Part V: The Annunaki strikeback

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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback

Post by Djchrismac » Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:53 am

trippingthelight wrote:here's a bookmark I had, I haven't fully read this, but it relates to the capitalization of names
This story is about simple English text and a hidden text that has been usurped into the English text without you ever being aware of such a deception, causing such a corruption in the text to take on a different meaning than what you ever assumed. This story explains how a foreign alien text appears in contracts, court orders, your Driver License, passports etc., without you ever being aware that such a foreign text existed. This trick played upon the unsuspecting public is administered by the true dogs of the underworld in order to render you as a trustee of a foreign corporate banking entity that is alien and foreign to your true sovereignty. The lawyers, judges, and the Courts and their military Police are the administrators of this hidden secret deception played upon the masses in order to maintain control of such Slaves. Welcome to the JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION.
An interesting read, thanks for sharing. It also backs up other things i've researched that show just how alive and kicking the Roman Empire is today, where you least expect it.

We could do with another visit from the Knights of Standards and practices...
Image ... _Practices
Kyle: The knights of Standards and Practices were created to make sure that bad words were kept to a minimum. "Curse words" They're called that because they are a curse. We have to go back to only using curse words in rare, extreme circumstances.
Another link showing the warping and use of language against us can be found in this MM paper:
Jones: [looks at Sallah] You said their headpiece only had markings on one side, are you absolutely sure? [Sallah nods] Belloq's staff is too long.
Jones and Sallah: They're digging in the wrong place!

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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback

Post by trippingthelight » Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:10 pm

I have just discovered miles mathis through this site and find his writings fascinating, I did see someone quotes from his matrix paper, so I'm glad to now have read the whole thing, thanks for that and there's plenty of past papers for future reading.

I've seen a lot about the Roman Empire being still intertwined into our society, like the Fasces being on the wall at Congress in the US.

I just burst out laughing sometimes at the downright absurdity of everything I read, like I'm in a dream and think I'll just go back to watching TV and 'switch off'. Then it smacks me again and I realise it's all real! It's so hard to actually try and bring any of it up in conversation though! I think yeah I'll just say it. Atlantis was real, the Moon is/was a spaceship, there REAL little men, dinosaurs are not as old as you think and probably not WHAT you think and oh, Adam and Eve were real but just genetically engineered by aliens. Not exactly talk over a cup of tea with grandpa and grandma!

I suppose its 'slowly slowly catchy monkey'

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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback

Post by Kent » Tue Nov 08, 2016 3:20 pm

If you think about it the Roman Empire seems to have been 'franchised' across much of humanity. What I mean by that is that the cultural traditions and social make-up of the Empire seem to persist today in many of the same forms as back then, only now on a broader scale. The epicenter of entertainment and public distraction at the height of the Roman Empire was the Coliseum. And what do you see in practically every major city today, particularly in the United States? Huge sports stadiums which can hold tens of thousands of people, and whose existence requires massive amounts of resources benefiting a very small number of individuals (the sport team owners, and related business interests) while costing the average citizen (for those who participate) a portion of their resources of both time and money.

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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback

Post by daniel » Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:19 am

trippingthelight wrote:... Atlantis was real, the Moon is/was a spaceship, there REAL little men, dinosaurs are not as old as you think and probably not WHAT you think and oh, Adam and Eve were real but just genetically engineered by aliens. Not exactly talk over a cup of tea with grandpa and grandma!
If you want to have some "fun" with the knowledge, don't try to explain any of it to anyone--just treat it as "matter of fact," "everybody knows this" stuff and work it into a conversation, without explanation. If someone isn't ready to hear it, it will just float past their ears and no more will become of it, but every now and then you'll find someone that will do a "WAIT WAIT... BACK UP A MINUTE... WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?"

But don't be surprised if you end up talking all night long, detailing what you know.
Kent wrote:The epicenter of entertainment and public distraction at the height of the Roman Empire was the Coliseum.
For me, the epicenter of entertainment will be when they turn politics in to a "reality TV" program, where we can "vote off" a representative every month, and throw them to the lions. Takes care of two problems at once, getting rid of a politician AND a lawyer... three, if you count feeding the lions.
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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback

Post by trippingthelight » Mon Nov 14, 2016 4:45 am

daniel wrote:If you want to have some "fun" with the knowledge, don't try to explain any of it to anyone--just treat it as "matter of fact," "everybody knows this" stuff and work it into a conversation, without explanation. If someone isn't ready to hear it, it will just float past their ears and no more will become of it, but every now and then you'll find someone that will do a "WAIT WAIT... BACK UP A MINUTE... WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?"
I like this approach, the problem with most people is they are happy to believe the mainstream knowledge despite there being no hard facts, just because 'it's common knowledge', a truth consensus by the masses. From what I can now see there seems to be more accurate information regarding real truth than there is the fake facts about the accepted truth but they demand more facts about the real truth than they do about the accepted truth. It doesn't make sense. ie. I could explain about the moon being a hollowed out ark that hasn't always been there and they would demand fact after fact but then get them to explain what they perceive the moon to be and they would barely get past the fact that its "in the sky and its lit up by the sun at night". The level of discernment to uncover truth only seems to work one way.

I think most people are content with reading the last few pages of this 'life' book and not interested in uncovering everything that has led up to this point. To understand events today, it is necessary to understand real history, everyone seems to think the world is how it's always been and how it always will be.

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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback

Post by daniel » Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:41 am

trippingthelight wrote:To understand events today, it is necessary to understand real history, everyone seems to think the world is how it's always been and how it always will be.
That is very true; even science treat the Earth like it has NEVER changed, despite all the maps and paintings that tell otherwise. And it seems to be a general case--conventional science, religion and philosophy is "static" (never changes). That is why they have such a big problem dealing with Larson's Universe of MOTION.
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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback - Electrons

Post by Andrew » Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:48 pm

Do electrons even exist in non-living material, such as a rock? Or is modern science that bogus. I don't even know how they could be that wrong.
The reason being a rock is made of rotations in time and an electron could pass through it, because an electron is a rotation in space (s/t = motion.) But that motion would produce an electric current if electrons are actually present in the material organization itself. Perhaps rocks don't shock you then because the orientation of a rock is a poor conductor of electricity? I'm confused. And it's probably science's fault.

If I can wrap my head around electricity, it'll probably blow my mind. I'm just not seeing how if there is "no aether that does not occupy space" we can turn it on and off. What starts the motion?
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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback

Post by PHIon » Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:57 pm

daniel wrote: If you want to have some "fun" with the knowledge, don't try to explain any of it to anyone--just treat it as "matter of fact,"...
Maybe that's the problem I'm having because I usually preface an RS type of comment in conversations with the fact that it isn't a mainstream idea. It's like you're dead in the water as soon as you say that. Then the responses are definitely cold shoulder to hostile. My pharmacist, though, reacted positively when he realized the sun isn't yellow anymore and the sun burns the skin way more than it ever used to. He's old enough to remember when things were different. I also like to add that some of these things are completely observable. You don't have to read about the sun changing because it's right there to see.

Regarding chemtrails, I'm right near a major airport (O'Hare) and why is it that so many low flying jets are passing the airport completely. They're not taking off or landing. Jets passing by the airport fly much higher.
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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback - Electrons

Post by daniel » Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:45 am

Andrew wrote:But that motion would produce an electric current if electrons are actually present in the material organization itself. Perhaps rocks don't shock you then because the orientation of a rock is a poor conductor of electricity? I'm confused. And it's probably science's fault.
It is called Telluric current. In order to get shocked, you need a pathway between voltage differentials. To get that, you would have to grab hold of the top and bottom of a mountain at the same time--not very likely.

The "other" conductor is normally the ionosphere, with a potential difference between the ground and ionosphere being around 400 kilovolts.
Andrew wrote:If I can wrap my head around electricity, it'll probably blow my mind.
Yeah, if you do that, you probably will! Shocking!
Andrew wrote:I'm just not seeing how if there is "no aether that does not occupy space" we can turn it on and off. What starts the motion?
An excess or depletion. Everything wants to be in balance, so if the current is just "warm" all over the place, nothing moves. You need a hot and cold spot to get things moving--in electricity, that is the voltage difference.
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Re: Part V: The Annunaki strikeback - Electrons

Post by MrTwig » Sat Nov 19, 2016 8:13 am

Andrew wrote:If I can wrap my head around electricity, it'll probably blow my mind.
daniel wrote:Yeah, if you do that, you probably will! Shocking!
Okay! Now we are talking my field.

Start with magnets. That is what started the understanding of electricity. There are two kinds of electricity that we use, DC (direct current) and AC (alternating current). We found that what magnets do is move what was determined, or named, electrons between the north and south pole, opposite end of a magnet. Some material conducts these electrons easier then others. Please see Chemistry for further details. We also found that by putting certain materials together we could make what we call a battery or storage device of these electrons. By increasing the size of the batteries we found that "work" could be done. That is the DC back ground.

Along come Tesla and his experiments into electricity and he found that by alternating the current you could send the power or "work" long distances and use it where ever you needed it. He patented all the original equipment for AC. What he found was that by moving the electrons at one end of a wire the other end would move at the same rate (kind of like that toy that has the metal balls suspended by two strings). If you look at this world as made-up of tiny balls in a sea of "ether" then you can see how we transfer energy by bumping or pushing one way or another. One of the other things that Tesla found was the frequency matters. He found that by using "radio" wave frequencies he could created the equipment we know as radios. Later TV came along following the same theory.

If you check out frequency charts of what we call the electromagnetic radiation spectrum you will find x-rays, gamma-rays, radio, infrared and visual waves. It seems that each one of these frequencies has a different rate or speed but they are all able to be there at the same time. We only use the visual rays to see with. By the way, that is where photons come in to use, which is another story.
All that glitter is not GOLD!

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