Hello Daniel - Response to your latest Blog Post
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:30 am
Hello Daniel et al.,
Trusting that this message finds you well. I am writing with inquiries concerning your most recent Blog Post.
"A century ago, individuation was actually the direction mankind was headed with the change occurring around 1925 with the discovery of the “germanium triode tube” by one T. Henry Moray of Salt Lake City, Utah, uSA. Curiously, he was denied a patent for the device because his “tube,” being a solid state transistor device, lacked a filament and hot cathode. And everybody knows a tube cannot work without a hot cathode! Or at least that’s what the patent office said."
How was it that Moray's device served as any more of a catalyst toward individuation than the previous discoveries of folks such as Keely and Tesla?
"The L-Ms, however, do not seem to have this issue because they have outgrown the group mind and evolved the Social Memory Complex. Think of the group mind as a “many to one” relationship, many bodies, with one mind that is the master. In the SMC, the relation is “many to many” that choose to work together in rapport—the “one” is the choice, not the structure."
My studies into the ways of the other realm have left me with many curiosities to ponder. I am quite interested in learning more about our neighbors here in Minnesota. My research into the stories told by the Ojibwe of Leech Lake, Red Lake Reservation, and the Boundary Waters has led me to understanding that one particular race, known to the Ojibwe as the Memegwesiwug, "The Stone Canoe People" or "the Rock People", have traditionally frequented these areas. More questions and inquiries into this line of understanding will come in the form of another post, but for now, I am curious to know, (if such a question even has a known answer): When we speak of the LMs, how many distinct species of their kind exist? To your understanding, when life evolved on this planet, just how thick was the primordial soup?
"The L-Ms can leave the planet and explore the Universe because they take their personal souls with them. Since they use natural “motherships,” their Arks being constructed from moons and asteroids that are supernova remnants, they have a fully functional, ready-made environment that supports both body, soul and spirit, complete with a local, temporal core—the “inner sun” of these portable planets."
Can you elaborate a bit on the concept of a temporal planetary core? What is the nature of its structure? Also: My studies into herbalism has led me to contemplating the 'layers' of matter - body, soul, and spirit. Can you speak more of your own understanding concerning the differing natures of the "soul" and the "spirit"? I think that most people nowadays would lump the two together as one in the same, but the homeopathic healers of old saw things very differently.
"What is being uncovered has led to the conclusion that this quarantine is a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness, existing to prevent undeveloped species from getting too far from home until they learn to grow up and play together, nicely."
Then what of the Saurians? If the accounts as they are told are true and accurate, it would appear that they did not come here to shake hands with the Cyclopeans and the other peaceful species of Tiamat, but rather saw the planet as a place rich in resources; something to be plundered. Not only this, but they decided to interfere in the natural course of evolution, causing what I would imagine to be great suffering in the process of creating their own unique race of slaves (certainly, I would imagine that the race or races who were used as part of this science experiment did not willingly give of themselves for the sake of the Saurians). If being quarantined to one's home planet is a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness, with the quarantine being lifted once a race understands how to play nicely with others, then how is it that the Saurians were able to move beyond their own home world to create a situation that my own moral compass perceives as being nefarious interference in the natural workings of evolution?
"But the really big consequence is that all these “secret space programs” are nothing more than propaganda. "
I'm just not too certain that this may be the case. DW's ramblings aside, there have been a number of others whom have been speaking on this for decades. 80 years ago, the Nazis were developing all manner of wacky ships that tapped into 'hidden' modes of propulsion and flight. What with the nature of contemporary military craft such as the SR73, (not a secret in the public sector), it would not surprise me in the least to know that the USAP's have been used as a means of developing anti-gravity powered craft. I was told at one time that the story surrounding the search for the Higgs boson is partly a cover, and that one of the agendas behind the building of the particle accelerators is that of developing more advanced propulsion systems. A friend of mine also told me that he had seen one of these now-famed triangular shaped craft at night over L.A., flying low to the ground and nearly silent. He described it as being the size of six city blocks. A former co-worker, who took an interest in the happenings of the area surrounding Groom Lake, told me that folks often park their cars at night in certain spots to watch the strange ships take off and land, flying in patterns not thought to be achievable by any conceivable technology known in the public sector. Then of course there is the story of Gary McKinnon, and what he supposedly uncovered as part of a project which he deemed was called 'Solar Warden'. Bill Cooper also spoke a great deal about all of this, though he himself questioned the validity of this 'insider' knowledge. Still, there has been enough personal testimony which has led me to believe that there certainly are 'advanced' human-powered craft that have been developed in secret. Now the purpose of such craft, i.e. what these ships are being used for, is another matter.
All of this is to say that if the 'Secret Space Program' is propaganda, then what are we truly dealing with in the realm of space-based shuttles? We have no public space shuttle program left to speak of, so what might they be preparing to roll out next?
"But the NWO types wanted the Moon to themselves and as a consequence, after making first contact with the Selenite civilizations, got thrown off and told not to come back."
I recall looking through the photographs that you had posted previously concerning what humanity REALLY found when they landed on the moon. One of the photos was of a "selenite critter", which looked sort of like a giant gypsum spider. Can you tell us more about the Selenites and their historical interactions with the LMs and the Saurians?
"There may come a time soon that True Seekers may feel that they “lose their soul,” but in reality, they are just cutting their chains—getting ready for the next stage of evolution, the Tomorrow People, homo sapiens ethicus, ready to individuate from the Annunaki-created human collective and move out into space to join the peaceful explorers of the Universe."
I think about homo sapiens ethicus and the Sanctuary Project every day. It is the most intelligent and common sense model for a future human evolution that I have yet encountered. Thank you for your continued efforts. I look forward to reading your responses to my questions...
Trusting that this message finds you well. I am writing with inquiries concerning your most recent Blog Post.
"A century ago, individuation was actually the direction mankind was headed with the change occurring around 1925 with the discovery of the “germanium triode tube” by one T. Henry Moray of Salt Lake City, Utah, uSA. Curiously, he was denied a patent for the device because his “tube,” being a solid state transistor device, lacked a filament and hot cathode. And everybody knows a tube cannot work without a hot cathode! Or at least that’s what the patent office said."
How was it that Moray's device served as any more of a catalyst toward individuation than the previous discoveries of folks such as Keely and Tesla?
"The L-Ms, however, do not seem to have this issue because they have outgrown the group mind and evolved the Social Memory Complex. Think of the group mind as a “many to one” relationship, many bodies, with one mind that is the master. In the SMC, the relation is “many to many” that choose to work together in rapport—the “one” is the choice, not the structure."
My studies into the ways of the other realm have left me with many curiosities to ponder. I am quite interested in learning more about our neighbors here in Minnesota. My research into the stories told by the Ojibwe of Leech Lake, Red Lake Reservation, and the Boundary Waters has led me to understanding that one particular race, known to the Ojibwe as the Memegwesiwug, "The Stone Canoe People" or "the Rock People", have traditionally frequented these areas. More questions and inquiries into this line of understanding will come in the form of another post, but for now, I am curious to know, (if such a question even has a known answer): When we speak of the LMs, how many distinct species of their kind exist? To your understanding, when life evolved on this planet, just how thick was the primordial soup?
"The L-Ms can leave the planet and explore the Universe because they take their personal souls with them. Since they use natural “motherships,” their Arks being constructed from moons and asteroids that are supernova remnants, they have a fully functional, ready-made environment that supports both body, soul and spirit, complete with a local, temporal core—the “inner sun” of these portable planets."
Can you elaborate a bit on the concept of a temporal planetary core? What is the nature of its structure? Also: My studies into herbalism has led me to contemplating the 'layers' of matter - body, soul, and spirit. Can you speak more of your own understanding concerning the differing natures of the "soul" and the "spirit"? I think that most people nowadays would lump the two together as one in the same, but the homeopathic healers of old saw things very differently.
"What is being uncovered has led to the conclusion that this quarantine is a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness, existing to prevent undeveloped species from getting too far from home until they learn to grow up and play together, nicely."
Then what of the Saurians? If the accounts as they are told are true and accurate, it would appear that they did not come here to shake hands with the Cyclopeans and the other peaceful species of Tiamat, but rather saw the planet as a place rich in resources; something to be plundered. Not only this, but they decided to interfere in the natural course of evolution, causing what I would imagine to be great suffering in the process of creating their own unique race of slaves (certainly, I would imagine that the race or races who were used as part of this science experiment did not willingly give of themselves for the sake of the Saurians). If being quarantined to one's home planet is a natural consequence of the evolution of consciousness, with the quarantine being lifted once a race understands how to play nicely with others, then how is it that the Saurians were able to move beyond their own home world to create a situation that my own moral compass perceives as being nefarious interference in the natural workings of evolution?
"But the really big consequence is that all these “secret space programs” are nothing more than propaganda. "
I'm just not too certain that this may be the case. DW's ramblings aside, there have been a number of others whom have been speaking on this for decades. 80 years ago, the Nazis were developing all manner of wacky ships that tapped into 'hidden' modes of propulsion and flight. What with the nature of contemporary military craft such as the SR73, (not a secret in the public sector), it would not surprise me in the least to know that the USAP's have been used as a means of developing anti-gravity powered craft. I was told at one time that the story surrounding the search for the Higgs boson is partly a cover, and that one of the agendas behind the building of the particle accelerators is that of developing more advanced propulsion systems. A friend of mine also told me that he had seen one of these now-famed triangular shaped craft at night over L.A., flying low to the ground and nearly silent. He described it as being the size of six city blocks. A former co-worker, who took an interest in the happenings of the area surrounding Groom Lake, told me that folks often park their cars at night in certain spots to watch the strange ships take off and land, flying in patterns not thought to be achievable by any conceivable technology known in the public sector. Then of course there is the story of Gary McKinnon, and what he supposedly uncovered as part of a project which he deemed was called 'Solar Warden'. Bill Cooper also spoke a great deal about all of this, though he himself questioned the validity of this 'insider' knowledge. Still, there has been enough personal testimony which has led me to believe that there certainly are 'advanced' human-powered craft that have been developed in secret. Now the purpose of such craft, i.e. what these ships are being used for, is another matter.
All of this is to say that if the 'Secret Space Program' is propaganda, then what are we truly dealing with in the realm of space-based shuttles? We have no public space shuttle program left to speak of, so what might they be preparing to roll out next?
"But the NWO types wanted the Moon to themselves and as a consequence, after making first contact with the Selenite civilizations, got thrown off and told not to come back."
I recall looking through the photographs that you had posted previously concerning what humanity REALLY found when they landed on the moon. One of the photos was of a "selenite critter", which looked sort of like a giant gypsum spider. Can you tell us more about the Selenites and their historical interactions with the LMs and the Saurians?
"There may come a time soon that True Seekers may feel that they “lose their soul,” but in reality, they are just cutting their chains—getting ready for the next stage of evolution, the Tomorrow People, homo sapiens ethicus, ready to individuate from the Annunaki-created human collective and move out into space to join the peaceful explorers of the Universe."
I think about homo sapiens ethicus and the Sanctuary Project every day. It is the most intelligent and common sense model for a future human evolution that I have yet encountered. Thank you for your continued efforts. I look forward to reading your responses to my questions...