Love your work-very useful for many folks. there are many viewing points on how energy works available today it is quite wonderful. I would lie to suggest Itzak Bentov on u-tube for a really big veiwing point-he died in a plane crash shortly after going public so his wife has put up the rest of his ideas. Jill Boite Taylor's a stroke of insight on Ted Talks and U-tube is illuminating. Bill Danahue's Hidden meanings on u-tube and web will change our cultural belief systems as he shows the hidden meanings underlying much of what we have been taught. I spent 10 years learning how to work on my self at the Gurdjieff foundation--P D ospensky's book in Search of the Miraculous explains the 4th way to greater awareness . Since I was working innerly from a very dark view -Carlos Castaneda books were inspiring-The wheel of Time is the shortened version of the shamans view. I hope these suggestions which are easy to access are helpful. I had my biggest laugh when I found my most secret and profound visions all on u- tube--Love to all Judy