Search found 14 matches
- Sat Oct 26, 2019 5:48 am
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: Death sentence for --daniel
- Replies: 82
- Views: 891328
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
daniel, even if you never produce another paper, please know you have made an impact. You have made a difference. You are loved.
- Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:07 am
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: Death sentence for --daniel
- Replies: 82
- Views: 891328
Re: Death sentence for --daniel
Daniel,. My friend and mentor. We haven't had many interactions but you and the ideas presented in your papers have affected me greatly. I mull over these ideas and even share them with my close friend and family. I work in the medical field and see death and dying daily, however none of these peopl...
- Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:41 pm
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: daniel. Thank you my friend.
- Replies: 10
- Views: 110819
Re: daniel. Thank you my friend.
What most socially-unacceptable researchers (uncommitted investigators) run up against is that it's not difficult to TELL the truth... but it is virtually impossible to be believed! {...lead a horse...(shrug)} But I will tell you this... David Icke got a LOT of it right in the years he's been prese...
- Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:09 pm
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: daniel. Thank you my friend.
- Replies: 10
- Views: 110819
daniel. Thank you my friend.
I just wanted to say thank you for all your energy spent on the faceless masses (and me specifically). Your papers have opened my mind to a lot of new ideas (many of which resonate) and outlooks on this reality. I truly appreciate you.
- Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:11 am
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: Return of the Wizards
- Replies: 64
- Views: 1553004
Re: Return of the Wizards
Andrew, the info on Gandalf was really amusing. So basically The Hobbit people were a bunch of hippy stoners and Gandalf likes their laid back attitude and herb... Love it. Ilkka,. Yes I believe my major challenge isn't the actual chemical but rather the excessiveness. To be sure I think it's the re...
- Fri Dec 29, 2017 6:33 pm
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: Return of the Wizards
- Replies: 64
- Views: 1553004
Re: Return of the Wizards
The physical... Check. The spiritual... (In constant evolution, so...) semi check. The chemical...uhhh can I pass cause I basically live on caffeine... Lol. That being said I considered tea as an alternative however I just read that even tea is to much? And now chocolate too...I think I don't want t...
- Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:56 pm
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: Return of the Wizards
- Replies: 64
- Views: 1553004
Re: Return of the Wizards
I for one would be very interested in something like a wizard sabbatical. My questions are thus. How can I help make this a reality. Would there be any type of prepwork (physically, spiritually, that would improve cognizance of this experience? and can i bring my wife? haha
- Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:23 pm
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: Return of the Wizards
- Replies: 64
- Views: 1553004
Re: Return of the Wizards
daniel, Have you previously atttempted to share your current knowledge base of wizardy? Does the learning format have to be via words on paper/computer screen? Woiuld it behoove all involved to have personal sessions, a la small discussion groups? Seems like face to face is the safest way to deliver...
- Thu May 25, 2017 3:24 pm
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: Flat Earth theory
- Replies: 22
- Views: 201590
Re: Science Losing Credibility as Large Amounts of Research Shown To Be False
Kano,. I also did some research on the FET. I was also a bit bamboozled be the half science that most flat eathers completely swallow. After a while I came to this conclusion. The only way I was able to solidify my belief that the Earth is round is to trust my own eyes and senses. Everything else is...
- Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:19 pm
- Forum: General Discussion, Q&A
- Topic: Intro and a question about sanity.
- Replies: 9
- Views: 26306
Re: Intro and a question about sanity.
Thank you Daniel