate conscious symbols with unconscious activity.

So, is temporal physics "magick?" Yes, it is. It is the inverse of spatial science. But you need the proper tools and the proper understanding before you venture into such studies. And that starts with "connect a dot" inside your psyche, so you know how YOU symbolize concepts. Everyone does it differently--know thyself.

Take telepathy, for example. In the social memory realm that telepathic species use, it is conceptual, not verbal. So when you go to engage in telepathic communication and suddenly find yourself reliving an episode of Doctor Who from the 1960s, you need to know what it means. Conceptual telepathy triggers your personal symbols. If a Russian was thinking of a strong leader, they may visualize Stalin. A person from the States may pick up that image as Lincoln. Same concept, but two different, personal symbols.

So the first experiment I recommend is to learn how to use the tools you already have to access temporal physics--right inside your head.

And always remember Clarke's third law:
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

And it's inverse:
"Any sufficiently advanced magick is indistinguishable from science."
Great stuff! I have noticed within the last 6 months, I remember my dreams more often and with greater detail. Another thing that has recently started to happen to me is that I have been going back to the same places in separate dreams but it is only when I am awake that I remember that I have been to these same places before in dreams. I have a hand held recorder and will start using it.

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 2:55 pm
by HyperShade
Great stuff! I have noticed within the last 6 months, I remember my dreams more often and with greater detail. Another thing that has recently started to happen to me is that I have been going back to the same places in separate dreams but it is only when I am awake that I remember that I have been to these same places before in dreams. I have a hand held recorder and will start using it.
I have recently had the same thing occur. But I'm curious to understand some things... How much of this is a holodeck illusion? For example, say I'm in a store in my dream, I have to assume that there is either no store and that it is just me projecting that on to the environment, or there are stores and just all of the people I see are holodeck as Daniel has stated.

Something else I am wondering is if that same store I see in my dream IS just a projection, how do you break the projection to see the real environment?

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:42 pm
by Kano
HyperShade wrote:
Great stuff! I have noticed within the last 6 months, I remember my dreams more often and with greater detail. Another thing that has recently started to happen to me is that I have been going back to the same places in separate dreams but it is only when I am awake that I remember that I have been to these same places before in dreams. I have a hand held recorder and will start using it.
I have recently had the same thing occur. But I'm curious to understand some things... How much of this is a holodeck illusion? For example, say I'm in a store in my dream, I have to assume that there is either no store and that it is just me projecting that on to the environment, or there are stores and just all of the people I see are holodeck as Daniel has stated.

Something else I am wondering is if that same store I see in my dream IS just a projection, how do you break the projection to see the real environment?
Good questions. I have never been in control when I dream, more of a passenger. But I would certainly love drive once or twice to see what it's like.

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:47 pm
by infinity
Dreams (Internal)
I found that I started to learn to recognize when I am dreaming "sometimes called waking up in your dream", when I regularly expressed intense desire and intention (while not sleeping of course) to indeed do things in dreams - a form of driving or controlling a dream. The way I started was that I wanted to fly in my dreams. REALLY wanted to. I would daydream about it and think of how I could make myself do that in dreams. Soon I started dreaming that I was on the ground, and I run with my arms stretched like an airplane's wings like a kid would pretend to be a plane, and then jump into the air. The 'jump' would be a long one but not 'flight' per se, but I kept doing that kind of thing in dreams until I could fly at will without funny postures.

The key for me was intense desire. Desire acts like magnetism for the manifestation of it. You don't need the conscious knowledge to learn how in "the other realms" (whether internal or external), you just need that thing stuck in your heart so when you are in "the other realms" it will come out on its own and you run with it.

But these days when I dislike what I'm dreaming I just wake myself up, or, in the dream, I just up and fly away. This isn't good because its escapist. I don't deal with the issues being brought up - I just take over the steering wheel and up and out. So be careful what you wish for or how you use it.

Travelling (External)
Another example (a more external one) is that I REALLY wanted to visit other stars. Like, the ones in the sky. Who needs a spaceship? :lol: I also read some publicised news article of how there are some form or level of fields of the earth and sun respectively, that actually 'merge' at a certain point between the two celestial bodies, essentially allowing easier passage of certain particles between the earth and sun in those points where the fields have a 'hole' in their natural barriers, where the fields meet up.

So this creates a natural easy-to-use pathway between the earth and sun I thought. Ergo, fastest way to travel out of solar system is to first travel to the sun, which would have better suited natural pathways to other stars. So stars become like gateways or portals. A few nights later I dreamt I was at some social event at someone's house, and I walked out into the garden. I saw this shimmering thing floating in the garden, almost like a mirror but it wasn't like a mirror. I instantly thought - PORTAL BABY YEAH! And I walk through it. Dissappointed, I emerge the other side, exact same landscape, garden, house, etc even portal in same spot right behind me - but no one's around. I was the only one there. So I walk around the portal and enter it again (from the same side I entered the first one, I entered the second one) and the same thing happened - same landscape, no people. Every time things felt different though - I could tell I was at a different place despite what I was seeing. After doing this a few times, I got to one where there was a bear in the garden. A BEAR. This thing looked at me and came for me - guess it was territorial or something? I dodged its swipes, but it was blocking the way to the portal. I had to trick it to get to the portal.

So I ran around the portal to the other side, so the portal would be between me and the bear. The bear knew it couldn't just walk through it otherwise it would travel to another location, so it had to get around the portal first. Kind of like chasing someone around a table. Being quick, I ran around again to enter the portal the direction I came out (i.e. opposite direction I entered it in previous location) in order to 'go back' to where I came from instead of travelling further away. The bear almost got me but I made it. Felt good about tricking the bear!

So I kept entering the portals the way I exited to gradually get back to the original portal I came from. End of dream.

Woke up.

I go "WOOHOO!!"

Fun :) Spaceships are meh - bears and portals are better xD

In case you haven't noticed, Ursa is linked to bears in mythology and whatnot. This is how I could tell I went to that bunch of stars and not just any.

So, one key you always need when you want to do something, is intense or sincere desire. Things start coming together soon enough - It will happen then ;)

Re: What experiments can we conduct to better understand Tim

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:13 pm
by Kano
Ergo, fastest way to travel out of solar system is to first travel to the sun, which would have better suited natural pathways to other stars.

Your post was very well taken. Thanks for the nuggets in there!

I have also heard that us earth-bound misfits have the best way of communicating, in a conscious state, by meditating and directing our question or message at the sun as this is the way that advanced races "phone home". This is congruent with your point about traveling out of the solar system. They don't call them stargates for nothing, right?