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RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:11 am
by Aaron
I thought it was time to create a new topic here for the latest RUBICON post by daniel. I received an email contact from a new member the other day about it, and I also thought a new topic thread here would benefit other new comers.

RUBICON has become a word analogous with a "Point of No Return", inspired by the river Rubicon that Caesar crossed on his march to Rome.

Since RUBICON is named after a famous river in Northern Italy that served as the border of Gaul, I thought it appropriate to recognize that most rivers have smaller tributaries that extend out from them like branches of a tree.

daniel's RUBICON post very appropriately references the "Point of No return" as it pertains to Timelines. This made me think also of how many "little Rubicons" we encounter in our lives (like river tributaries) as our awareness expands and that "EUREKA MOMENT" light bulb turns on in our heads!

It is the aggregate of these Rubicon discoveries that change and shape the landscape of the future and ultimately the larger timelines. Just like river tributaries that branch off of their larger body, they route out new landscapes and paths not taken before. This is very analogous to how the conscious and unconscious mind will begin to alter the landscape and path our existence and ultimately alter the larger timeline of human consciousness.

For me, the daniel papers have served as several Rubicon tributaries; each one expanding and altering my awareness from the knowledge and perspectives put forth.

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:20 pm
by Djchrismac
Aaron wrote:RUBICON has become a word analogous with a "Point of No Return", inspired by the river Rubicon that Caesar crossed on his march to Rome.
Aaron wrote:daniel's RUBICON post very appropriately references the "Point of No return" as it pertains to Timelines.
It's amazing how much the word Rubicon started appearing for me after this post, a few examples being: ... nch-party/
The event will also include talks from keynote speakers and speakers from the community to give an insight into TEDxGU2015’s topic of “Crossing the Rubicon”, the Julius Caesar inspired antonym reflecting ‘a point of no return’. TEDx will cover issues sensitive to Glasgow as well as much borader topics about connectivity and change.
Aaron wrote:It is the aggregate of these Rubicon discoveries that change and shape the landscape of the future and ultimately the larger timelines. Just like river tributaries that branch off of their larger body, they route out new landscapes and paths not taken before. This is very analogous to how the conscious and unconscious mind will begin to alter the landscape and path our existence and ultimately alter the larger timeline of human consciousness.
I think this sums up why people need to leave the herd mentality, stop being told what to think by those in control of the disinfo matrix and begin thinking for themselves so we can move to a more positive timeline. The key is to bridge that gap between the conscious and unconscious mind.
Aaron wrote:For me, the daniel papers have served as several Rubicon tributaries; each one expanding and altering my awareness from the knowledge and perspectives put forth.
Every time I re-read the daniel papers, new information jumps out at me that I was sure I had picked up on before but apparently wasn't quite ready to digest the first time around.
daniel wrote:And then there is the weather… early February in Utah, the temperatures reached 70F–consistently–and the temps are still up in the 60s. Trees are budding, soon to put out leaves. One hard frost, and it’s “goodbye” apples and grapes. So the only major environmental factor I’ve run across is this climate shift–and I believe that is what the Rubicon references are hinting at–our climate situation has “gone past the point of no return.” We’re stuck with chemtrails now. If they were to stop spraying, the intensity of the sun would turn the northern hemisphere into a desert in short order. And we’re talking weeks, not years.
We've had the opposite, still no buds on the trees due to the constant dark of the cloud shield and cold arctic jet stream winds sent our way. From what i've seen they are currently tentatively letting bits of sun through to try and kick start spring. I agree though, when it does get to shine through the sun is so hot and burny that if they stopped the geoengineering it would be forest fire central in the northern hemisphere... again! :( ... s-13264463 - 2011

This is backed up further by the stats and although geoengineering has been happening for many decades, possibly even much longer to cover for industrialisation affecting the natural precipitation cycle, I noticed it really going into overdrive in 2012. Just check out the incredible drop in forest fires between 2011/12 and 2012/13: ... 1200423FA1
daniel wrote:"Now, if you’ve got a problem I suggest you look upon this as an opportunity, not a burden.” I’m stuck here in the northern hemisphere, just like billions of others–but with one difference–I have a basic understanding of what is going on around me. And I also believe that nothing happens by accident, so I am at this place and time for a reason, and it is an opportunity to learn and grow, perhaps in a different direction than the default process that is going on in the southern hemisphere.
I used to believe that if you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire... The A-Team! But that was when I was young and naive and they won't be able to help with this problem unfortunately! ;)
daniel wrote:So now it is time to collect some data, switch on the Bubble-Headed Booby (my dual-monitor desktop) and see what this cataclysmic chemtrail catastrophe can actually provide for learning and growth.
Any progress with the data collection or insight as to how we can learn, grow and move beyond the destruction of natural weather in the northern hemisphere? I really don't like this current timeline I see as I look out the window...

Thinking about it, I know that nature likes to return to a balance but at present I just can't see any way out of this current predicament apart from an entire hemisphere of people waking up to what's going on and demanding something is done about it that doesn't result in a Mad Max desert scenario.

It's like we are the Enkaran's and the geoengineers are the Gadmeer but they are already changing our homeworld so there no chance of us being relocated to somewhere better! Unless that "somewhere" is the paradise of Hades....

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:21 pm
by Lozion
Slightly off topic but I'm still wrapping my head around this last blog.
I fail to see how the southern hemisphere may have gone through the upgrade process daniel refers to in his geoengineering paper.
Yes the CT are in full blown activity in the northern hemisphere, Canada just had one of the coldest winters in history while the rest of the globe seems to be warming up, not cooling down. So how can we evaluate changes in CT free areas? Infinity is in South Africa, you are in South America, can you notice any tangible changes?
Maybe the process is too subtle, but daniel's paper mentions this:
In my opinion, this solar transition is the “harvest” or “ascension” to a new state for life on Earth—not just man—all life on Earth. All the physical properties get “kicked up a notch,” as Emeril would say, commonly known as a “higher density” or a “higher dimension

So, if we went through solar transition and are not up a notch (or are we, but only in the South?), it infers the NWO's geoengineering has succeeded in Earth crossing that point of no return, taking us on a course unplotted...

I have this image of 'them' sitting with their feets up, lighting up cigars, while laughing & thinking "all going according to plan"... :cry:

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:55 am
by pgolde
I am not convinced these "children" or "infants", playing with time without regard for consequence, just the main goal of weaponizing it, were finished with the close of the Phoenix project. Why would they stop? They seem give no thought to dive headlong into things they have no clue about, at the expense of humans, or without regard for the universe.
I suppose "they" are the military industrial complex, and have no real authority in place, or do they? Reptiles walking the corridors as advisers? Would not the advisers have an understanding of how the universe works since they were here before us and their parents gmo'd us? The story reads like a tv scifi plot where we are left with an ending that does not add up. Perhaps the advisers are as lost as the ones "rebuilding" the weapons, or are they (the MIC) just being played. In any case, there is nothing to lead me to believe that this was (is) the project, experiment of the sort going on. Are the people at CERN that clueless to build a trillion dollar piece of crap or is there another use for it? Who made the decision to stop all time experiments for the good of mankind and for the safety of our children (sarcasm). I remember reading the required energy vortex or whatever has moved off planet. That would be no hindrance to generals with antigravity platforms.
Ultimately, I am not really concerned by any of it, if they pulled the drain plug, I will be spiraling down with the rest of us. In the mean time, life.
Thanks again for the blog.

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2015 11:18 am
by daniel
pgolde wrote:I am not convinced these "children" or "infants", playing with time without regard for consequence, just the main goal of weaponizing it, were finished with the close of the Phoenix project. Why would they stop? They seem give no thought to dive headlong into things they have no clue about, at the expense of humans, or without regard for the universe.
I'm not sure what this reply is in reference to, but if you've worked for the military (in any country), the first thing you find out is "that information is on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know." It is a tree structure where information only flows from the leaves (the grunts) down the branches (NCOs) into the trunk (officers) and down into the roots (generals)... there is no return path.

The S-Ms would not give any information to our military-industrial complex unless they ABSOLUTELY "needed to know." Advisers are just the ones that tell their workers what to do, to obtain the information that they need to know, to pass it on up in the chain of command.

When Montauk shut down, of course they did not stop experiments; "why build one, when you can build two at twice the price?" (--JR Hadden, Contact).

Plus, you also need to remember that conscience is being bred out of humanity, with all the fear and violence. Without a conscience to be your guide, where do you stop?

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 9:24 am
by pgolde
I'm not sure what this reply is in reference to,
Not in reference to anything specific, just quick, poorly thought out response to your blog post along with random stuff floating around in my head, at the moment before having to rush off to work. Making assumptions based on your work and trying to make sense of some things? I appreciate your indulgence, sometimes I need nudge in the right direction now and again. The matrix is a bitch, awareness is like trying to swim against the currents, if I don't make time away from mainstream, I get sucked right back in and carried further away from where I started in my efforts to keep my head above water. OK enough run-on sentences :)

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:49 pm
by MrTwig
daniel wrote:Plus, you also need to remember that conscience is being bred out of humanity, with all the fear and violence. Without a conscience to be your guide, where do you stop?
Wow, that is bad! And we had such hope of a better future. Is this part of the dumbing down of the younger generation? It all started with the drugs didn't it. Well that and the mind games.

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:34 am
by Ilkka
MrTwig wrote:It all started with the drugs didn't it. Well that and the mind games.
I guess addiction that comes with the usage of drugs is that what surpasses conscience. Ego is needing something more and therefore does not care anything else but that one thing. The same goes for pretty much anything ego related thing.

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:07 pm
by MrTwig
Ilkka wrote:I guess addiction that comes with the usage of drugs is that what surpasses conscience. Ego is needing something more and therefore does not care anything else but that one thing. The same goes for pretty much anything ego related thing.
More than anything, I am finding out that where you place your attention, matters. If they or whoever they are want something done they will get you to focus on what they need you to focus on. If you do not play alone they will fill your time with useless things. It could be a type of magic for all I know. Create the problem and present the solution. Addictions play on our basic desires: food, shelter and fun or entertainment. At each level of our social construct there are way to "play" you. Psychology explains so much, to start with. Ego is not bad but a strong force that need to be controlled properly.

Re: RUBICON-Mental Tributaries

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 9:49 am
by daniel
MrTwig wrote:Ego is not bad but a strong force that need to be controlled properly.
There is an old saying that goes, "a place for everything and everything in its place." The ego is designed to keep your body alive. The shadow (the anima of a man) does the same for the soul. The problem occurs when your consciousness doesn't get out of bed in the morning, and the ego/shadow are out on their own--so they have to take over the functions of what your consciousness and free will are supposed to be doing--but are busily dreaming away in Matrix-land. And eventually that sleep becomes a coma, and the ego is in full control of everything.

I read something interesting this morning that I found quite by accident, looking for "cosmic" information on the net... there is a "reciprocal relation" to egocentrism and materialism, that is soul-centrism, "soulism" or in RS terms, "cosmic-ism". It describes the situation where the soul becomes hyper-inflated, instead of the ego, so rather than everything material being overly important, everything that is nonmaterial takes precedence. It identified this materialism/cosmicism as the schism (another 'ism) between western (material) and eastern (cosmic) beliefs and philosophies.

If you think about the reciprocal of ego, it explains much--rather than project everything into observable, physical objects, you project everything onto unobservable, spiritual concepts (like angels, demons and gods). Rather than wanting to collect physical things for self-aggrandizement, you pursue collecting of the nonphysical--bioenergy--which explains the drive of "gurus" wanting followers.

Think about this inverse-ego some, and it can be quite revealing.