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Mayan/Aztec style head on Mars?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:33 pm
by pgolde

Jim Stone points to evidence, and considers that everything we have been taught about history is wrong.
"And now I would like to rant on what IS a hoax - OUR HISTORY." Jim Stone

It seems others are discovering things discussed here. This is good news I think.

Re: Mayan/Aztec style head on Mars?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 8:11 pm
by Djchrismac
Aye it's good to see, Jim is another "angry" researcher who's research I enjoy and check up on as soon as another plane goes missing or there is another false flag attack. He's also replied when i've emailed him, maybe he'd like to read the Daniel papers for a proper history lesson.... I may have to pass on the link to him, i'm sure he'd enjoy it. ;)