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Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 2:23 am
by Ilkka
daniel wrote:Let me throw this into the pot... are meteors zooming across space and hitting the Earth, or is the Earth zooming across space, running into stationary asteroids that become meteors?

How have you been viewing it, in your mind?
That is a good one for sure. I didn't even think of it that way before, because of original thinking of gravity in macroscale. Although I would've eventually think of that if I had more interest in the matter here.

It is like the "throw a bag of marbles in a hall way and walking through it" kind of thing. Only that the marbles here are the asteroids etc. that are being stationary. That reference above was to explain radioactive emissions over time, you pick em (harmful rays) up as time goes forward in that location in space.

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 11:48 am
by Kent
daniel wrote:Let me throw this into the pot... are meteors zooming across space and hitting the Earth, or is the Earth zooming across space, running into stationary asteroids that become meteors?

How have you been viewing it, in your mind?
Well, if Earth is zooming across space (which I would agree that it is), then it stands to reason that its gravitational limit would also be moving along with it.

At this moment I prefer not to expound on the implications of that movement, although I will revisit the clues that Daniel has laid concerning the elemental make-up of meteors. I'm going to 'hit the books' a little further and will return to this riddle.

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 8:47 pm
by animus
daniel wrote:
animus wrote:Nope...I give up.
Interesting... looking at the post times, that was only 7.5 hours.
Actually...not even that. :oops: I'm more skilled in finding information rather than coming up with them. Time has always been precious to me and most of the times it's faster to look for an existing answer than finding it out yourself. That's the internet generation for ya :D But I see the downside now: the consciousness won't expand this way, at least not as good. Especially when most of the existing answers have it wrong...
daniel wrote:You are thinking one-dimensionally. If you notice in the diagram, there are three dimensions--each can be sublight or FTL. 3D space, 3D time, three dimensions of motion.
Ah yes, I forgot that.
daniel wrote:Let me throw this into the pot... are meteors zooming across space and hitting the Earth, or is the Earth zooming across space, running into stationary asteroids that become meteors?

How have you been viewing it, in your mind?
I pictured the first. I guess that's what you meant with thinking one-dimensionally.
In that case, there is no need for any magnetic lines of field to trigger anything. As soon as earth "hits" the stationary asteroid/meteoroid, that is to say as soon as the asteroid gets within the gravitational limit, it's "falling" due to gravity (=meteor) until it burns out in the atmosphere or makes it to the ground (=meteorite).
daniel wrote:What explodes to create a supernova?
General speaking, the outer shell of the star.

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 3:04 am
by joeyv23
LoneBear wrote: But, you may ask, "what about meteorites? They fall to Earth all the time and are soulless rocks."

Let's see if you folks here can figure out the answer to that... here's some clues: look at the elements that are in meteorites, then examine what happens when a star goes supernova.
It's stellar evolution at a planetary level. In evolutionary stages prior to the current one, the material that was thrown out by explosion of the stage 1 star aggregated back into stellar form, the process repeating until the system reached the binary stage. The same thing is happening now, just at a different scale since the planets and the asteroids are all remnants of the white dwarf "B" component. The planetary crust, which is the aggregation of meteoric material is aggregation towards the closest 1-x speed range of the material blasted out (or in across the unit speed boundary) by the supernova of the "A" component star. Everything is seeking towards stability and unity. It's natural that the stellar material would aggregate again after it's all blown apart. The "soulless" nature of asteroids is less than accurate. The aggregation is the body (low speed material--motion descended back into 3d space in the stellar region where they become meteors and meteorites when this occurs within the gravitational limit of a planetary sphere) and the soul (ultra high speed material--the core of the planet) seeking towards unity (1/1).

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 11:39 am
by daniel
animus wrote:Time has always been precious to me and most of the times it's faster to look for an existing answer than finding it out yourself. That's the internet generation for ya :D But I see the downside now: the consciousness won't expand this way, at least not as good. Especially when most of the existing answers have it wrong...
Computers provide a set of answers, people filter the computer output and provide one answer. Golly... this new generation has become a computer peripheral! Yep, people are rapidly becoming a "plugin" to an AI system. Unless you want that "red pill..." Reminds me a bit of TRON, "Greetings, programs!" Except now it is more, "Greetings, Plugins!" :D

If time is precious, then apply it to the process, not the plugin. Search engines can only pattern match--they cannot reason.
animus wrote:I pictured the first. I guess that's what you meant with thinking one-dimensionally.
In that case, there is no need for any magnetic lines of field to trigger anything. As soon as earth "hits" the stationary asteroid/meteoroid, that is to say as soon as the asteroid gets within the gravitational limit, it's "falling" due to gravity (=meteor) until it burns out in the atmosphere or makes it to the ground (=meteorite).
Now you're starting to see it. That's why we have meteor showers, like the Perseids. We're running in to a pile of rocks.

The process of flipping an idea around is called Lateral Thinking. Worth some time investigating, as it shows the process of creativity which is a key element in true research.

And in the RS, it is a matter of the point of observation... do electrons flow through a wire, or does the wire flow through the electrons?
animus wrote:
daniel wrote:What explodes to create a supernova?
General speaking, the outer shell of the star.
And what elements explode to throw off that outer shell into the 1-x speed range? And what happens to the inner shell?

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 1:14 pm
by PHIon
daniel wrote:Let me throw this into the pot... are meteors zooming across space and hitting the Earth, or is the Earth zooming across space, running into stationary asteroids that become meteors?

How have you been viewing it, in your mind?
My current view is that the solar system moves through space as part of the natural progression, moving with scalar motion away from other gravitational systems outside the sun's gravitational limit, but I don't see why meteors wouldn't be part of the solar system's expansion as well. If meteors are carried with the progression along with the solar system, can they be captured by Earth's gravity at some point and then slow down to sublight speeds long enough for us to run into them? I'm stuck on this right now as the two or more new synapses in my brain try reach each other with a solution. I'm going to look at bruce's forum post "Visibility of Stars and Galaxies (Problem)" (in the Astronomy and Cosmology area) as a next step. The idea that there is no coordinate space beyond a gravitational limit is still a new and exciting notion that distant objects are really close, close nearby.

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 2:28 am
by Ilkka
PHIon wrote:My current view is that the solar system moves through space as part of the natural progression, moving with scalar motion away from other gravitational systems outside the sun's gravitational limit, but I don't see why meteors wouldn't be part of the solar system's expansion as well. If meteors are carried with the progression along with the solar system, can they be captured by Earth's gravity at some point and then slow down to sublight speeds long enough for us to run into them?
When a white dwarf explodes doesnt it mean that its current gravitational limit just disappears, of course the little particles the matter that is sped up to ultra-highspeed range, will have its own little "bubble" of gravitational limits. Might think it is a bubble of gravitational limit that is within a foam which eventually gets big enough and then goes "pop". I imagine the gravitational limit is growing the older the star gets.

Now when that asteroid is outside of the "foam" it quickly or immediately loses its speed and gets stuck, then an astronomical "while" goes by and the asteroid gets back in the "foam" or in another "bubble" and starts moving towards the closest object that is pulling it (which creates the "bubble").

I can be wrong though, since I am not that kind of researcher, but from what I have learned from here this is what I came up with in 15 minutes.

Also I think that with meteors it might be like a game of pinball they go from one "bubble" to another in a "foam", without hitting the objects that pulls them though, well eventually going down but I guess you get the point.

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:17 am
by daniel
Ilkka wrote:When a white dwarf explodes doesnt it mean that its current gravitational limit just disappears, of course the little particles the matter that is sped up to ultra-highspeed range, will have its own little "bubble" of gravitational limits. Might think it is a bubble of gravitational limit that is within a foam which eventually gets big enough and then goes "pop". I imagine the gravitational limit is growing the older the star gets.
Gravity is generated by two motions: the rotational system of atoms, and the "gravitational charge" or "vibratory mass" we call isotopic mass of the atom. The only way to get rid of the gravitational limit would be to get rid of the atoms creating it.

But, if those atoms were accelerated faster than light, then the gravitational limit in space will transfer to time--inward gravitation in time = outward motion in space (quasar and pulsar behavior), which wants to move away from any source of spatial gravitation. That's how "real" spacecraft engines work--control that balance between push and pull.
Ilkka wrote:Now when that asteroid is outside of the "foam" it quickly or immediately loses its speed and gets stuck, then an astronomical "while" goes by and the asteroid gets back in the "foam" or in another "bubble" and starts moving towards the closest object that is pulling it (which creates the "bubble").
You're closer than you may realize, if you change "foam" to "equivalent space."
Ilkka wrote:Also I think that with meteors it might be like a game of pinball they go from one "bubble" to another in a "foam", without hitting the objects that pulls them though, well eventually going down but I guess you get the point.
If a planet is an inside-out star, then what is this bubble of Earth moving through in orbit around the sun?

Re: The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 12:28 pm
by Ilkka
daniel wrote:
Ilkka wrote:Now when that asteroid is outside of the "foam" it quickly or immediately loses its speed and gets stuck, then an astronomical "while" goes by and the asteroid gets back in the "foam" or in another "bubble" and starts moving towards the closest object that is pulling it (which creates the "bubble").
You're closer than you may realize, if you change "foam" to "equivalent space."
Ilkka wrote:Also I think that with meteors it might be like a game of pinball they go from one "bubble" to another in a "foam", without hitting the objects that pulls them though, well eventually going down but I guess you get the point.
If a planet is an inside-out star, then what is this bubble of Earth moving through in orbit around the sun?
I thought the foam as many bubbles, so it would be that there are like territories of gravitational limit for each object in our solar system and in the universe, for those objects that have the matter to generate gravity.

I was thinking that when there begins a new gravity matter, some matter must have an ending, unless there is a fixed amount of the matter, however astronomical number it may be, but still. Also I remember that the LM ship did go near our sun to "recharge" so it gave that idea of "Alpha and Omega", beginning and ending of that gravity matter.

Could it be that many "bubbles" form a bigger bubble, that is from the sun and all the rest of the planets together as a sort of harmony and then all other smaller gravity matter objects have their own little bubbles of pull. Bubbles within bubbles, they cant get out of the biggest bubble unless something changes, as in speed up things to FTL.

A Tour of the Body

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 1:55 pm
by PHIon
Sure would like to re-take the tour of inner earth by way of a documentary film, kind of like "Fantastic Voyage." If there were a few actors to portray some of the light elves, dark elves, Nephilim, the Annuna, humans, etc. and some CGI, that could be real interesting. Got me to thinking also about touring the human body in terms of the speed ranges but I couldn't think of too many areas of the body that are cavernous, akin to hollow planet areas. The only cavities I could think of were the sinuses and the pericardium, the sack which surrounds the heart. So I looked up cavities in the body and learned that we have several such areas which are fluid-filled in order to cushion and protect. Would the body have a Sphere of Rest area and how would you cross into the Hades of the body (if you can make such a direct comparison)? Since biological life is in the intermediate speed range, there may not be any ultra high speed ranges in the body other than maybe the silver cord. I just don't know enough about the RS yet because 2-x is supposed to deal with inverse temperature and do we have that anywhere the body?