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Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 6:28 pm
by daniel
Andrew wrote:
Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:39 pm
Everyday beasts, "muggle-known" beasts, according to Larson, are entirely controlled by the Sector 2 biological influence. They follow natural law to the maximum potential of the influence of the life unit.
Keep in mind that many of the "magical beasts" were actually the locals trying to describe the technology of the gods, which was far beyond their comprehension.

By using the three sectors, you have to break down life, correspondingly. Let's look at man, because he's everywhere... they all start with the life unit:
  1. homo sapiens erectus: hominid body, motivated by unconscious feelings that are transmitted via the life unit from the soul/cosmic body (anima). Reacts on instinct. In this case, I would agree with Larson--no ethical control units.
  2. homo sapiens sapiens: same body, but motivated by unconscious thinking--recognizes patterns and is able to use the neocortical function of "pattern prediction" as a survival mechanism. Thinking allows for action, rather than just reaction. In this case, a "bit" of ethical control unit, more like a subatomic particle than an atom. Enough to open the communication pathway between corpus and anima, but not engaged in regulatory or survival functions.
  3. homo sapiens ethicus: hominid form, but motivated by consciousness (spirituality). Here you would have the ethical control unit as an active part of the organism, where survival is based on an understanding of the "bigger picture."
Plants and animals most likely follow the same pattern. I have met "ethical trees." And it is seldom a species--it is usually a few "individuals" that stand out in the species, which is how a species collective explores new avenues of growth.

I've also been doing the background research for the next paper, "Return of the Wizards." I figured that folks might want to learn how magick works in the Reciprocal System, and what they can do to walk that path if they desire to. However... it led to some rather startling conclusions that people are NOT going to like.

Top of the list is this... which is the most dangerous, addictive stuff you could use:
  1. Liquor (alcoholic products)
  2. Tobacco, cigarettes, chews or cigars
  3. Simple, recreational drugs
  4. Heavy-duty recreational (psychoactive)
  5. Pharmaceutical drugs
  6. smartPhones
The answer is... #6, to which the major phone manufacturers have gone to significant lengths to cover up, including bribes, harassment and trashing anyone who dares to say that RF emissions from a phone (which can transmit up to a MILE through your brain) are "dangerous." (See the research of Dr. George Carlo for additional data.) Reminds me of the old "cigarette" days, where it was scientifically proven that cigarettes did not cause any lung problems! Test results on smartPhones by non-American countries have produced some startling conclusions. A cell phone to the ear is like sticking your head in a microwave oven (about the same frequency range, too). And as to all those folks that keep their phones in their pants pockets next to their genitals... I guess that should take care of the Idiocracy problem!

It comes down to this... like the LMs, wizardry and human technology are simply NOT COMPATIBLE. If you want your letter to Hogwarts, you'll have to give up "all of the above."

Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 11:23 am
by PHIon
daniel wrote:
Wed May 03, 2017 6:28 pm
Top of the list is this... which is the most dangerous, addictive stuff you could use:
  1. Liquor (alcoholic products)
  2. Tobacco, cigarettes, chews or cigars
  3. Simple, recreational drugs
  4. Heavy-duty recreational (psychoactive)
  5. Pharmaceutical drugs
  6. smartPhones
The only one I, personally, have a problem with is 5 because I do take some meds to take care of a chronic problem. They do seem to be doing what they are supposed to do, but I have to deal with some mental fogginess sometimes. Yes, a cup of tea or coffee does help snap me out of it so I can concentrate for longer periods studying, and also, caffeine is a proven pain killer.

I'm told by my docs not to take supplements generally, because of possible interactions, but if any one can recommend an herbal tea for mental clarity, I'd look into it. My biggest concern with supplements is that they could be made of chemicals in a factory, so you might not be getting anything natural anyway, similar to the factory-produced chemical nitrogen that's put in lawn fertilizers, but it's not the same nitrogen produced by Nature.
daniel wrote:
Wed May 03, 2017 6:28 pm
It comes down to this... like the LMs, wizardry and human technology are simply NOT COMPATIBLE. If you want your letter to Hogwarts, you'll have to give up "all of the above."
This comment made me think of those meditation aps, where you are supposedly getting yourself into the delta or theta brain waves or whatever they claim, but your temporal connection is actually being severed. No problem here, though. No silly phone.

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 6:55 pm
by Andrew
Dr. Carlo sounds like he thinks distance to EMF does effect one's vulnerability to its consequences. So working at a desktop and turning off the smartphone unless completely necessary is a good way to curb its influences?

Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 11:31 am
by daniel
PHIon wrote:
Fri May 05, 2017 11:23 am
The only one I, personally, have a problem with is 5 because I do take some meds to take care of a chronic problem. They do seem to be doing what they are supposed to do, but I have to deal with some mental fogginess sometimes.
The effects of pharmaceutical drugs is currently being researched in detail by LoneBear, who got put on them due to a heart condition (extreme risk of heart attack or stroke). He can certainly identify with the "mental fogginess"--his #2 complaint concerning their use (#1 is depression). He is keeping a detailed record of all foods, supplements, exercise and blood tests to see if there are patterns.

One of the interesting correlations is that between blood pressure and potassium. He had very erratic blood pressure, usually in the "high" region (~140/90)--except on the day following strength exercise, where he was getting a lot of potassium in electrolytes. Now supplementing with 500mg potassium per day and the blood pressure has really dropped (~120/72) and is now holding steady in the normal range (normal is <135/80).

I looked at it in the RS, and it turns out that potassium is an antagonist for sodium--in other words, it blocks the absorption of sodium by the body. Every milligram of potassium you take in will block an equivalent amount of sodium. Sodium is known to be a cause of high and erratic blood pressure. (Low BP data: sodium=1900, potassium=1380 per day; High BP data: sodium=2400, potassium=870; daily averages).

I tell you... it is scary to read food labels and sum up what you are actually eating.
PHIon wrote:
Fri May 05, 2017 11:23 am
I'm told by my docs not to take supplements generally, because of possible interactions, but if any one can recommend an herbal tea for mental clarity, I'd look into it.
Ginkgo biloba does a good job with mental clarity, because it opens up the blood flow in the brain. It is not a stimulant, just gets more oxygen to the neurons.

The biggest thing is not what to take, but what to avoid--namely anything with aluminum in it (cause of Alzheimer's). Two big sources are antiperspirants, where you scrape alum compounds directly into your pores and aluminum cookware (alum dissolves in water).
Andrew wrote:
Fri May 05, 2017 6:55 pm
Dr. Carlo sounds like he thinks distance to EMF does effect one's vulnerability to its consequences. So working at a desktop and turning off the smartphone unless completely necessary is a good way to curb its influences?
If your desktop is hard-wired to the router and the wireless is off (like mine is).

What I found particularly interesting in Carlo's research was that the problems were not due to the "heating" of the energies involved, but from their interactions with each other--in musical terms, causing a dissonant chord in the brain, via beat frequencies.

BTW, you cannot turn a smartphone off... the electronics remains active, still pinging towers, GPS locating and staying connected so it can beep at you when you get a message. The only way to actually turn it off is to remove the battery--which I understand you can no longer do on most phones.

Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 4:51 pm
by Ilkka
PHIon wrote:
Fri May 05, 2017 11:23 am
Yes, a cup of tea or coffee does help snap me out of it so I can concentrate for longer periods studying, and also, caffeine is a proven pain killer.
To me caffeine from tea doesn't do anything for my headaches. I probably have such tolerance for caffeine that it doesn't affect me in anyway anymore.

If you or anyone else have some depression going on I had this herbal tea in mind for that. From this flower I tried this once I think taste is kind of ok for herbal tea it'll give nice red color too from the yellow flowers, but couldnt feel much difference and I figure that it is needed to take for a week or so daily for any effect that could be seen. I have a place where this variation "Hypericum maculatum" grows so this summer I can go and pick and dry em for winter, since it seems that I still have some winter depression going on, even though sun has been showing for a week or so and been outside. I also have seeds of that flower and haven't gotten to spread them in anyplace though, maybe I'll do that at some point in some nice open place in the nearby forest.

Interesting fact how you differentiate the two flowers is in the stem. Other one has four sides and the other three sides. Basically both have the same useful ingredients, but I read in some finnish blog that they taste slightly different, still the same effect.

PS. I have hardwired connection as well and my cell phone is on GSM. Don't have "smart"phone because there is no use for such a thing in my life.

Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 5:12 pm
by PHIon
daniel wrote:
Sat May 06, 2017 11:31 am
Every milligram of potassium you take in will block an equivalent amount of sodium.
Thanks for that information. In the past, potassium was a danger for me because the docs said it could have caused a heart attack, but that situation may have changed now, so I'm going to eat more oranges or something like that.

Wondering if phosphorus and calcium are antagonists in RS terms? When one of those goes up the other goes down. With a high phosphorus level for too long, the calcium level goes down and the body starts taking calcium from the bones to replace what has been lost which then weakens the bones. Loads of phosphorus in the dark sodas.

I'll check out the ginkgo biloba for the mental clarity.
daniel wrote:
Sat May 06, 2017 11:31 am
I tell you... it is scary to read food labels and sum up what you are actually eating.
Yes, and now we're also ingesting the wi-fi everywhere like we're living on an aircraft carrier. No I(infertility)-pads for me with an antenna blasting into my lap. Children are supposed to be more at risk than adults from this radiation and schools are installing these wireless networks. Just the fact that Artemis is the name of a wireless company refers to fertility or lack thereof, sterility being an effect of wi-fi according to Carlos. Even their logo looks like the female reproductive organ.

Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 7:18 am
by DSKlausler
daniel wrote:
Sat May 06, 2017 11:31 am
BTW, you cannot turn a smartphone off... the electronics remains active, still pinging towers, GPS locating and staying connected so it can beep at you when you get a message. The only way to actually turn it off is to remove the battery--which I understand you can no longer do on most phones.
These "Faraday cages" are becoming more popular - for obvious reasons.

Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 11:21 am
by daniel
PHIon wrote:
Mon May 08, 2017 5:12 pm
In the past, potassium was a danger for me because the docs said it could have caused a heart attack, but that situation may have changed now, so I'm going to eat more oranges or something like that.
LB's doctor told him that if you start to have heart flutter (your heart has moments where it goes erratic) then you are getting too much potassium and just to keep an eye out for that. But in the past, food wasn't saturated with sodium, either.
PHIon wrote:
Mon May 08, 2017 5:12 pm
Wondering if phosphorus and calcium are antagonists in RS terms?
No; the antagonist for phosphorus would be nitrogen.
PHIon wrote:
Mon May 08, 2017 5:12 pm
Yes, and now we're also ingesting the wi-fi everywhere like we're living on an aircraft carrier. No I(infertility)-pads for me with an antenna blasting into my lap. Children are supposed to be more at risk than adults from this radiation and schools are installing these wireless networks.
I've been doing my own research on EM crosstalk, since there are so many wireless sources these days. A lot of little signals can spike up to some very dangerous values, when "waves add." And it is from MANY sources, radio towers, VHF units that emergency services carry, broadcast television, microwave relay stations (that connect cell towers together), routers, wireless phones, wireless devices (keyboards, mice, TVs, speakers, heck... even refrigerators now!). We have a completely saturated environment.

I think we are already experiencing a "wireless" version of the Hutchinson Effect now, but the "effects" are not being tied to wireless crosstalk. Most noticeable is the random CPU crashes that are becoming more and more frequent... computers crash for no apparent reason (EM spike). Now when these spikes happen in the brain, well, no telling what can happen, particularly since the Hutchinson effect can produce motion in 3D time (as exhibited by antigravity and shear strain distortion). In the body, motion in 3D time affects the SOUL... probably creates emotional problems.

It is a totally unexplored field and all research into it tends to get squashed by the mega-corporations, because wireless tech is so incredibly profitable.

Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 4:05 pm
by PHIon
Ilkka wrote:
Sun May 07, 2017 4:51 pm
I also have seeds of that flower and haven't gotten to spread them in anyplace though, maybe I'll do that at some point in some nice open place in the nearby forest.
I collect seeds, too. It's great isn't it? These days we seem to be told not to bother harvesting seeds because they're supposed to be genetically altered and won't produce any seeds in Autumn, or you may get some seeds but they won't be fertile. This may be true for some plants but I've had great success collecting and replanting seeds in Spring. Seed packs can get expensive. Plus I really feel like I'm a part of Nature's cycles when I participate in the process. My best cucumbers have come from seed, not from store-bought plants. Most people don't want to be that patient I guess. Of course, with the unpredictability of the weather (have you heard many spot-on forecasts since the onslaught of genetic engineering?), it's hard to know just when to put the seeds in the ground. I cover them for our "new-normal" May frost warnings.

Re: Fantastic Beings, Where do I find them?

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 4:51 pm
by Ilkka
PHIon wrote:
Wed May 10, 2017 4:05 pm
I collect seeds, too. It's great isn't it? These days we seem to be told not to bother harvesting seeds because they're supposed to be genetically altered and won't produce any seeds in Autumn, or you may get some seeds but they won't be fertile. This may be true for some plants but I've had great success collecting and replanting seeds in Spring. Seed packs can get expensive. Plus I really feel like I'm a part of Nature's cycles when I participate in the process. My best cucumbers have come from seed, not from store-bought plants. Most people don't want to be that patient I guess. Of course, with the unpredictability of the weather (have you heard many spot-on forecasts since the onslaught of genetic engineering?), it's hard to know just when to put the seeds in the ground. I cover them for our "new-normal" May frost warnings.
I got some chili seeds (Lemon Drop and some random red chili from store) as well, my little brother grew those lemon drops and I used them in my food, quite good ones, should probably start to grow em again from the seeds, because I'm out of those chili peppers. Got the random red ones, that some former coworker grew in her backyard and didnt have any place for them so she gave em to me, they have different taste than the yellow lemon drops and more pungent odour too.

The weather here is all too wacky too, at night time still goes below zero centigrade. Its almost half way into May, not supposed to be this kind of cold nights in these parts in this month. Summer should've started already. So definitely something going on with weather. There was this one year when summer fully started in late April. This year not so much since today Wednesday there was snowfall but all melted fairly quickly and the snow was in little snowballs, not hail like ice, maybe there is difference or the word is hail for both. My definition of hail would be that of ice and not soft like snowball so to be more precise on this understanding of meaning of words.

I really dont have good place to grow much of anything, since my dads cottage is about 100 kms at one direction. Plants would get too costly to maintain them periodically. Still I think me and my brother are going to go and pick some wild raspberries from certain places, maybe even blueberries from nearby forests. Of course it depends if they yield nicely this year, like last year. Might be unlikely a good harvest this year for raspberries.