Time, timelines, the 3D temporal landscape... research into the physics involved, how to understand it and make use of it to improve the quality of our lives, and all the life on Earth.


Joined:Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:02 pm

Post by ladyjudy » Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:35 pm

Love your work-very useful for many folks. there are many viewing points on how energy works available today it is quite wonderful. I would lie to suggest Itzak Bentov on u-tube for a really big veiwing point-he died in a plane crash shortly after going public so his wife has put up the rest of his ideas. Jill Boite Taylor's a stroke of insight on Ted Talks and U-tube is illuminating. Bill Danahue's Hidden meanings on u-tube and web will change our cultural belief systems as he shows the hidden meanings underlying much of what we have been taught. I spent 10 years learning how to work on my self at the Gurdjieff foundation--P D ospensky's book in Search of the Miraculous explains the 4th way to greater awareness . Since I was working innerly from a very dark view -Carlos Castaneda books were inspiring-The wheel of Time is the shortened version of the shamans view. I hope these suggestions which are easy to access are helpful. I had my biggest laugh when I found my most secret and profound visions all on u- tube--Love to all Judy

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